Monday, September 4, 2023

Monday and Laundry

I slept fitfully last night and first woke up at 3:00AM and had a hard time getting back to sleep. I got up after that and took some of my meds and another Melatonin and then finally got back to sleep until  6:00AM.

I am doing laundry and it is in the dryer now.

I don't have much of a plan. It's like to go back to Bartlesville and see if I can find the jeweler who set my smart watch. I would also like to mow the back yard. I am not sure if I can get the mower started but I may try.

Blondie came for his late breakfast. He is probably gone now. He was eating really fast when I last looked.

I wonder if my mower, Mike, will come today. He didn't come at all this past week.  It really needs mowing. It's only 7:20AM now and if it is dry, I may mow the back. It's the smallest area. I might check it out and see.

I did catch "the  weather on the 8's" when I turned on the TV.

Today is to be 97 degrees and mostly sunny and windy. Tomorrow is to be 98 degrees and partly cloudy, Wednesday is to be 92 degrees and sunny, Thursday is to be 96 degrees and mostly sunny, Friday is to be 94 degrees and mostly sunny,  Saturday is to be 91 degrees and mostly sunny, and Sunday is to be 90 degrees and partly cloudy. That's the and no rain in the forecast again..

More Later.. 

I took my walk about 7:47AM and just got back home at 8:55AM. I had a half bag of trash. I put it in my dumpster. I notice the trash is being dumped this morning even though it's a holiday. I also put Stephen's out there too. I noticed he has some cardboard boxes he's broken down in his dumpster. I usually check his when I pull mine out to the curb.

It's a nice cool morning. The computer says it's 79 degrees and partly cloudy. 

I mowed the back yard while it was still cool out..79 degrees. I won't mow anything else because it's 84 degrees now. I may go on to Bartlesville and see if I can get my smart watch set. If I still have time, I may meet Sally at the Boulevard Cafe for lunch. ..actually breakfast. I didn't eat anything for breakfast this morning. I just had my coffee and Chai Latte.

So. more later.... 

Sally didn't work today  and the jewelry store wasn't open either. So my trip to Bartlesville was for nought. However I called Sally from the Boulevard Cafe and asked her if she wanted to go to lunch and she did. She wanted to know if the Dairy Queen would be open and I wasn't sure but I said we would check because that's where I wanted to go too. 

When I got back to Caney I picked her up and we drove to Independence. Sure enough, the Dairy Queen was open and we got their $7.00  special with a hot fudge sundae.

After I took her home, I came on home myself. It was 1:54PM by then.

More Later... 

I read this afternoon and finished my last book. I will donate it to  the Caney library tomorrow when I take my walk. Then I may get a couple of more books from the library.

I went to the Dollar General store and got some cat food and  also some more Melatonin. I also got some peanut M & M's.

I took my bath at 7:00PM and then watched a program on the weather channel.

At 8:49PM, I was ready to go to bed.

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