I don't have a plan for today. The house is clean, the laundry is done and if it warms up enough, and there is no wind, I will rake and bag leaves today. I really need to get the yard cleaned up. Those leaves blow up on the patio and make a real mess. I will do the back yard first. If I can get those raked and bagged, I will put out three bags at a time for the trash haulers. That's all they will take at one time.
I haven't heard anything out of my boys lately. I hope all is well with them. Bob A. and I ate lunch with Leslie and John and Phyllis F. at the new Mexican restaurant yesterday.
More later...
I started my raking mid morning just as soon as it warmed up a bit. I got 16 bags of leaves and still have the entire back at my fence line yet to do. I stopped at 3:00 because I was really tired. I also mulched two flowerbeds and still have two more in the back to do and also the entire front flowerbed. If we get another warm day tomorrow while I am not working maybe I can finish the back anyhow. I haven't touched the front yet.
After I mentioned here that I hadn't heard from my boys, the oldest one called to chat a bit. He's a sweetheart.
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