Sunday, September 22, 2024

Sunday and a Coffeecake for Church Breakfast.

I slept well last night and was up about 5:00AM, made my bed, dressed and got myself ready for the day. I caught "the weather on the "8's" and had my Chai Latte and breakfast bar. I haven't checked on the cats yet.  It's only 6:24AM.

Today is to be 78 degrees and scattered thunderstorms. Monday is to be 73 degrees and cloudy, Tuesday is to be 79 degrees and mostly cloudy. Wednesday is to be 80 degrees and sunny, Thursday is to be 80 degrees and mostly sunny, Friday is to be 79 degrees and showers, and Saturday is to be 81 degrees and showers. That's the week! One day of scattered thundershowers, two of mostly sunny and one of just sunny. and three days of showers, today and next Friday and Saturday.

We really need the rain. Now I need to check on the cats.

More Later..

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Thankful for cooler weather coming .Falls here but summer heat doesn’t want to let go.