I wish I could have printed off that note left on the desktop of the computer. There were about a dozen things he had done to repair it. And when I began to use this blog, I had to sign in again, That worked smoothly too. If this repair works, it is the best $9.95 a month investment I have made in a long while.
I hope to finish mowing this morning about 8:00AM. I want to finish the west side and perhaps redo the front and finish trimming along the curb..
More later....
It's 7:40AM now and I hope to mow the west side yard at 8:00AM. It's still only 72 degrees right now. I want to get that job done before it gets hot today.
I have fed the three cats three times this morning. I still have only seen the mother cat and two kittens in a couple of weeks. I don't know what happened to the other three kittens. I hope nothing bad.
I don't really have a plan for today. I washed the tile at the living room door last night. That's about all the housework I have done for a couple of days. The mowing and trimming are more important right now and sometime today I need to go to the Dollar General store and get a couple of things I need. ....cranberry grape juice and peach tea. I drink a lot of peach tea....especially after I have mowed and am sweaty.
I guess Leslie will be coming home sometime today from camp.
Well, it's 7:45AM and 72 degrees now and I need to put gas in the mower if I am going to mow at 8:00AM.
So, more later....
I started mowing at 8:00AM and just now finished cleaning up. It is 8:32AM. While I was at it, and had the west side finished, I re-did the front. It was beginning to look pretty shaggy next to the west side. Now the entire yard looks neat. I am pretty sweaty however. I brushed off my feet and mowing shoes and then came in and blotted off my face. I haven't yet tried to comb my bangs down. I imagine they are still pretty wet. But maybe this mowing will last a few days.

After I mowed the west side, I re-mowed the front. This is the front.
It is 76 degrees right now. I got that yard finished right in the nick of time. After I drink some tea and cool down, I will go out to Dollar General and buy some more. I go through a lot of peach tea.
More later....
I went to Dollar General and bought the three things on my grocery list. While I was still in the parking lot, I saw Keith and Barbara Rogers and briefly visited with them. Barbara is doing most of the driving now because Keith has macular degeneration in one of his eyes and doesn't see well enough to drive. Barbara also mows although she does have a riding mower to do it with. I sometimes wish I had kept my Dixon. Right now I can mow with the kids' push mower just fine. But at 83, going on 84, I don't know how much longer I will be able to do that especially in late July and August. It is good exercise though. And I enjoy it.
I ate lunch late. I had one of my chicken pot pies for my lunch...with some peach tea.
Then I sat down to watch a program I had recorded on 20/20 on the life and death of John Kennedy Jr. It's now 88 degrees outside and too hot to mess around outside. It's 2:50PM now.
More even later....
I tried to call Nancy a couple of times today and even went over and rang her doorbell but there was no answer. I drove through town to see if she was in the museum but her car was nowhere to be found. I am concerned. I tried to call Sandy too but she was not there although her car is there. Maybe they are together. I hope so. I would hate to think that Nancy is home and incapacitated in some way.
The computer is freezing up again sometimes. I had hoped that Cox Complete Care who worked on it all evening last night had fixed that and thought that they had. But evidently not altogether.
It is 4:45PM now and I really have not got a lot done today outside of mowing..
I watched another episode of "Murder She Wrote" on Amazon Prime at 7:00PM , took my bath and went to bed early. I had been up and around too long to stay up until 9:00PM.