I slept well last night and was up at 4:45AM and made my bed and dressed and got myself ready for the day. I had my first cup of Chai Latte and my breakfast bar. I checked for cats but it's only 5:22AM and none were out there yet.
My Keurig needs to be cleaned again and I don't remember how to do it. Leslie showed me a year ago but I have slept since then and I don't recall now. It's been awhile. I will ask her to come show me again if she can work me into her busy schedule.
I did catch "the weather on the 8's". Here's the week's forecast.Tomorrow is to be 75 degrees and partly cloudy, Sunday is to be 79 degrees and cloudy, Monday is to be 78 degrees and thunderstorms, Tuesday is to be 54 degrees and cloudy Wednesday is to be 64 degrees and sunny, Thursday is to be 70 degrees and sunny. That's the week...only one day of rain and that's Monday. That's better then nothing though!
I will check for the cats again now.
So More Later..
Grey and Whitey came for their breakfasts and after they ate, they left and I brought the bowls back in the kitchen.
Leslie came just before lunch and cleaned up my Kaurig and then we went to Bartlesville for lunch and for her to send back a package she bought through Amazon. She also bought gas while we were down there and she washed her car at Okie's car wash..
Then we came back home.I read the rest of the afternoon, Blondie came for his dinner and I fed him. He ate then left and Whitey came and I fed him/her and she/he left and then I thought I would mow the front yard since Stephen had mowed his. I took a photo of it after I put the clippings in the trash receptacle. But then couldn't recall how to post the photo I took. Getting old is not for sissies! :)
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