Saturday, August 2, 2008


Bob and I went out to the church to clean the windows and do some cleaning and found that there had been termites in two of the classrooms. I called the building supervisor (my brother-in-law) when we got home and he will get a termite inspector out there as soon as possible. We will undoubtedly have to have it sprayed to keep them from damaging the building we have worked so hard to build and keep nice.

I vacuumed and arranged the hymnals in the pews and then washed all the windows in the insides. Bob washed them on the outside. He is bushed now. I would guess there's a lot more then 5 years difference in 72 and 78. Bob just doesn't have the stamina he used to have. Of course, this is Kansas and it's very humid today. That undoubtedly played into it.

It will be interesting to see what the termite inspector has to say. Above is a picture of the worker and swarmer. The swarmer has the wings and the wings are what I found in the window sills of two of our windows.


patsy said...

margie, you are in kansas which is close to me in north west ar. you are in republican country and for Obama, my kind of person.

Kelly said...

Hi Margie,

Thanks for coming to visit me! I just love Judy!! She is so great! I'm a Kansas girl at heart as well. I was born in Wichita and lived in KC and Wichita and have family in Wellington, Clearwater, Tonganoxie (sp), Overland Park (KC), etc...etc... I live in OKC and have for most of my life. I'm so glad you left a comment and hope you'll come back agan. I have enjoyed reading your blog so much...


Margie's Musings said...

Thank you, girls. I enjoyed your blogs so much!

Sylvia K said...

I enjoy your blog, have been here before and thank you for visiting mine. I'm really not depressed that often, I do spend some time musing over how much my life changed after I retired eight years ago, it's not bad, it's just different. One way I have dealt with the bad times and the good is through writing. Just putting down on paper/computer all the thoughts and feelings has enabled me to see the good and the bad and put them in perspective.
And, we share the same politics as I've found many seniors do, so why do they seem to think anyone over 60 is automatically going to vote for McCain?????

Judy said...

I see you found some of my buddies. I am so glad, they are all great people and we all enjoy reading each others blogs. Termites are terrible. Need to get them under control fast! I remember one time years ago while having dinner at my in-laws and they lived in this big, very old southern house and the termites swarmed out right in the dinning room and were all over the food and everything! Scared me to death at the time. I did not know what they were.