Thursday, November 18, 2010

Another trip to Independence

I will go back to Independence this morning to get my hair done. This will be four trips out of town this week. I cannot find anyone in Coffeyville that can do anything with my hair. It has become so thin as I have aged.

It will be a very difficult two more years for Obama. I doubt anything of value will be accomplished. The Russian/American nuclear arms treaty is the first to be sacrificed. All that work the first president Bush put into it will be lost. We will start (or continue) building up nuclear arms. The second thing will be the tax increase for the richest 1% of the country. They will not let that expire and they may make it permanent. History has shown that trickle down economics does not work. The rich do not spend much of their wealth. The middle class spends all of their do the poor. The way to stimulate the economy is to give those who make under $200,000 the tax break because they will spend their money.

It seems the primary goal of the Republican Party is to defeat the president's hopes for the country and keep him from a second term.

At least he has a plan now to get us out of Afghanistan. We will always have a peace keeping/training force there but if we can just let the Afghans fight their own war against the Talibon, that would be the best answer. They will have to do something about Pakistan and their training grounds for them though. But they need to let the Afghans do that. Most Afghans are illiterate and so our troops are trying to teach them to read while they train them. That is a monumental and impossible job if you ask me.

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