Monday, September 21, 2009

Bob's Doctor

We went to Bartlesville this morning to see Bob's dermatologist. He froze a lot of stuff on his chest, his head and his back. We will see him again in four months.

Then we came home and it was raining. I brought Slinky in. It had blown over the patio and had him all wet. I toweled him off, washed his bedding and dried it and now he is over there in the utility area lying on it...perfectly content.

Tonight we will watch TV. There is so little we enjoy on TV. We do enjoy PBS though.

I have read the news on the computer most of the day. Tomorrow I will go sit with my sister and Wednesday get my hair done. One day this week, before I leave for Independence, Missouri, we will try to have lunch with Tony and Gay, if they can work it in.

We would like to take Leslie to lunch too before I leave but I don't know exactly when.

The rain keeps coming and going.

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