Friday, March 13, 2020

Friday and Cleaning

I slept well again last night and got up about 5:30AM, dressed and had my breakfast. I checked with Bob and he slept much better last night. That's good. Living with pain is just not an option if there is an alternative. That couple of shots must have done wonders.

I had three cats show up for breakfast this morning. Gray mama cat, her young yellow cat and another gray cat...probably one of her half grown kittens. Mama cat is always the first here. Of course, she was half starved when she started coming last year. She has fattened up nicely over the past year. She's very good at eating all she wants and then sitting to the side to let her family eat after that.

I will clean today since I didn't get that done yesterday. Then I may take my cake over to the church to that freezer there since I have no room in my freezer. Then I may just go on up to Independence to the Dairy Queen and get a blizzard. I may even check with John to see if I can see the puppies again. It's been two weeks since I have seen them. They will have grown considerably.

My ground beef for the meatloaf for Sunday's dinner at church is thawing nicely. It will be fine for Sunday's dinner. I may even take the rest of my goulash too. I will have to add some more tomato sauce.

More later....

Nancy came over and asked me to go to lunch with her. We went to Copan restaurant and had a wonderful salad and iced tea. Since I drove, she bought my lunch.

At 1:00PM I went over to the Food Pantry and picked up produce. I will keep what I can use and put the rest on the free table at Sycamore Landing.

Later today church services were cancelled for the next three weeks because of worries about the Coronavirus. I had already thawed meat for a meatloaf and now I will make chili with that. I also bought a beautiful Amish pecan pie today on my way back from Independence and I have no idea what I will do with that. I took a corning ware dish of the goulash to Nancy this evening. I kept some but I will take the rest of the goulash to Bob in the morning. He can't eat pecan pie because of the pecans. I may keep a couple of pieces for Nancy and me and give the rest to John and Leslie.

This fear of sickness may lose us all the visitors we have coming to church. That would be a tragedy.

I never did get my cleaning done this week. Maybe I can get it done tomorrow.

I read all evening and finished my last book. I took my bath at 7:30PM and I finally went to bed at 11:00PM. Very late for me. I will go back to the library in the morning and get more books.

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