Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Tuesday and Tornados

 I went to my clothes closet last night after the tornado warnings got closer. I took a quilt to cover me and fell asleep in that closet on my pillow. Then I woke up when Leslie texted me and then I took my bath and went on to bed.

I saw on the TV that Barnsdall was hit with a tornado and one person died. This morning, Scott called me and said he saw on CNN that Bartlesville was also hit. Five people were hurt there. A large Motel was badly damaged there but Barnsdall was really badly damaged.

I saw photos on Channel 6 this morning. We lived in Bartlesville for many years until our family moved to Caney in the 70s or late 60's. Scott was in first grade there in Bartlesville . Keith was in 5th grade and Leslie was in 4th grade..I think. I worked at the Wayside Elementary School as a pots and pans woman. Later I was moved to Madison Junior High the same way and they added the dishwasher to my job. It was there that I was elected president of the Bartlesville School foods Service and later sent to Detroit to the National Convention of school foods services for a week.

There will be more tornado warnings on Wednesday.  I hope no more local tornadoes or hail storms.

More later ...

I read most of the day and finished the first book I had checked out yesterday.

I took my bath this evening at  8:00PM. I plan to go to bed at 9:00PM.

I get my hair done tomorrow in Coffeyville at 9:00AM.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Poor people of Barnsdall. Glad you got in the closet. That was a smart thing to do.