Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Tuesday and Food Bank Again

I slept pretty well last night considering my right arm ached. I only woke up once in the night and went to the bathroom.

I was lying in bed thinking of getting up this morning when Scott called. He was on his way in to work and that is a good time to call for him. I visited with him for fifteen or twenty minutes when Ginger tried to get him so I let him go.  I appreciate his interest in seeing how I was. That Pepto Bismo really took care of that spell of sickness.

There were four cats out there this morning waiting for me to open the door and bring their food out. Both yellow cats and two gray ones ate this morning. I have had my oatmeal and coffee and am ready to fix my chia latte.

They have not finished all the cat food so I will leave it out there for awhile. There may be more cats who are hungry.

The food pantry  will be open this afternoon from at 3:00PM until 6:00PM. I will go by in hopes of getting bananas.  Anything I can't  use I will take over to Sycamore Landing at Coffeyville. I have a small list of groceries I can't get at the Dollar General Store here. I will leave them there on the "free" table and then go on to Walmart there.

I see mama cat is out there now eating.  I figured she might eventually come.

More later...

Leslie called to check on me. I assured her I was fine this morning.  I appreciate her checking on me though.

As soon as the CBS news was over, I watched last night's episode of "Bull". I was so glad I recorded it since I could omit the commercials.

More later....

I did get my dusting done this afternoon!

I was reading and listening to the music on the Echo when Suzanne called. She was going over to the Food Pantry and wanted to know if she could bring me my food from there.I told her I was counting on going myself but if she wanted to bring me mine, I would  appreciate it. Shortly after three she came into the driveway and brought two big bags of  groceries. I took out the fruit, which I wanted and took the vegetables over to Coffeyville to Sycamore Landings "free" table. I gave Bob a big sack of grapes and an apple. The rest was veggies like celery, asparagus and four large potatoes. Another resident took those. I also took Bob some magazines to read.

Then I went on out to Walmart there and got all the stuff I can't get at the Food Pantry. I bought some bananas, Chai Latte, coffee, four frozen dinners, cat food, kleenex, juice  and breakfast bars.

Then I came on back home. It is nearly 5:30PM now and I want to watch the CBS news . I had an apple and a breakfast bar for my supper.

More later....

I went to bed about 8:30PM but like to never got to sleep. The arm throbbed.

At 11:30PM, I finally got to sleep.

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