Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Tuesday and More Bad Weather

I slept well last night after my fall yesterday. I have had no after effects. I have never had a headache and I still haven't had one... I am so thankful for Leslie who took me to Coffeyville to Urgent Care and Stephen, my landlord, who reads my blog and he came over this morning and asked me if I still had some of the ice melt he gave me last year. I had forgotten about it and wasn't sure if I could find it if I looked. I opened the garage door and we went in to try to find it. We only had one snow last year so there should be plenty left. Stephen found it! It was under a plastic bag of packing peanuts. He made sure I could get it open and we put it somewhere obvious where I could find it if I needed to. 

I am so grateful for caring people. I don't feel so alone. I am thankful I have Leslie near at times like yesterday and nice caring landlords like Stephen and his wife, Dee Anna who keep track of me by reading my blog.

I did catch "the weather on the 8's" this morning and also the little grey cat came for it's breakfast today. I fed it and then caught the weather forecast for the week. It is 33 degrees today and mostly cloudy.tomorrow will be 44 degrees and PM showers, Wednesday will be 45 degrees and cloudy, Thursday is to be 49 degrees and cloudy, Friday is to be 54 degrees and PM light rain, Saturday is to be 45 degrees and AM rain, Sunday is to be 46 degrees and mostly sunny. and Monday is to be 54 degrees and mostly sunny. That's the rest of the week! At least three days of rain. Tuesday, Friday and Saturday! Actually, we didn't get rain today after all. At least not yet..

More Later...

I called Sally and asked her to go down to Copan Restaurant with me and she agreed. I picked her up at noon and we had our usual cup of vegetable beef soup and we split a piece of  German Chocolate pie.

After that, I took her home and came back home myself. I read awhile this afternoon. It's 5:05PM now and at 7:00PM I will take my bath. I've got awhile.

The weather didn't turn out to be too bad after all.


1 comment:

Suemn said...

Hi Margie, I too am glad that you have people who make sure you are doing okay and care about you. It's good to hear that you don't have any symptoms of internal bleeding.