Friday, November 15, 2013

Friday Again

Another Friday. I am fixing some biscuits since that is what I like to have for breakfast. I put the others in zip lock bags and put them in the frig and then warm them up and brown them in the skillet until they are gone. I eat one of them each morning with butter and jelly.

I went through boxes yesterday looking for my yahoo board. I never did find it although I did find an old coverlet I had put away years ago. I put it on my bed for a change. I slept really well again last night. It's been a good week for sleeping.

Bob came over last night and we watched the show "Big Bang Theory". When he went home I stayed up awhile but then went on to bed about 8:00. That's usually the death knell for sleeping through the night but I must have been very tired because I slept through the night anyhow.

Today I will go to Independence to get my hair done. I am going to have to give up my Friday appointment. First of all, I am spending way too much money on my hair and secondly, I see way too many dead dear on the road up there at that time of day. My appointment on Fridays in at 7:00am. I will just have to shampoo it myself for the weekend.

After exercise class this morning at 9:00, I will probably clean house. I like to do that once a week. With a cat in the house it probably needs it at least that much. They shed.

I'm not sure what I'm having for lunch today. I am thinking those tuna cakes we had last week. Bob really liked them and I always keep tuna on hand. We would have boiled potatoes with them and a veggie. Bob would bring a salad. I will make some cookies again and have pudding for dessert. The problem with cookies is that I can't stay out of them.

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