Sunday, October 1, 2023

Sunday and Church

 I was up before 5:00AM again this morning. I slept off and on most of the night.

I made my bed and dressed and got myself ready for the day and started my coffeecake for the breakfast at church at 10:00AM.

I caught Blondie just outside the door and got his breakfast for him/ He has eaten his fill and left. Soon I will take the dish in the garage and cover it.  Now I want to get "the weather on the 8's" for the next local week posted here.

Today is to be 93 degrees and mostly sunny, tomorrow is to be 92 degrees and sunny, Tuesday is to be 88 degrees and partly cloudy, Wednesday is to be 81 degrees and thunderstorms. Thursday is to be 82 degrees and AM showers, Friday is to be 78 degrees and sunny and Saturday is to be 71 degrees and sunny. So it looks like a possibility of two days rain..Wednesday and Thursday. I hope we get it. We are desperate for water in the Caney river. appears it's going to cool down some.

More Later...

Phyllis and I ate after church at Eggbert's in Coffeyville. While we were there a child in the next book spilled her water and it splashed on my back as well as on my feet under our booth. We quickly  had to move one booth east. We had our fruit parfait and when I went to pay for it, the waitress said that the couple with the children had paid for my lunch. I got up and went back there and thanked them. That was very good of them. They apologized for the child but I told them I had had children and there was never any way of knowing what they might do. It was an accident but I thought it was very good of them to do that.

Later I was looking for Karan's 5 fine dollar bills she had given me in the kitchen... to pay for her cookies in October.

When I got home, I called Phyllis and told her I had found those five $5.00 bills. They were on top on the coffeecake I had gone back for in the kitchen. I had laid the bulletins I had picked up on top of them.

Getting old is not for sissies.

More Later...


1 comment:

Kay said...

Weather in the 90s is no fun. And yes, growing older definitely has its challenges. Have a great week, Margie.