Saturday, July 8, 2023

Saturday and a Trip to Joplin

I slept pretty well last night. I was up early as usual. I have checked on Blondie but he hasn't been there for his least not yet.

I have had my breakfast an am drinking my Chai latte now as I blog "the weather on the 8's". I did catch that.

Today is to be 83 degrees and scattered thunderstorms.  Tomorrow is to be 86 degrees and AM clouds and PM sun. Monday is to be 90 degrees and sunny, Tuesday is to be 90 degrees and AM thunderstorms, Wednesday is to be 97 degrees and sunny, Thursday is to be 96 degrees and partly cloudy. Friday is to be 92 degrees and AM thunderstorms. That's the week! At least three days of rain. and temperatures in the 90's after Sunday!

More Later...

I took my walk this morning about 9:00AM and got back home at 9:48AM with another sack full of trash.  It's 9:50AM now and soon I will start for Karan's house. 

I want to go by the library and put their book in the book drop. Then I will go out to Karan's.

I still have not seen Blondie. He is going to have to find food elsewhere for awhile.

More Later...


1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Hope you are having a rewarding trip. Miss hearing from you each day.