Thursday, February 14, 2013

To Make A Better World

On this Valentine's Day, I have been thinking about what would have to happen to make this a better world: Her eare some ideas:

I don't believe in utopias or divine kingdoms, but I do believe things are getting better worldwide if you look over decades and centuries.

Here are some trends that need to happen more fully:

1) girls education, equal opportunities and respect for women and minorities, access to birth control

2) economic justice (fair pay, cheap access to information, affordable education, corporate accountability)

3) realistic opportunities for the poor

4) adequate social safety nets (access to basic medical care, basic insurance)

5) social justice and the rule of law (more restorative, less punitive)

6) free and fair global trade

7) security: people need to feel safe to thrive

8 ) global awareness (knowing when your consumption is messing up someone else's life elsewhere in the world

I am impressed with the many foundations that are working to make this a better world. Foundations like the Gates Foundations and the Clinton Foundation and hundreds more we seldom hear about.

So what do you readers think?


ChuckFu said...

Yup a very large pipe dream, to many wrongheaded Politian’s and other political and religions

clairz said...

I wish you could have a nightly news program, Margie. It would be so much better to hear of good news rather than the usual nightly religious wars and domestic violence. I like your list.