Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Quiet Tuesday

I have nothing planned for today except I will do the invocation at the city commission meeting this evening.

I am thinking of going to Bartlesville. I changed my closets out this morning and I have very few long sleeved tees for fall and winter. Those I do have are very old and not in very good shape. That was fine when I wasn't working but I need to buy some decent tops for winter to work in.

Inky, my black tomcat, has disappeared. I have not seen him since Sunday evening. He's a tomcat so I'm not particularly concerned about it. He's probably just out "tom catting" around.

I may call and see if my brother-in-law wants to go too. He likes to get out of town occasionally too.

More later...

We are both going. He likes an excuse to get out of doing the things he needs to do too. So I will get back to this later.

By the way, Inky showed up a little while ago and is catching up now on his food. It is probably as I suspected, he has been out "tom catting" around.

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