Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Wednesday and Game Day

I slept well again last night and was up at my usual 5:00AM..or actually, a little later. I made my bed and dressed and got myself ready for the day.

I found Blondie lying outside my front door waiting for his breakfast. I took it right out to him and he ate and finally left.  

I fixed my breakfast and turned on the TV and watched for "the weather on the 8's" which finally came on at 6:48AM.

Here's the week's forecast. Today is to be 101degrees and partly cloudy, tomorrow is to be 105 degrees and  mostly sunny, Friday is to be 102 degrees and mostly sunny, Saturday is to be 89 degrees and AM thunderstorms and Sunday is to be 91 degrees and mostly sunny, Monday is to be 92 degrees and partly cloudy and Tuesday is to be 94 degrees and isolated thunderstorms. It looks like two days of rain in the next week, Saturday and Tuesday...otherwise very hot weather..early this week over 100 degrees! 

I have my hair appointment at 9:00AM this morning and game day at 1:00PM this afternoon. Janet, at the senior center, is supposed to give me the hedge trimmer. She needs to get rid of it and I have borrowed it once and now she is offering it to me to keep. I will certainly take it and use it!

More Later... if I am going to take my walk, I need to do it right away. I will need to leave for Coffeyville at 8:30AM and it's 7:05AM right now. I just got back home from my walk and it's 7:53AM. I had better get over to Coffeyville by 9:00AM., my hair appointment. I picked up another half a bag of trash this morning and put it in my dumpster when I got home.

More when I get home from the senior center and game day. If it doesn't rain later this afternoon, I will trim the hedge.

So More Then.... 

I got home from game day at 5:00PM. We had a good time and Karan won the game. 

The mower didn't come. I guess the grass must have been too wet. I hate that. I hope the mower can come tomorrow. Maybe it was just too hot for him. It's supposed to be 105 degrees here tomorrow.

I went to visit Marilyn after the game day and stayed an hour or so.

When I got home I found it's awfully warm in the apartment  so I turned on the air conditioning.

I haven't heard from Scott and Ginger in some time. I hope everything is alright with them. 

I guess I will go back to my book for now. It's only 5:19PM. About 7:00PM I will take my bath. I plan to go to bed at 9:00PM.

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