Monday, July 24, 2023

Monday and a Change of Plans

I am not going down to visit Nancy today. I plan to go on Thursday instead. Last Monday when I got there, she had a physical therapy man there to help her with her physical therapy. He said he would see her on Wednesday when he finally left. He took the entire morning. I can't go on Tuesday because she gets her hair done on Tuesday. and if he goes on Wednesday like he said, I imagine he will be coming to help her on Friday too. So I plan to go on Thursday. I will do my housework today. Since Dean was here on Thursday last week, it didn't get done at all last week.

I also want to check out my dash light situation this morning. When I was coming back from Coffeyville yesterday, I had no dash lights.  I want to have my battery checked today. It may just be the lights themselves but I want to have dash lights working.

More Later. 

I caught the weather forecast for the week again. It has gotten even hotter then yesterday. Today is to be 98 degrees and sunny, tomorrow  is to be100 degrees and partly cloudy, Wednesday is to be 101 degrees and partly cloudy, Thursday is to be 101 degrees and partly cloudy, Friday is to be 101 degrees and partly cloudy, Saturday is to be 102 degrees and partly cloudy, and Sunday is to be 101 degrees and partly cloudy. That's the week..scorching hot weather all week long with no rain in sight. 

So far, no Blondie. 

Blondie finally came and ate his food. He had evidently been mauled by a dog or something. He had a tear on each side of his head just behind his ears about the size of a silver dollar.  

I mopped the bare floors and vacuumed.  I also called Nancy's assisted living and asked the receptionist to tell her I would come on Thursday so I wouldn't disturb her physical therapy. She gets that Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I don't want to go tomorrow because that's the day she gets her hair done. So I cleaned today and will dust tomorrow. The vacuum sweeper is charging now. That will take a couple of hours.

I will drive my car and see if the dash lights are working today. It will be a miracle if they are.

Well, there must be miracles. I had dash lights this morning. Weird!

I took my walk this morning at 9:00 AM and picked up an almost full bag of trash again. It seldom gets any better. It's 9:31AM now. The library here doesn't open until 12:30PM. I need to get a couple more books today.

I went up to the Copan Restaurant  and had their two pieces of chicken and french fries and tea for my lunch. 

Then I came home and went the market and then to the library to check out two books.

Then I came back home. I had a letter from the Betterment group wanting me to renew my membership. I wrote them a check and sent it by mail. Hopefully the mailman will pick it up tomorrow. If not, I will take it up to the dentist's office. They meet the second Wednesday of each month. I will have to ask the time again. I think it's 7:00PM. 

More Later... 

At 7:00PM or so, I took my bath and put my pajamas on.  I will read until 9:00PM and then go to bed. I am tired...I cleaned the apartment today all but dusting. Tomorrow I will dust.

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