Friday, October 11, 2024

Friday and "The Weather on the 8's"

It's 5:48AM now and I have made my bed but still have to get my face made up. and get myself ready for the day.  I have been balancing my checkbook instead of getting myself ready for the day. I will get that done and then get back to this blog.

Well, I got that done and am ready for the day.

I even balanced my checkbook. Now I will go check on "the weather on the 8's " and the cats.

I found "the weather on the 8's" after I got my face made up. Then I checked on the cats.There were six out there...all Blondie yet. I  using all six dishes to feed those six cats.

Here's the weather forecast.

Today is to be 91 degrees and sunny, tomorrow is to be 94 degrees and sunny, Sunday is to be 84 degrees and partly cloudy, Monday is to be 71 degrees and sunny, Tuesday is to be 75 degrees and sunny, Wednesday is to be 75 degrees and sunny and Thursday is to be 81 degrees and sunny. That's the week! Every day is to be sunny except one and that is Sunday...which is to be partly cloudy.

There were six cats out there and I used all the dishes to feed them. Only one ate, left and walked away across the street.

More Later... 

I'd better get back in the living room and the front door. Yesterday the dog belonging to the neighbor to the south  carried off two of the bowls into their front yard and I had to go get them and take them in the house. I don't want to deal with that again today.

More Even Later ...

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