The morning just flew by.
I've been reading this afternoon. That's about all I can do. At 5:30, though, I will have to put Slinky back outside because I have a PINCH meeting at one of the Methodist churches then.
Maybe by the time I get back home, it will have cooled down a bit. I hope so.
I had intended to go job hunting this afternoon but it was just too hot to get out.
My brother-in-law came over this morning before I left for work and I gave him my Bob's weed whacker. It is a good one...a Stiel... but it has set for over a year. It may need someone to look it over to get it started. I will just give it to him. I have my own battery operated one. I never had the "pull power" to start Bob's.
cute dog.
A real character though, Patsy.
Thanks for reading my blog.
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