Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Busy Wednesday

It was another busy day at work today. I had all the divorce and civil cases to file. It's amazing the number of divorces. It took me all but thirty minutes of my morning.

The last thirty minutes I alphabetized the traffic tickets. Tomorrow I will file those too.

I awoke early this morning at 3:30 and worked on Sunday's sermon. It's finished now. I went back to bed after 4:30 and went back to sleep until 5:30. Then I got up and began my regular routine.

When I got home Slinky let me know he really wanted in the kitchen. So I brought the laptop in here and let him in. Poor old dog. The heat really gets to him.

He ate all his dog food this morning and I didn't even have to argue with him over it. Then I fixed his oatmeal. He really loves his morning oatmeal.

I should job search while it's not raining. But if I do that, I will have to let Slinky back out. Let's face it. I really do not like to job search. It's futile and besides, I like what I'm doing.

More later....


Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

so nice you enjoy your work. Makes for a much better life don't you think?
happy wednesday!

Margie's Musings said...

Yes, it does, Peg. Thanks for coming by.