Friday, June 14, 2013

The Results

Well I had my bone scan and my bone density scan today. The bone density scan was first and only took about thirty minutes. I had it this morning after the technician injected a dye into my vein. The dye was for this afternoon's bone scan. After an hour or so of that this afternoon, she said she showed my scan results to the radiologist and he said I had quite a bit of damage to my middle back and they wanted a series of x-rays too. I told them I never had a back ache and that the only pain I was having was a deep ache in my upper arms. I also told them that Dr. Hsu did not think the back damage he saw on my MRI caused the pain in my upper arms.

Dr. Gillis, who was unable to diagnose the erysipelas earlier this year, called me after he saw my bone density test that was done this morning. He said I had no osteoporosis. It was just as I thought. I didn't have any sign of it twelve years ago and I still do not.

I'm to make another appointment with Dr. Hsu for either Monday or Tuesday when the results of these tests should be available to him. I will do that Monday. His office was closed this afternoon after I finally got away from the hospital. The mystery deepens.

I will bring all this to the attention of Dr. Eslicker in July when I see him next. He was the doctor that did diagnose the erysipelas. I still think it could be that rare complication of the erysipelas.


Sylvia K said...

I hope all goes well and that these test results will be more encouraging! Holding good thoughts for you, Margie!

Margie's Musings said...

Thanks Sylvia. I appreciate that.