Saturday, June 15, 2013

3:00 O'Clock in the Morning

It's a mess. I have been awake since 2:00 AM with the arm pain. I took two extra strength Tylenol an hour ago but it hasn't touched the ache.

Grumble, grumble, grumble...

I recruited my brother in law to go with me last night to mark off booth spaces for the Juneteenth celebration. Several others including Paul and Carol came too. We spent about forty five minutes taping off spaces. Hubert and his son were there and helped too. Only Carol and I brought tape to tape the floor. I was the only one with scissors and tape measures.

It was very unorganized at the last meeting. Several venders who had agreed to come backed out. At first at the first of the meeting there were only four left. Then we did some brainstorming and Karlas began calling folks to get them to commit.

We ended up with eleven. The band had backed out and Karlas has to attend a funeral. She was to read the history of Juneteenth. Mary volunteered. Without a loud speaker I doubt she can be heard though. Carol and I will be there at 8:00 to direct the vendors to their positions. It begins at 10:00. I can stay until noon. Paul will come at noon and stay until 5:00. Nellie will come then too. The Laymen singing group from Independence will sing at 1:00.

We had quite a lot of publicity and had a nice story in the Journal this week. I hope someone takes the Journal. It was also in the County Chronicle and the Reporter but if the black community doesn't support it with their presence, it will not fly. We will see.

More later...

I went back up at 4:00 to help close down the site. Carol and Paul were just leaving. I asked Carol if they shut down early and she said yes and advised me to talk to Paul. I did. He said they shut down early because in the afternoon they were so busy everyone but one booth sold out. That woman didn't sell out because she didn't come set up her booth until halfway through the afternoon.

I was amazed! But I should have known. I knew folks from the black community when I lived in Bartlesville. The black community operates on a different schedule then we do. They generally get everywhere a little late and operate much slower. For instance, the vendors were supposed to come at 8:00 to set up. No one came until 10:00 when the Juneteenth Celebration actually started. Then we had only about a dozen and a half folks attend until I left. It didn't look like anything was going to happen. But I have learned from this experience to be patient with them. They just don't get in a rush about anything. Remember, half the vendors cancelled last Wednesday and the band cancelled then too. Then today there were supposed to be eleven vendors there and only seven actually showed up. Live and learn!

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