Thursday, September 26, 2024

Thursday and Cookies for the Independence First Christian Church

I slept well last night and was up at 5:00AM, made my bed, dressed and got myself ready for the day! I took my kitchen trash out to the garage and put it in a larger trash bag. It's 5:59AM now.  

I have made my Chai Latte and am eating that and a breakfast bar for my breakfast. I haven't checked out "the  weather on the 8's" or the cats yet. I will check that out when I finish my light breakfast.

About 8:30AM I will leave for Independence to deliver the cookies to the First Christian Church in Independence. I need to be there at 9:30 AM or thereabouts. The maintenance man should be there then and he will pick them up from my car and take them into the church and put them in the frig there. I bought them last week at the market across the street from the church.

More Later. ..

I have fed four cats this morning... Blondie and three other cats including Grey and several black kittens.

More Even Later.... 

I am not interested in Firefox. I want to keep things simple! I have no working printer. I have three printers and none of them work. I will need to call Cox and have them out to get one of them working. They probably need ink cartridges and I do not know how to access the ink cartridges.

More Even Later... I called Beau.. who set up my present printer for me. He won't be in Caney today but he said he would try to get over here sometime soon and try to get that newest printer working. I think it needs a new print cartridge. But I can't figure out how to access the print cartridges on any of the three printers I have.

More Later... The First Christian Church in Independence will not need cookies again until October 10th at 9:30AM. I will leave that information on the blog even though I put it in my journal I keep in my purse.

More Even Later..

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