Thursday, June 29, 2023

Thursday and No Real Plan for today

 I slept well again last night That Melatonin seems to work well...especially the gummies. I was up at 5:00AM, made my bed and fixed my breakfast and am eating it here in the den. No sign of Blondie yet but it's not 6:00M yet. I did get "the weather on the 8's" though. 

Today is to be 103 degrees and  mostly sunny, tomorrow is to be 101 degrees and partly cloudy, Saturday is to be 90 degrees and cloudy, Sunday is to be 91 degrees and sunny, Monday is to be 94 degrees and mostly sunny, Tuesday is to be 93 degrees and partly cloudy, and Wednesday is to be 94 degrees and PM thunderstorms. That's it for the week. One day of rain. Otherwise, plenty hot!

The mower never did come mow yesterday. I may have to do it myself. But at 103 degrees today, that may be way too hot for me to mow.  More Later...

My mower came for a couple of rounds in my front yard and then begged off for an hour. He had run out of gas for his mower and needed to make some phone calls. It least..that's what he told me. We will see. I am thinking of going to see Nancy today since I missed seeing her on Monday when I had my doctor's appointment.

I finished the autobiography of Demi Moore, the movie star, and will take the book up to the library drop box before I leave for Bartlesville. So far the mower has not come back. So we will see.

If he doesn't get back to it soon, it will be 103 degrees and too hot for him to mow.

More Later.. 

I went on down to Nancy's Assisted Living intending to take her to lunch but I quickly learned she had fallen and was bruised all over her face. She looked like someone had given her a terrible beating. 

As it turned out, she had fallen about a week ago and was covered on her face with bruises. I didn't even have her get dressed. I knew she was in no shape to be out among people. I stayed an hour and a half and visited and then left and told her I would be back on Monday.

I got home at 12:24PM and the mower had been back and finished my mowing. It looked nice. I am so glad he got it finished. I going to try to warm up my hamburger from Sunday. I will try the microwave first.

More Later... 

That hamburger warmed up fine in the microwave and that's what I had for lunch.

My classmate friend, Dean, is planning to come for a visit the 20th of July until the 22nd of July. His son, Rod, is doing much better now. He did have to go back in the hospital for one more week. That young man has had a trial although I think he handles it well.  Dean takes good care of him and has even though Rod has been paralyzed since he was 17 years old. (He dove into the shallow end of a swimming pool and broke his neck.) He is in his 50's now. he went on to college and got a law degree and then decided he didn't want to be a paralyzed lawyer. So he got an IT degree and bought a van with a lift on it and works on computers there in Topeka. I really admire their gumption.

More Later..

It's a little past 7:00PM  and I have just had my bath and put my pajamas and robe on. I read one of the condensed books I got from Reader's Digest. It was good. I think there are four more.

I watched the CBS evening news before my bath and I plan to go to bed at 9:00PM or thereabouts. Tomorrow, I may trim the yard if it doesn't rain. I also want to clean the apartment. It will be a bigger day. Of course, I also want to take my walk probably about 7:30AM.

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