Saturday, April 23, 2011

Very Busy Saturday

My brother-in-law and I went to breakfast at Eggbert's this morning. It was a good breakfast. We always have a good visit too. Then I came home and read awhile. I really wanted to go to Bartlesville or Joplin but was afraid it would rain and perhaps even hail so I didn't go.

I did go to see my sister but she was sound asleep. She didn't wake up so I stayed about fifteen minutes and then left. I then went to see Gerry but she was not in her room. I left her newspapers. I called Bob A, my brother-in-law when I got home and asked if he had seen Phyllis today. He had and he had had a good visit with her so I guess she's alright...just tired.

About halfway through the afternoon, I figured it wasn't going to rain until tonight so I decided the thing to do was to mow and trim while I could. If it should rain until Wednesday like the forecast says, the lawn would really be a mess. I also trimmed well this time. Then I decided to weed the flowerbeds in the back and I got almost all that done. Now I need to get some mulch. I found half a bag in the shed so I used that in the peony bed.

I came in about 5:00 and cleaned my nails up and put my robe on. I put my filthy jeans, sweat shirt and underwear in the hamper.

My eldest son got married today in Sanoma. I haven't heard a word out of him but I didn't expect to. They were going to take a short honeymoon to San Francisco. That should be nice for them. I hope this marriage works out. He has had a time...that's for sure. At least he met this woman in church and not online.

In a little while I will take a shower and wash my hair. I preside at church tomorrow and it is Easter. I got out some nice clothing to wear. Generally I go pretty casual. My daughter called this morning to invite me to their house for Easter dinner. She also invited my brother-in-law. I will take dessert.

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