Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sunday Again

It's Sunday again and I will be assisting with the setting apart of the three new pastors this morning. Our group leader from our Mission Center will be our guest minister. We will take her to lunch after church.

We still do not have a schedule for preaching and presiding. The three of them have not been able to get together to put one together. It should have been out a week or two ago. Most of us cannot just throw together a sermon without spending some time on it. I guess eventually they will get it all together. I shouldn't complain. After all, I chose to give up being pastor.

Leslie told me yesterday that they want me to continue doing the communication. I have been doing it for years. Bob and I are also supposed to do the visiting. We need to get together and go see both George and Isabell and also Gerry. They are all shut-ins.

More later....

Following the service today, the doctor who is one of the new pastors, took 13 of us to dinner. That was nice!

Bob will be over this evening to watch 60 Minutes with me.

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