Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Tuesday and an Appountment with a dermatologisti

I will be going to Bartlesville today to see a dermatologist there at shortly before 2:30PM. Leslie will be going with me and we will have lunch first. I filled out the paperwork right  after I stopped in and made the appointment. Both my dentists thought I had cancer on my face near my right temple. I'm not so sure which is why I am seeing a dermatologist. That rough place has been there for years and has not changed. Years ago I did have a small cancer on my face when I used to see Dr. Eslicker.. but he retired after he got his twin boys though college. He took it off and it never returned.

I slept fairly well last night and was up at 5:00AM. When I opened the front door I had three cats waiting for me to open the door. They were Blondie, Blue and  Blackie. Now Whitey is waiting for Blue to finish so she he/she can eat what is left. I will need to get some more boxed cat food today. I only have one can left in the box. Keith had bought several boxes of it when he and Esther were here but only one can is left. 

I did catch "the weather on the 8's". Today is to be 89 degrees and cloudy and windy, Wednesday is to be 90 degrees and mostly sunny, Thursday is to be 90 degrees and partly cloudy, Friday is to be 98 degrees and partly cloudy, Saturday is to be 96 degrees and partly cloudy Sunday is to be 96 degrees and partly cloudy and Monday is to be 97 degrees and partly cloudy. That's the week! No rain at all. And we could sure use some rain. Next Monday my yard is to be mowed again. I have Leslie's check for that mowing. I have put it on my calendar with a paper clip.

More Later....

I called Leslie to ask what time she wanted to leave for Bartlesville and she said "noon". So we will leave at noon. She says she will drive. I will be ready.

More Even Later...


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