Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Tuesday and an Early Breakfast

I was up very early this morning, made my bed and dressed and got myself ready for the day. I haven't checked or cats yet but I have had my own breakfast bar and have my Chai Latte ready to drink.

I also caught "the weather on the 8's" and here it is.Today is to be 97 degrees and sunny,  tomorrow is to be 96 degrees sunny, Thursday is to be 96 degrees and sunny. Friday is to be 87 degrees and thunderstorms, Saturday is to be 87 degrees and scattered thunderstorms, Sunday is to be 81 degrees and scattered thunderstorms and Monday is to be 79 degrees and partly cloudy. That's the week! It looks like we will get some rain this week. We really need it!

More Later.

Now I will check for the cats. They are probably out there and very hungry. 

Sue enough there were four cats out there waiting for their breakfasts. I took it out to them and they are eating heaty

Blondie, Blackie, Whitie and  Blue

More Later

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