Sunday, December 20, 2015

Sunday and Church

I finally got to sleep last night about midnight. I had way too much on my mind. I will need to go to Walmart this afternoon and get more cartridges. I ran out of ink after about 7 letters. I will buy a double cartridge with two multi colors. I will have to do all the printing from the desktop since I was never able to get the laptop to print. Then I guess I will do about 10 a day until I get all 70 done. There are four pages in each letter printed on both sides.  Those that went out in e-mail appear to have opened all right. I've heard back from five or six recipients. I sent out 71. I will probably also have to get more stamps before all this is finished.

I will do the congregational letters first. Communication is very important to attendance.  People need to know they are missed and they need to be kept informed about what is going on in the congregation....whether they attend or not.

Scott called last night and I was too distressed over the computer/printer situation to even carry on a decent conversation with him. I hate that.

This morning I had my juice and coffee and the last cinnamon roll. Not too healthy, I know.

Last night I heard a mower going and thought that perhaps Betty, our landlady, had sent her nephew to mow all those terrible leaves. I went to the door and looked and what do you know! It was Kenny, the manager of the apartments next door. He had his large Dixon mower out there and was mowing over and over again to mulch the leaves in the front of the fourplex.  That was really nice of early Christmas gift.  I will send him a Christmas card and thank him for that.

This photo is my older son, Keith and his wife Esther. They are so happy. I thank God they found one another.


More later...

My son, Keith (above with wife, Esther) is a genius with computers and hardware as well as software. He fixed my computer/printer problem with about 30 minutes...start to finish.  I am so blessed to have him! For many reasons...this is just one of them.

My daughter volunteered to print off my letters with her printer which collates everything. She has that finished. Now I just have to drive up there and pick them up tomorrow and then get them in the mail.

My kids are terrific! All of them!.    


Galla Creek said...

I think you need a laser color just back!
That ink is expensive. I surely hope you are not
Paying for the ink out of your ss check!!

Margie's Musings said...

Yes, I am. But I use the printer for my personal use too.