Monday, November 15, 2010

Very Busy Monday

I have a big day planned. First I go to Independence and do the invocation for the County Commission meeting. Then I go out to Leslie's and clean her house. I probably will not get finished soon enough to go to lunch with her. Then at 4:00, I will go to the board meeting for MC3. (Montgomery County Community Medical Clinic).

Tomorrow I plan to go see Phyllis and then go to Cherryvale to have lunch with Gay.

Then Wednesday Bob A. and I will drive to Wichita to the doctor. I plan to have eye lid surgery. I cannot open my left eye all the way since my eyelids have become so heavy. This will be preliminary appointment and he will look over the problem. Then in four to six weeks I will go back for the surgery. I don't know what to expect. I imagine there will be a lot of swelling following the surgery. He will probably tell us on Wednesday. If Medicare doesn't approve it, I won't have it done.

Then on Saturday, I will pick up the two Thanksgiving dinners we are giving away to some of our needy friends. Thursday and Friday are both free. The following Monday son Keith will take off after work to drive here from Phoenix. he won't get here until Tuesday. He will spend a week here with us. We are all excited about getting to see him.


Freda said...

I love the whole idea of Thanksgiving, especially when relatives and friends gather together to make it a special festival. Happy Thanksgiving when it comes.

Margie's Musings said...

Me too. We will meet at my daughter's home. She has the most room.

Happy Thanksgiving to you too, Freda.