Thursday, April 30, 2020

Thursday and Cleaning

I slept fairly well last night. My arm ached some and I woke up a couple of times to go to the bathroom but primarily I slept o.k.

I got up about 5:00AM and got myself dressed and had my usual breakfast. Then I fed three or four cats. I dried the cat food that got wet in that rain this week  by laying it out on paper towels. I didn't know if they would eat it or not since it was softer after it had been wet but they appeared not to care. So that cat food did not go to waste.  Thank goodness!

I will try to finish my book today but my first priority is to do my regular Thursday cleaning.

I think for lunch today I will go out to Sonic and get that kids meal of two chicken strips, tater tots and a small coke. I get tired of frozen meals. I will be glad when the restaurants open again. That gives me another option.   I still want to stay out of Oklahoma. I don't consider them safe.

I understand Kansas will be opening for business again on Friday. It is one of the states with fewer cases of the cononavirus. Kansas now has had 3738 cases as of Wednesday.  I see in the Chronicle that we are opening the state county by county on Friday. Each county will make that decision as they are comfortable with that decision. Montgomery County has very few cases. The last I saw was 16 cases and 2 deaths.

One woman attended a church conference in Kansas City and contacted it and then brought it home and infected her husband and they both died.. Two others attended it too and contracted it but they both survived.

Our church is keeping all of our churches closed through May. We can attend online. It's not an ideal substitute but better then taking a chance attending church in person. That is way too much togetherness.

More later...

I read most of the afternoon and also read Facebook. The 14 year old mower came and mowed the yard. 

So, more later...


Kay said...

I saw one video of a woman going to church saying that God was going to protect her so she wasn’t afraid. Sigh... God gave everyone brains too so that we would know what to do in a crisis. Sigh...

Margie's Musings said...

You are correct, Kay. If God interfered in our world, the holocaust and other horrible events would never have happened.

God expects us to act for him/her. That's why he/she gave us brains...and hearts.