I am going to bake, frost and freeze my cake today. I will be doing my coffeecake tomorrow and getting myself ready for the 11:00AM hour. This has been a difficult theme. "Called to Mindfulness" doesn't even seem to fit the scripture but I have done the best I could with it. I am taking my banana nut miniature cupcakes too. I will give them to John and the little girls to take home.
I haven't seen Nancy in a few days. I doubt she went to see the nurse this week as she said she would. I have seen her twice this week and she had had diarrhea both times. She must live on Pepto Bismo. She doesn't really seem to want to know what is going on in her body. I am not going to discuss it with her again. I have offered to take her to Bartlesville to the doctor or back to Dr. Christensen or even Melissa but she does not want to go.
I was gone to Coffeyville for the day on Wednesday and to Chanute for lunch with Gay and Adele on Thursday. Yesterday I cleaned, So I have been busy.
More later....I had better get that cake baked before I lose the desire.
O.k. Cake is in the oven and has another 20 minutes to bake and then it needs to cool before I can frost it. I have made room in my freezer for it until tomorrow.
The mama cat and one of her gray kittens have been here separately to eat. Then the big yellow tom cat came and ate after that he sat nearby and seemed to be guarding the food that is left in the dish. He may be trying to save it for himself. Funny to watch these feral creatures.
The yellow tom cat finally got tired and gave up trying to control the cat food. Finally the mama cat came back after he was gone and ate some more.
This is the duplex where I live. The east side is for rent now. It is a lovely home.

I hope someone who takes care of it will rent it.
Nancy just called and wants to go to breakfast at Eggberts. I will pick her up at 10:15AM for her breakfast and my brunch. She knows I have been gone awhile this week what with breakfast with Bob, my hair appointment, and game day all afternoon on Wednesday and being gone to Chanute on Thursday and mowing again on Friday after I finished cleaning the apartment. She had not been able to reach me for some reason. She said she had called several times. Strange...I didn't hear the phone.
More later....
We did go to breakfast and I went out to Dollar General to get oatmeal afterward. I was nearly out and have breakfast to make tomorrow. I will also make my coffeecake up for the Sunday school classes. The cake is ready and will go into the freezer at church tomorrow. I gave Nancy some of those banana nut cupcakes. I will take the rest to John tomorrow.
I went up to Joyce's store and looked around this afternoon, Karen was there and we visited for two hours. She put her place out at Havana Lake up for sale this morning. I dropped the newspapers over to Nancy's after that. She let her Reporter lapse and I am just passing mine on to her. That gives me something local to do with them now that Alice has moved to Edna. They were gathering in a sack in the trunk of my car.
I went out this evening and trimmed my hedge and dug the weeds out from around the hedge. It looks a lot better now! It's nice it's cool enough to comfortably do that.
At 7:00PM, I will take my bath and then watch some Amazon Prime before I go on to bed at 9:00PM..