Friday, May 26, 2017

Friday and Lunch with Gay

I will go to exercise class this morning and then on to Cherryvale to the vet's to pick up Gays
drugs for her animals. Then I will go on to Chanute to meet Gay for lunch. Her sister, Adele, will stay with their mother while we are downtown for lunch.

I slept kind of fitfully last night.  I don't know why. Maybe I napped too long yesterday afternoon. I fell asleep watching TV with Missy.

Bob is a little better and he intends to go to exercise class today too. We will take separate cars since I am going to Chanute after the class. I think he should not be going. He may spread whatever he has to other people. He is not well yet.

My daughter just called. They are having a "family" cookout on Monday and they have invited me. There is just going to be Jeromy,  my grandson, (their son) and his wife and children and me. Cyndi and Jeff will not be there..... nor any of the extended family. I am to take baked beans. She may make homemade ice cream...I hope so. I love homemade ice cream.

Bob just called. He has decided not to go to exercise class after all. Thank goodness! No one wants that stuff.  He sounds terrible. The cough syrup did help him sleep without coughing.

More later...

After exercises, I took off for first Cherryvale to get Gay's meds for her dogs and then on to Chanute to meet her for lunch. Wouldn't you know, she bought my lunch.

We had a very good visit. I will go back next month sometime. She needs respite from her responsibilities.  Her mom will be 100 next January 8th and her husband, Tony, has lost 80 pounds with the fluid that been taken off his body and his dialysis. He doesn't even look like to Tony I know.

I got home about 3:30 and the paper came shortly after 4:00. I read that and watched the news. Later, about 8:00 I took my bath and at 9:00, Missy and I went to bed.

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