It's 11 degrees this morning and is forecast to be -5 by tonight so the pastors cancelled church. Other churches in our area have cancelled too. We old folks don't really need to be out in this cold....especially those in poor health anyhow.
I call call "Just Us "after while and see if they are going to be open for lunch. Bob and I may drive over there anyhow for lunch. It doesn't seem like Sunday with no church.
They are open for lunch so I made our reservations. I am not afraid of cold weather. I will take my heavy jean coat. We will take Joanne B. with us.
I slept well again last night. Maybe my sleepless nights are over. I hope so. More later...
I watched the news until time to go pick up Bob and Joanne. Then we went to "Just Us" and had a real good usual. We had a good visit too. Joanne is a pleasant person but I think Bob is right. She has a little crush on him. :)
I came home after taking them to their several homes and then went out to Woodshed to get gas. I had a little below a quarter of a tank left.
When I got home, Missy was glad to see me. She evidently had been sleeping all morning while I was gone.
I may go over to the Antique Mall and look around awhile. I see they are open.
More later...
I went out to Walmart and bought two ink cartridges and some premium paper. That paper made all the difference in the newsletter.
So, instead, I began printing off newsletters. I got twenty or so finished and some in the mail with my own stamps. John W. called to tell me of another classmate that had died and he would be bringing me the money for the ink cartridges and stamps on Tuesday after the bank is open again. I added the classmate he told me about to the list and sent the list off to the online classmates.
Bob came over shortly after I finished. We watched a football game in progress and then part of another before 60 Minutes finally came on. It was primarily a recap of the year's best stories. I had seen most of them. he left before they were finished. I tried to watch some other programming but I am just not impressed with the stuff I am able to get. In fact, I am not impressed with present day TV at all. That's why I gave up the cable.
It's only a little after 8:20 and I would like to stay up until 9:00. I am tired of dealing with the newsletters so I will just play solitaire or free cell until bedtime.
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Saturday and Breakfast Out
I slept really well again last night. I awoke twice but got right back to sleep. One time I have a cramp in my right leg. I got up and took an Aleve. That took care of it. Then I got back to sleep.
I awoke about 5:00, my usual wake up time, and got up and dressed and fed Missy and waited for Bob to pick me up for breakfast out at Eggberts. We looked for Joanne to join us but it must have been too cold for her to get out. It is 20 degrees out there with a brisk north wind.
I came home to work on this blog and also I am thinking about getting the class newsletter out this next week. I am hoping for some more news. So far, it is only five pages. Usually it is eight.
Missy is lying behind me on the daybed watching me work on the blog.
I will vacuum later on. It's only 8:25 AM. I never did get that done this week. I am drying the laundry right now. I washed both bath mats and my PJs and underwear. Missy is still missing the litter box with her urine and I have to constantly (at least three times a week) wash the mats and sometimes even the floor. She is old so I put up with it. I am old too and can sympathize.
More later....
My great granddaughter, Mia on Christmas:

Whatever a 3 D pen is....
And this is my grandson, Jerod and his mother, Taresa.

My kids' puppies have really grown!

Aren't they cute? They are registered Corgis.
More blog later...
I vacuumed this afternoon. Now the apartment is clean.
I finished the class newsletter and sent it off as an attachment to those online. It turned out to be six pages. Several e-mailed their contributions at the last moment. Now the big job is to print off the 75 others.
Bob came over at 5:00 to watch the news and left at 6:10 or so. Then I took my bath and put my PJs on and watched a movie on Amazon. Missy and I went to bed shortly before 9:00.
I awoke about 5:00, my usual wake up time, and got up and dressed and fed Missy and waited for Bob to pick me up for breakfast out at Eggberts. We looked for Joanne to join us but it must have been too cold for her to get out. It is 20 degrees out there with a brisk north wind.
I came home to work on this blog and also I am thinking about getting the class newsletter out this next week. I am hoping for some more news. So far, it is only five pages. Usually it is eight.
Missy is lying behind me on the daybed watching me work on the blog.
I will vacuum later on. It's only 8:25 AM. I never did get that done this week. I am drying the laundry right now. I washed both bath mats and my PJs and underwear. Missy is still missing the litter box with her urine and I have to constantly (at least three times a week) wash the mats and sometimes even the floor. She is old so I put up with it. I am old too and can sympathize.
More later....
My great granddaughter, Mia on Christmas:

Whatever a 3 D pen is....
And this is my grandson, Jerod and his mother, Taresa.

My kids' puppies have really grown!

Aren't they cute? They are registered Corgis.
More blog later...
I vacuumed this afternoon. Now the apartment is clean.
I finished the class newsletter and sent it off as an attachment to those online. It turned out to be six pages. Several e-mailed their contributions at the last moment. Now the big job is to print off the 75 others.
Bob came over at 5:00 to watch the news and left at 6:10 or so. Then I took my bath and put my PJs on and watched a movie on Amazon. Missy and I went to bed shortly before 9:00.
Friday, December 29, 2017
Friday and a UPS Pickup
I slept well again last night. I will miss exercise class this morning since I am waiting for a UPS pickup today. They are supposed to pick up the package I am returning to Amazon. I hope someone comes.
I will fix goulash for lunch today. It's good weather for such a dish. It's just past 9:00 and only 25 degrees. The weather is forecast to be very cold all this next week.
I dread winter...mostly because of the cost of my electricity. Last January my bill was $285. It is to be even colder this year.
I have fed myself and Missy. Missy has nearly finished off all her food already. I may have to give her a little more.
More later....
I got the goulash done and we ate some of it and the green beans and also finished off Bob's salad. We also had garlic bread. I took some of all that over to Marilyn. She has not been feeling well lately. She was going to Jeannie's funeral and I had intended to go too but I was still waiting for the UPS pickup. An adult had to be here to give the package to the carrier. He brought the label.
UPS finally came about 2:30 to pick up the package.
Leslie texted us that the church service and dinner Sunday had been cancelled. It is forecast to be -2 on Sunday and none of us needs to be out in that cold.
I spent the afternoon messing with the computers. Cox fixed three things on the desktop and one on the notebook and then Bob came over and also brought the Dell computer. I had Cox fix the desktop and also the notebook. They downloaded the program on the laptop too. The tech tried to fix the laptop so it would not have to be turned on with the power button. It should be able to be turned on from "sleep" with just the "enter" key. Keith has always said if we used the start button too much, it would eventually damage it so it would not work. The tech said the product key had not been entered and some of the program needed to make that change was not on the program.
I turned on the TV in time for the news but there was nothing new there. I listened to music this afternoon on Alexia. Finally about 7:00 or so Bob left and then I took my bath and got myself ready for bed. It's 8:15 now so I guess I will go in and watch some TV with Missy before we go to bed at 9:00.
I will fix goulash for lunch today. It's good weather for such a dish. It's just past 9:00 and only 25 degrees. The weather is forecast to be very cold all this next week.
I dread winter...mostly because of the cost of my electricity. Last January my bill was $285. It is to be even colder this year.
I have fed myself and Missy. Missy has nearly finished off all her food already. I may have to give her a little more.
More later....
I got the goulash done and we ate some of it and the green beans and also finished off Bob's salad. We also had garlic bread. I took some of all that over to Marilyn. She has not been feeling well lately. She was going to Jeannie's funeral and I had intended to go too but I was still waiting for the UPS pickup. An adult had to be here to give the package to the carrier. He brought the label.
UPS finally came about 2:30 to pick up the package.
Leslie texted us that the church service and dinner Sunday had been cancelled. It is forecast to be -2 on Sunday and none of us needs to be out in that cold.
I spent the afternoon messing with the computers. Cox fixed three things on the desktop and one on the notebook and then Bob came over and also brought the Dell computer. I had Cox fix the desktop and also the notebook. They downloaded the program on the laptop too. The tech tried to fix the laptop so it would not have to be turned on with the power button. It should be able to be turned on from "sleep" with just the "enter" key. Keith has always said if we used the start button too much, it would eventually damage it so it would not work. The tech said the product key had not been entered and some of the program needed to make that change was not on the program.
I turned on the TV in time for the news but there was nothing new there. I listened to music this afternoon on Alexia. Finally about 7:00 or so Bob left and then I took my bath and got myself ready for bed. It's 8:15 now so I guess I will go in and watch some TV with Missy before we go to bed at 9:00.
Thursday, December 28, 2017
Thursday and Another Trip to Independence
I slept really well again last night. I was back in my old bed again. As I work on this blog, Missy is lying here behind me on the daybed.
Juanita called day before yesterday to tell me she had her bank statement. I will go back to Independence this morning and balance her checkbook. When I get back home, Bob and I will have lunch at El Pueblo. We ate most of the roast I fixed yesterday and I sent what little was left home with him for his supper.
I will do some bare floor cleaning this morning and do the carpet vacuuming this afternoon after lunch. Thursday is my cleaning day.
We will have goulash and green beans for lunch tomorrow. I still have Bob's jello salad in my frig.
I'd better get to that cleaning now. So...more later...
I got the floors washed but never did get the vacuuming done.
I had the Cox tech work to get my games going better again. All I play is Freecell but after that last Windows 10 update, it barely worked at all. I also had him check out the notebook and take off the need for a password to get it loaded again after it goes to sleep. The tech needs to be able to get into it to tune it up every week. When he tried, it was needing a password to wake up. I was not home at the time for the weekly checkup so it didn't get it. He fixed it so it sleeps alright but wakes up with the touch of a key.
That made me late to get up to Independence to get Juanita's checkbook balanced. It balanced just fine. She wanted me to take a check she got for Christmas to the bank and get it cashed. They didn't want to do that even though she had endorsed the check. I convinced them that she couldn't get out in that terrible cold weather since she's nearly completely blind and 96 years old. I endorsed the check under her name and the cashier put a notation under that to explain the transaction. I took Juanita's money back to her then. Then she gave me a bag of cookies to take home.
She is terrible lonely. She is there by herself every day and is getting more and more blind all the time. This morning she couldn't even make out the thermostat to turn up her heat. We talked about her options. She doesn't have many. She could let her son come back from Chicago and take her back with him but she doesn't want to live with him and his wife. She loves him dearly but really doesn't "like" him. He is a dictator to his family and she doesn't want to lose what control she has over her own life. Then she could go to a nursing home but that is just as abhorrent to her as it is to me. What she really wants is for me to come live with her. I just can't do that.
When I got back home, I picked up Bob and we went out to El Pueblo for lunch. He insisted on buying my lunch. That was good of him. I gave him the bag of cookies.
I am making goulash for lunch tomorrow and we will have green beans with it and garlic toast. I have Bob's orange jello with oranges salad.
I have to stay home tomorrow to wait for the UPS man to come so I will vacuum then. I am sending back the "smart" light bulbs I was going to use with Alexa, my Echo that John and Leslie gave me for Christmas. However as hard as I tried to figure out the app, I just couldn't make it work. It wanted my e-mail address or my phone number and my password. I tried both my e-mail address and my cell phone number and the password I use for Amazon but nothing worked so I just gave up and got permission to send the bulbs back. They were too expensive anyhow.
I use Alexa for music and the weather and the time mostly. I have asked about the time for the Ohio State game tomorrow evening but it is being carried on ESPN and I don't get ESPN on my TV...I didn't get it when I had cable either. It was an "extra". Ginger wants me to go out to John and Leslie's to watch it. That would mean driving after dark when the deer are out. I don't know.
Bob came over after 5:00 to watch the news. He had fallen asleep so was a little later then usual. He watched the news and then went home a little earlier. I was yawning a lot. It was a long day.
I have taken my bath and Missy and I will go to bed at 9:00.
Juanita called day before yesterday to tell me she had her bank statement. I will go back to Independence this morning and balance her checkbook. When I get back home, Bob and I will have lunch at El Pueblo. We ate most of the roast I fixed yesterday and I sent what little was left home with him for his supper.
I will do some bare floor cleaning this morning and do the carpet vacuuming this afternoon after lunch. Thursday is my cleaning day.
We will have goulash and green beans for lunch tomorrow. I still have Bob's jello salad in my frig.
I'd better get to that cleaning now. So...more later...
I got the floors washed but never did get the vacuuming done.
I had the Cox tech work to get my games going better again. All I play is Freecell but after that last Windows 10 update, it barely worked at all. I also had him check out the notebook and take off the need for a password to get it loaded again after it goes to sleep. The tech needs to be able to get into it to tune it up every week. When he tried, it was needing a password to wake up. I was not home at the time for the weekly checkup so it didn't get it. He fixed it so it sleeps alright but wakes up with the touch of a key.
That made me late to get up to Independence to get Juanita's checkbook balanced. It balanced just fine. She wanted me to take a check she got for Christmas to the bank and get it cashed. They didn't want to do that even though she had endorsed the check. I convinced them that she couldn't get out in that terrible cold weather since she's nearly completely blind and 96 years old. I endorsed the check under her name and the cashier put a notation under that to explain the transaction. I took Juanita's money back to her then. Then she gave me a bag of cookies to take home.
She is terrible lonely. She is there by herself every day and is getting more and more blind all the time. This morning she couldn't even make out the thermostat to turn up her heat. We talked about her options. She doesn't have many. She could let her son come back from Chicago and take her back with him but she doesn't want to live with him and his wife. She loves him dearly but really doesn't "like" him. He is a dictator to his family and she doesn't want to lose what control she has over her own life. Then she could go to a nursing home but that is just as abhorrent to her as it is to me. What she really wants is for me to come live with her. I just can't do that.
When I got back home, I picked up Bob and we went out to El Pueblo for lunch. He insisted on buying my lunch. That was good of him. I gave him the bag of cookies.
I am making goulash for lunch tomorrow and we will have green beans with it and garlic toast. I have Bob's orange jello with oranges salad.
I have to stay home tomorrow to wait for the UPS man to come so I will vacuum then. I am sending back the "smart" light bulbs I was going to use with Alexa, my Echo that John and Leslie gave me for Christmas. However as hard as I tried to figure out the app, I just couldn't make it work. It wanted my e-mail address or my phone number and my password. I tried both my e-mail address and my cell phone number and the password I use for Amazon but nothing worked so I just gave up and got permission to send the bulbs back. They were too expensive anyhow.
I use Alexa for music and the weather and the time mostly. I have asked about the time for the Ohio State game tomorrow evening but it is being carried on ESPN and I don't get ESPN on my TV...I didn't get it when I had cable either. It was an "extra". Ginger wants me to go out to John and Leslie's to watch it. That would mean driving after dark when the deer are out. I don't know.
Bob came over after 5:00 to watch the news. He had fallen asleep so was a little later then usual. He watched the news and then went home a little earlier. I was yawning a lot. It was a long day.
I have taken my bath and Missy and I will go to bed at 9:00.
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Sunday's Sermon
Scripture Lesson
Luke 2:22-40
Blessed in the Temple
I’d like to share today’s scripture lesson:
22 And when the days for
their purification according to the law of Moses were completed, they brought
Him up to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord 23 (as it is
written in the Law of the Lord, “Every firstborn male that opens the womb shall be called
holy to the Lord”),
24 and to offer a sacrifice according to what was said in the
Law of the Lord, “A pair of
turtledoves or two young pigeons.”
25 And there was a man
in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon; and this man was righteous and devout,
looking for the consolation of Israel; and the Holy Spirit was upon him. 26 And
it had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death
before he had seen the Lord’s Christ. 27 And he came in the
Spirit into the temple; and when the parents brought in the child Jesus,to
carry out for Him the custom of the Law, 28 then he took Him
into his arms, and blessed God, and said,
29 “Now Lord, You are
releasing Your bond-servant to depart in peace,
According to Your word;
30 For my eyes have seen Your salvation,
31 Which You have prepared in the presence of all peoples,
32 A Light of revelation to the Gentiles,
And the glory of Your people Israel.”
According to Your word;
30 For my eyes have seen Your salvation,
31 Which You have prepared in the presence of all peoples,
32 A Light of revelation to the Gentiles,
And the glory of Your people Israel.”
33 And His father and
mother were amazed at the things which were being said about Him. 34 And
Simeon blessed them and said to Mary His mother, “Behold, this Child is
appointed for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and for a sign to be
opposed— 35 and a sword will pierce even your own soul—to the
end that thoughts from many hearts may be revealed.”
36 And there was a
prophetess, Anna the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was
advanced in years and had lived with her husband seven years after her
marriage, 37 and then as a widow to the age of eighty-four. She
never left the temple, serving night and day with fasting and prayers. 38 At
that very moment she came up and began giving thanks to God, and
continued to speak of Him to all those who were looking for the redemption of
39 When they had
performed everything according to the Law of the Lord, they returned to
Galilee, to their own city of Nazareth. 40 The Child continued
to grow and become strong, increasing in wisdom; and the grace of God was upon
to our scripture, today’s text is set at the temple at Jerusalem. In our
scripture, Joseph and Mary brought Jesus there to fulfill the requirements of
Jewish law. The previous verse (Luke 2:21) refers to Jesus’ circumcision, the
ritual required for all Jewish newborn males. But in the temple we read of
presenting Jesus, as the firstborn male, to the service of God, a ritual also
required by Jewish law. Included is the necessary sacrifice. Wealthier couples
would have brought a lamb, but Jesus’ parents brought the also-acceptable
sacrifice of “a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons” (v. 24), perhaps
showing the family’s low economic standing.
these requirements were fulfilled, the text described the words and actions of
two people who were on the scene at the time. Nine verses are devoted to
Simeon, who, according to the text, was guided to the temple that day by the
Spirit—an important motif for Luke. But Simeon was not just a casual observer.
The Spirit had assured him that he would live to see the One who God sent for
the world’s salvation. He recognized, by the Spirit’s power, the baby Jesus was
this savior. Simeon blessed Jesus and his mother and father.
other person to give attention to Jesus on that occasion was an aged widow,
Anna. She had lived at the temple for some time, engaging constantly in fasting
and prayer. Like Simeon, Anna recognized who Jesus was and the role of
redemption he would play. The importance of these two elderly sages was in
their recognition and prophetic declaration of whom Jesus was and that he had
been sent for the world’s salvation. This confirmed what Mary had been told
previously by the angel Gabriel and by her relative Elizabeth.
last verse records the family’s return to their home in Nazareth, where Jesus
“grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favor of God was upon him”
(v. 40). This description of Jesus’ obedience and devotion is significant as we
do not have other information about Jesus’ upbringing until his visit to
Jerusalem at age 12.
text highlights fulfilling tradition and law, which was of major importance
then. But in today’s world, in many places, conforming to rules is not
stressed. Religious rituals have become less commonplace. People are less aware
of mystery. We can learn important lessons from today’s text. Simeon and Anna
were not authority figures. Like Joseph and Mary—and therefore Jesus—they were
ordinary people. Yet God, through the Spirit, gave them insight, devotion, and
faith to be instruments of blessing at this formative time in the life of Jesus
and his parents.
text invites us to find expressive rituals for celebrating the presence of God
in the ordinary people and experiences of life. Some of those rituals may be
the “sacrament of communion” that we will be observing next Sunday. Another may
be the “laying on of hands” we sometimes practice for asking for healing from
God’s spirit.
Even the “blessing of babies” may be a way to invite God’s
days long past, our congregation met on Wednesday evenings…sometimes at church
and sometimes in the homes. We had a “theme” those evenings and one of us
brought some thoughts relating to that theme. That helped us to focus.
Sometimes we studied and prayed and created our own quiet time. Sometimes we
actually felt God’s Spirit moving us to share something spiritual with one
another. People nowadays often say they
are not “religious” but are “spiritual”. To have a “God experience” without the
fellowship and community of an actual church group is hard. Most of us are not
that disciplined. We seem to need one another for focus.
may not do this in the same ways as did our forebears. But it is just as
important for our spiritual well-being and our journey as disciples of Jesus. We
all need times of aloneness and meditation. Some of us read a daily meditation
and have our private prayer. Some find themselves nearer to God as they admire
and enjoy nature. If we open ourselves to allow ourselves to be guided by God’s
Spirit, we will keep our lives focused on the message Jesus brought… the
ability in our everyday lives to help redeem the peace we so badly need in
today’s troubled world. We do that one person at a time…one organization at a
time, one community at a time.
watched 60 Minutes last Sunday evening and one of the stories there was about
Scotland….a small European country near Ireland. There is very little crime
there. When asked “why” by the commentator, the person he was interviewing said
it was because of the stigma attached to crime and the way it influenced entire
families for generations to come in their particular culture.
In today’s more-secular world, we are
challenged to find expressive rituals that keep us connected to God. We need to
always open ourselves to God’s Spirit’s guidance. So, what relevance can we see
in fulfilling rituals and laws as described in this text? Or is there any? Let
us ask ourselves if we have ever felt guided by God’s Spirit. And how…and when
and why. Perhaps if we were better
connected as families, communities and nations, we could realize that kind of
connection in today’s violent world.
There are many distractions in today’s
world. Between cell phones, TV and general noise…it is difficult for today’s
people to even hear the voices of loved ones let alone the still small voice of
So how do we contend with all of this?
Perhaps we can construct our own “quiet time”.
Many years ago, when our family lived
in Bartlesville, our pastor was Bob Scheeler. We were visiting one time about
this very subject. He told me he got up at 5:00 every morning for time to study
and pray and be alone to listen for that still small voice. I had three small
children and a pretty hectic life and I found it difficult too. But I decided
to get up at 5:00 each morning so I could have that same quiet time to meditate
and read the scriptures and attempt to connect with God’s holy Spirit. That
lasted for many years and seemed to help. In the interim I have drifted away
from that practice.
In the past few years, our congregation
has traveled as a group to Independence Missouri to visit our denomination’s
Temple there. We are asked to quietly enter the sanctuary there on the
Worshiper’s Path. There are worship arrangements there that help us to prepare
ourselves to focus on God’s Spirit. Then one of our World Church's leadership brings an inspiring message. That always brings God’s Spirit closer to
each of us. I look forward to that trip each year.
But each of us has to search for our
own way. In order to be sensitive to God’s still small voice, we need peace and
quiet and a quiet time in this busy and noisy world of ours is hard to find. But
it can be done if we are determined to create such a place and time.
Wednesday and Exercises Again
It is 16 degrees out there this morning. I did sleep well and didn't wake up in the night at all. I got up shortly before usual.
One of my former neighbors here in the fourplex died Christmas morning. We were the same age. Her funeral is Friday at 1:00. I don't know if I will attend or not. I really do not go to many funerals anymore.
I will fix a roast for lunch. I will put it on to cook in the slow cooker with potatoes, onions and carrots. I will pick up Bob at 8:40 to go to exercises.
I have been working on my class newsletter. This is the shortest one yet. It is usually 8 pages but this year it is barely 5 pages. If I don't get some more news, I will probably send it of sometime this week.This is my 20th year to do it.
More later...
We went to exercise class and there were more there than we thought would be. Afterward I came back home and worked on Sunday's sermon. Then we had lunch. The roast was very good and I sent the leftovers home with Bob.
More later....
One of my former neighbors here in the fourplex died Christmas morning. We were the same age. Her funeral is Friday at 1:00. I don't know if I will attend or not. I really do not go to many funerals anymore.
I will fix a roast for lunch. I will put it on to cook in the slow cooker with potatoes, onions and carrots. I will pick up Bob at 8:40 to go to exercises.
I have been working on my class newsletter. This is the shortest one yet. It is usually 8 pages but this year it is barely 5 pages. If I don't get some more news, I will probably send it of sometime this week.This is my 20th year to do it.
More later...
We went to exercise class and there were more there than we thought would be. Afterward I came back home and worked on Sunday's sermon. Then we had lunch. The roast was very good and I sent the leftovers home with Bob.
More later....
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Tuesday and Hair Day
I slept really well last night. I am back in my own bed after a couple of weeks on the trundle bed. Missy did wet on the clean bathmat under her litter box this morning but I put the larger clean one under it and put the damp one in the washer.There's really nothing else I can do about it. I seriously doubt you can teach an old cat anything new.
I have fed Missy and myself and have been watching the Tulsa news.
I have had Alexa play music ever since I got up. I have the TV on right now.
Bob and I will leave early to go to Independence for my hair appointment. Kathy is taking off early today. Her kids are still there and will not leave until tomorrow so she wants to spend as much time with them as possible. Besides, the other operators have taken off today too. My appointment is 8:30. So Bob and I will leave at 8:00 or shortly after. We will wander around Walmart. Sayers will be open and True Value will be too so there will be places where we can spend time.
We will have pizza at Big Cheese for lunch.
We decided to come back home and eat the leftover chili. It was just too cold to fool around out there.
When I get home I need to take my phone into US Cellular and see what they can do about the four virus' Leslie found on it when she downloaded the app for the Echo. I hope there isn't a long line. I got right in. They informed me that the phones do not get virus'. There was an app that gave a false positive on virus' and the woman just deleted it.
More later...
I lay down with Missy for awhile in the afternoon and watched a movie....or part of one. I didn't like it so I backed out of it.
Then the mail come and I got the package from Ginger and Scott. The Ohio State Tee fit perfectly. There was also a cute Christmas kitchen towel and a lovely Christmas card. So nice! They want me to go out to John and Leslie's and watch the game Friday evening. The game starts at 7:30. That would mean I would be driving home at night. I will see!
Juanita called to say she got her bank statement in the mail this afternoon. I will go back up to Independence on Thursday morning to balance her checkbook.
Bob came over about 5:00 to watch the news.We watched the CBS news and then he left at quarter past 6:00 when Tulsa began repeating the same local Tulsa news we had seen at 5:00.
I came in here to the den to work on the blog. I will take my bath soon and get into my PJs and read until bedtime.
I have fed Missy and myself and have been watching the Tulsa news.
I have had Alexa play music ever since I got up. I have the TV on right now.
Bob and I will leave early to go to Independence for my hair appointment. Kathy is taking off early today. Her kids are still there and will not leave until tomorrow so she wants to spend as much time with them as possible. Besides, the other operators have taken off today too. My appointment is 8:30. So Bob and I will leave at 8:00 or shortly after. We will wander around Walmart. Sayers will be open and True Value will be too so there will be places where we can spend time.
We will have pizza at Big Cheese for lunch.
We decided to come back home and eat the leftover chili. It was just too cold to fool around out there.
When I get home I need to take my phone into US Cellular and see what they can do about the four virus' Leslie found on it when she downloaded the app for the Echo. I hope there isn't a long line. I got right in. They informed me that the phones do not get virus'. There was an app that gave a false positive on virus' and the woman just deleted it.
More later...
I lay down with Missy for awhile in the afternoon and watched a movie....or part of one. I didn't like it so I backed out of it.
Then the mail come and I got the package from Ginger and Scott. The Ohio State Tee fit perfectly. There was also a cute Christmas kitchen towel and a lovely Christmas card. So nice! They want me to go out to John and Leslie's and watch the game Friday evening. The game starts at 7:30. That would mean I would be driving home at night. I will see!
Juanita called to say she got her bank statement in the mail this afternoon. I will go back up to Independence on Thursday morning to balance her checkbook.
Bob came over about 5:00 to watch the news.We watched the CBS news and then he left at quarter past 6:00 when Tulsa began repeating the same local Tulsa news we had seen at 5:00.
I came in here to the den to work on the blog. I will take my bath soon and get into my PJs and read until bedtime.
Monday, December 25, 2017
Monday and Christmas Day
I have listened to music all morning and now have been watching CBS news. I slept well last night. I asked Alexa to play some soft music and I went right to sleep. What a neat gift! Between the smart phone and Alexa and the antenna and the Tivo, I have had some neat gifts lately.
I enjoyed talking with Scott this morning too. They have been packing for their move. It is quite exciting for them. He also gave me his new address at the apartment they are moving into in January.
I will get back to this later...I need to get something done today.
I got ready for the dinner at "Just Us" and Rick decided he would drive. Then he ended up paying for all four of our lunches. That was so sweet and very unexpected. They are the neatest kids. Rick is 52 and Carmen could be any age. They have been married 27 years. She could be in her 40s. But she is really pretty and as I have said earlier, she was originally from Columbia South America.
I decided to put away my Christmas decorations. I finally got them all packed away and in the dining room closet. I need to get a new arrangement made for the coffee table. The one I have used is looking pretty seedy. I laid down and watched a movie with Missy for a couple of hours before starting to put way the Christmas decorations. I got them all boxed and nicely arranged in that closet.
It's almost time for Missy's treats so I had better get back to this later.
I fed Missy her treats and then soon after that Bob came to watch the news. He left immediately after the CBS news was over.
I took my bath and put my PJs on and will watch a little TV before going to bed. My Kindle is being charged.
As I was taking my bath I got an e-mail from my friend, Gay. Her husband has the nuro virus and is contagious. The ambulance took him to Wichita to the hospital. He can't come home until he had no fever. She is leaving to be up there in the morning. They are both 79. Tony is also on dialysis three days a week. So it may even more dangerous for him. I have forwarded her e-mail to my daughter, who is one of our pastors. She will put Tony (and Gay) on the prayer list if they aren't already on it.
I will be going to bed at 9:00. I am very tired.
I enjoyed talking with Scott this morning too. They have been packing for their move. It is quite exciting for them. He also gave me his new address at the apartment they are moving into in January.
I will get back to this later...I need to get something done today.
I got ready for the dinner at "Just Us" and Rick decided he would drive. Then he ended up paying for all four of our lunches. That was so sweet and very unexpected. They are the neatest kids. Rick is 52 and Carmen could be any age. They have been married 27 years. She could be in her 40s. But she is really pretty and as I have said earlier, she was originally from Columbia South America.
I decided to put away my Christmas decorations. I finally got them all packed away and in the dining room closet. I need to get a new arrangement made for the coffee table. The one I have used is looking pretty seedy. I laid down and watched a movie with Missy for a couple of hours before starting to put way the Christmas decorations. I got them all boxed and nicely arranged in that closet.
It's almost time for Missy's treats so I had better get back to this later.
I fed Missy her treats and then soon after that Bob came to watch the news. He left immediately after the CBS news was over.
I took my bath and put my PJs on and will watch a little TV before going to bed. My Kindle is being charged.
As I was taking my bath I got an e-mail from my friend, Gay. Her husband has the nuro virus and is contagious. The ambulance took him to Wichita to the hospital. He can't come home until he had no fever. She is leaving to be up there in the morning. They are both 79. Tony is also on dialysis three days a week. So it may even more dangerous for him. I have forwarded her e-mail to my daughter, who is one of our pastors. She will put Tony (and Gay) on the prayer list if they aren't already on it.
I will be going to bed at 9:00. I am very tired.
Sunday, December 24, 2017
Sunday and Christmas Eve
I slept back in my bed last night and slept well. I am dressed and ready for the day now. I will go to church at 9:00 as usual but instead of Church School class, we will have the first half of the Christmas program then break for breakfast. The three pastors are providing that. After the breakfast, we will have the second half of the Christmas program. After that, we will probably just come home. We will have a big breakfast and will not need lunch.
After I get home, I will bake my banana nut bread. The family is coming at 4:00 and we will have eggnog, banana nut bread, cookies and the few peanut clusters I have left. Leslie is bringing her hot spiced cider. Then we will have our gift exchange.
Tomorrow the Simmons',and Bob and I will go over to "Just Us" at noon for Christmas dinner. Leslie is on call this weekend.
I downloaded music on my desktop computer from my Amazon Prime membership I also download the same thing on my TV last night. Of course, the TV has that Bose system that Scott gave me with the TV I now have. Between the boys, I have TV without cable. So the music is great....and free. I pay $98 a year for Prime and that enables me to order from Amazon with no freight charge for my purchases. It gives me the loan of books for my Kindle or on my desktop computer and the music, of course, as well as a vast variety of TV shows and movies. I have watched a movie nearly every evening. I can sure live without cable. My antenna gives me CBS for the news. That's depressing enough.
More later...
I came home after going to Big Cheese for lunch, Phyllis and I had ham and cheese sandwiches and Bob had spaghetti. When I got home I immediately started working on the refreshments for this afternoon's family get together. I baked my banana nut bread and got out all my refreshments and egg nog.
Close to 4:00 they all came. The children started off with refreshments but were so excited to get to open their gifts. We forwent eating and drinking cider and eggnog and opened gifts. I got an Echo from the kids. I just have to say "Alexa" and ask it anything and it answers. John told me it doesn't know everything but continually learns.
Leslie set it up for me on my smart phone. Then they tested it out. Electronics are certainly amazing. In order for it to turn off my lights, I will have to buy special bulbs but it answers most questions.
The children played with their toys while they were here. John and Leslie got them walkie talkies (two way communications). John and Maia played with those. John is still just a kid.
We had a good visit. Bob came over soon after they left and watched 60 Minutes with me. Then I decided to work on the newsletters and get them ready to go out Tuesday. At least I can get the ones for the online forks out.
I got one photo of the kids opening their gifts. I will post it later.
It is 7:40 now and I better get with it.
More later...
That's Maia in the black and Cheyenne in the red. They were so thrilled with all their gifts.
I went on to bed after getting the newsletter out. I was exhausted. I asked Alexa for some soft music and I went right to sleep.
After I get home, I will bake my banana nut bread. The family is coming at 4:00 and we will have eggnog, banana nut bread, cookies and the few peanut clusters I have left. Leslie is bringing her hot spiced cider. Then we will have our gift exchange.
Tomorrow the Simmons',and Bob and I will go over to "Just Us" at noon for Christmas dinner. Leslie is on call this weekend.
I downloaded music on my desktop computer from my Amazon Prime membership I also download the same thing on my TV last night. Of course, the TV has that Bose system that Scott gave me with the TV I now have. Between the boys, I have TV without cable. So the music is great....and free. I pay $98 a year for Prime and that enables me to order from Amazon with no freight charge for my purchases. It gives me the loan of books for my Kindle or on my desktop computer and the music, of course, as well as a vast variety of TV shows and movies. I have watched a movie nearly every evening. I can sure live without cable. My antenna gives me CBS for the news. That's depressing enough.
More later...
I came home after going to Big Cheese for lunch, Phyllis and I had ham and cheese sandwiches and Bob had spaghetti. When I got home I immediately started working on the refreshments for this afternoon's family get together. I baked my banana nut bread and got out all my refreshments and egg nog.
Close to 4:00 they all came. The children started off with refreshments but were so excited to get to open their gifts. We forwent eating and drinking cider and eggnog and opened gifts. I got an Echo from the kids. I just have to say "Alexa" and ask it anything and it answers. John told me it doesn't know everything but continually learns.
Leslie set it up for me on my smart phone. Then they tested it out. Electronics are certainly amazing. In order for it to turn off my lights, I will have to buy special bulbs but it answers most questions.
The children played with their toys while they were here. John and Leslie got them walkie talkies (two way communications). John and Maia played with those. John is still just a kid.
We had a good visit. Bob came over soon after they left and watched 60 Minutes with me. Then I decided to work on the newsletters and get them ready to go out Tuesday. At least I can get the ones for the online forks out.
I got one photo of the kids opening their gifts. I will post it later.
It is 7:40 now and I better get with it.
More later...
That's Maia in the black and Cheyenne in the red. They were so thrilled with all their gifts.
I went on to bed after getting the newsletter out. I was exhausted. I asked Alexa for some soft music and I went right to sleep.
Saturday, December 23, 2017
Saturday and Breakfast at Eggberts
I slept pretty well last night. I only woke up once. Then I got right back to sleep. Missy got up in the night and accidentally wet on her clean bathmat. I put it in the washer and put the other one under her litter box after I cleaned up the mess. That cat! She is old too.
Bob will be by shortly before 7:00 and we will go to breakfast out this morning. Sometime tomorrow afternoon I will bake my banana nut bread for when the family comes. They are to be here at 4:00. I'd better get dressed and ready for the day now. It is almost 5:00 AM. The bank deposit from Keith and Esther finally made it last night in the night. Now I will pay my car insurance and apartment insurance right after Christmas.
More later...
I ended up driving. Bob had ice on his windows so I drove. We had a good breakfast and we both had omelets.
When I got home, I cleaned the apartment. I mopped the floors in the bathroom and kitchen and vacuumed the carpets. Now I am tired. It's only 10:30 and on Saturday I don't cook. I do have chili leftover from Friday so if we get hungry, I can warm that up.
I checked Leslie's facebook page and found the puppies sleeping soundly.

They are out in the potting shed now and it;s warmed with a small radiator.
Leslie called to see if I needed anything for tomorrow afternoon when we have treats and open our gifts. She is going to bring her hot cider. We can use that. I also have flavored popcorn, a few peanut clusters, and some cookies. I will fix banana nut bread too.
I watched an old movie "Dirty Dancing" on Amazon Prime this afternoon instead of taking a nap.
Bob came over to watch the news about 5:30 and stayed until about 6:30. Then he went home and I took my bath and came in here to work on this blog. There is really nothing on TV.
Bob will be by shortly before 7:00 and we will go to breakfast out this morning. Sometime tomorrow afternoon I will bake my banana nut bread for when the family comes. They are to be here at 4:00. I'd better get dressed and ready for the day now. It is almost 5:00 AM. The bank deposit from Keith and Esther finally made it last night in the night. Now I will pay my car insurance and apartment insurance right after Christmas.
More later...
I ended up driving. Bob had ice on his windows so I drove. We had a good breakfast and we both had omelets.
When I got home, I cleaned the apartment. I mopped the floors in the bathroom and kitchen and vacuumed the carpets. Now I am tired. It's only 10:30 and on Saturday I don't cook. I do have chili leftover from Friday so if we get hungry, I can warm that up.
I checked Leslie's facebook page and found the puppies sleeping soundly.

They are out in the potting shed now and it;s warmed with a small radiator.
Leslie called to see if I needed anything for tomorrow afternoon when we have treats and open our gifts. She is going to bring her hot cider. We can use that. I also have flavored popcorn, a few peanut clusters, and some cookies. I will fix banana nut bread too.
I watched an old movie "Dirty Dancing" on Amazon Prime this afternoon instead of taking a nap.
Bob came over to watch the news about 5:30 and stayed until about 6:30. Then he went home and I took my bath and came in here to work on this blog. There is really nothing on TV.
Friday, December 22, 2017
Friday and A Bad Thursday Evening
I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. I didn't get to bed until after 10:30. When I came in the den to get ready for bed, I discovered my computer screen was frozen and there was a message from Defender that I would need to call Microsoft at an 800 number. I took a chance and called the number and was informed that I would need to let the tech take over my computer to get the screen unfrozen. I took a deep breath and did that. I was informed that I had a serious worm..a Trojan and the entire network was infected. I had a feeling I had been had and was now hacked.
I then told the hack tech I was speaking to that my son worked as a tech for the Department of Defense and since I had no money I would have to have him take care of the problem. So by this time the screen was unfrozen but I was told the worm was still in there. But he logged off anyhow.
I couldn't reach Keith, my son, so I contacted my tech help from Cox. Luckily I got a knowledgeable tech and he went all through my drive and removed the hack. Then I went to bed after he said the computer was safe again. He also told me that Microsoft never posts a telephone number and that should have been a dead giveaway. Now I know. I always know not to open any link that I am not familiar with...but that looked like a genuine warning and my screen was frozen. What really gave him away was when he asked me what a "blog" was. But as a word to the wise, take my advice and never do what I did. You will get hacked if you do.The Cox tech said dozens of people in his experience had bitten on that hack.
I slept pretty well until 3:30 and then I got up to go to the bathroom and after that, I couldn't get back to sleep. Finally at 4:00, I just got up.
I left a message to Betty, my landlady, that I had a 10:00 appointment this morning and asked if Emmett could come in the afternoon to replace the sprayer on my sink. I never heard back. I will try again before I leave this morning.
More later...
The chili is finished and in the slow cooker on "warm". I will leave it this morning to just stay warm. There is Coke in the frig and I have chips and crackers. Hopefully, Emmett will not come this morning since I will be gone until about 11:00. He has my number and can call me if he does come this morning sometime.
We had our chili at lunchtime and it was good. Bob brought a photo Joanne had brought to show him of her husband, Bill, and Bob and they were best friends for many years. Bob wanted me to scan it into my computer and print it off on some photo paper I keep. I did that. It finally worked. It took a long time and fiddling with the scanner. It's an old flatbed scanner and I hadn't used it in several years. But I finally got it to work.
I was out of sorts at lunchtime. My son, Keith, had transferred some money to me yesterday for my car insurance and it did not come through anytime today. He sent it last evening and that may be why. I called the bank and they had no record of it even coming through but it had left Keith's account last evening. It irritates me that the bank uses our money for 24 hours and doesn't even have to be charged for doing that. I am hoping to get the transfer by tomorrow.
I went by Utopia and had a Utopiachino and a cinnamon roll. I waited for Bob but he had forgotten that he told me he was coming after he had his haircut.
The maintenance man came to fix the sprayer on my sink and he couldn't get it to leak at all so he will return the part to Ace Hardware. I don't know what happened. When I tried to use it after the plumber put my sink in last year, it leaked all over the floor and I had to get a lot of old towels from Bob and mop all that water up. Now it doesn't leak at all. Strange!
I got a lovely Christmas gift from the Cordas family. Christina is my oldest granddaughter. Kyle and Christina sent it to me. It is a lovely Precious Moment figurine. I collected those for years. I put it in a prominent place in my living room. That was so sweet of her! I sent her a thank you note.
As I was getting ready for my bath, Christina texted me to find out if my gift arrived. I told her how delighted was with it.
I took my bath and got ready for bed. The special Dick Van Dyke Christmas Special is on TV next and I guess I will watch it. Then at 9:00 Missy and I will go to bed.
I had just finished my bath and had my PJs on, when my next door neighbor, Rick, rang the doorbell. I answered it and he and Carmen had brought me a box of special cookies. I will put them out tomorrow evening when the family comes for refreshments and the gift exchange. Evelyn had brought me a nice cookie gift the day before. We have such nice neighbors here now.
I went to bed a little early. I was really tired.
I then told the hack tech I was speaking to that my son worked as a tech for the Department of Defense and since I had no money I would have to have him take care of the problem. So by this time the screen was unfrozen but I was told the worm was still in there. But he logged off anyhow.
I couldn't reach Keith, my son, so I contacted my tech help from Cox. Luckily I got a knowledgeable tech and he went all through my drive and removed the hack. Then I went to bed after he said the computer was safe again. He also told me that Microsoft never posts a telephone number and that should have been a dead giveaway. Now I know. I always know not to open any link that I am not familiar with...but that looked like a genuine warning and my screen was frozen. What really gave him away was when he asked me what a "blog" was. But as a word to the wise, take my advice and never do what I did. You will get hacked if you do.The Cox tech said dozens of people in his experience had bitten on that hack.
I slept pretty well until 3:30 and then I got up to go to the bathroom and after that, I couldn't get back to sleep. Finally at 4:00, I just got up.
I left a message to Betty, my landlady, that I had a 10:00 appointment this morning and asked if Emmett could come in the afternoon to replace the sprayer on my sink. I never heard back. I will try again before I leave this morning.
More later...
The chili is finished and in the slow cooker on "warm". I will leave it this morning to just stay warm. There is Coke in the frig and I have chips and crackers. Hopefully, Emmett will not come this morning since I will be gone until about 11:00. He has my number and can call me if he does come this morning sometime.
We had our chili at lunchtime and it was good. Bob brought a photo Joanne had brought to show him of her husband, Bill, and Bob and they were best friends for many years. Bob wanted me to scan it into my computer and print it off on some photo paper I keep. I did that. It finally worked. It took a long time and fiddling with the scanner. It's an old flatbed scanner and I hadn't used it in several years. But I finally got it to work.
I was out of sorts at lunchtime. My son, Keith, had transferred some money to me yesterday for my car insurance and it did not come through anytime today. He sent it last evening and that may be why. I called the bank and they had no record of it even coming through but it had left Keith's account last evening. It irritates me that the bank uses our money for 24 hours and doesn't even have to be charged for doing that. I am hoping to get the transfer by tomorrow.
I went by Utopia and had a Utopiachino and a cinnamon roll. I waited for Bob but he had forgotten that he told me he was coming after he had his haircut.
The maintenance man came to fix the sprayer on my sink and he couldn't get it to leak at all so he will return the part to Ace Hardware. I don't know what happened. When I tried to use it after the plumber put my sink in last year, it leaked all over the floor and I had to get a lot of old towels from Bob and mop all that water up. Now it doesn't leak at all. Strange!
I got a lovely Christmas gift from the Cordas family. Christina is my oldest granddaughter. Kyle and Christina sent it to me. It is a lovely Precious Moment figurine. I collected those for years. I put it in a prominent place in my living room. That was so sweet of her! I sent her a thank you note.
As I was getting ready for my bath, Christina texted me to find out if my gift arrived. I told her how delighted was with it.
I took my bath and got ready for bed. The special Dick Van Dyke Christmas Special is on TV next and I guess I will watch it. Then at 9:00 Missy and I will go to bed.
I had just finished my bath and had my PJs on, when my next door neighbor, Rick, rang the doorbell. I answered it and he and Carmen had brought me a box of special cookies. I will put them out tomorrow evening when the family comes for refreshments and the gift exchange. Evelyn had brought me a nice cookie gift the day before. We have such nice neighbors here now.
I went to bed a little early. I was really tired.
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Thursday and a Trip to Bartlesville
I slept really well last night. I woke up about 2:00 and went to the bathroom. There I saw that Missy has missed the litter box altogether and wet on the floor beside it. I got out my 501 and washed the mess up. I hope this doesn't continue to get worse. At least she makes it to the bathroom which has a tile floor. Anyhow, after that I managed to get right back to sleep.
Bob is going to the doctor in Bartlesville and I am going with him to see Dr. Eslicker. Afterward we will go window shopping and later go to McCalister's for lunch. I will take my big drink cup and get my drink cup full for .98. Then I will share it with Bob. That reminds me...I need to wash the cup. It's in the trunk of my car and we will be taking his car.
More later....
Well, we saw Dr. Eslicker and he zapped Bob in several places. I did his paperwork. Then we went out to the new shopping center and looked around. We didn't buy anything. I wanted to go to the mall to get some socks at Christopher and Banks so that's where we went next. We killed some time. At 11:00 we went to McCalisters for lunch. Yum!
We stopped by Pecks on our way back but they were closed until 12:30 for lunch and it was only 11:45 and we did not want to stay around for 45 minutes to pick up some beef patties so we just came on back home. He dropped me off at my apartment and went on home to take a nap. We will get beef patties next time we go to Bartlesville. I need to ask Leslie to give me some of their ground beef. I have only one pound now.
I will go over to Country Mart and get my banana nut bread mix now. So more later....
I bought a few groceries at Country Mart. Now we have a roast or two for future lunches. I got my banana nut bread mix and some bananas and will serve that Sunday evening with the eggnog. I have a few peanut clusters left too and will put them out.
In the morning I will make chili for tomorrow's lunch. We will have corn chips and crackers and cheese with that. Hopefully, Bob will bring his cheese. After exercises tomorrow, we may go to Utopia for cinnamon rolls and Utopiachinos.
Betty is sending Emmitt to fix my leaking sprayer on my sink in the morning. I hope she will ask him to come in the afternoon. I wanted to go to exercise class and Utopia afterward. I texted her to ask her to ask him to come in the afternoon but I haven't heard anything back from her.
I watched some TV earlier this evening but there really isn't anything I care anything about on TV anymore. I looked over the Amazon Prime things but much of it is Christmas right now.
I have watched what I am interested in watching. I took my bath after Bob left and laid down with Missy on the sofa and watched and searched through the Amazon stuff.
It's after 8:00 now and I will try to stay up until 9:00 and then Missy and I will go to bed.
Bob is going to the doctor in Bartlesville and I am going with him to see Dr. Eslicker. Afterward we will go window shopping and later go to McCalister's for lunch. I will take my big drink cup and get my drink cup full for .98. Then I will share it with Bob. That reminds me...I need to wash the cup. It's in the trunk of my car and we will be taking his car.
More later....
Well, we saw Dr. Eslicker and he zapped Bob in several places. I did his paperwork. Then we went out to the new shopping center and looked around. We didn't buy anything. I wanted to go to the mall to get some socks at Christopher and Banks so that's where we went next. We killed some time. At 11:00 we went to McCalisters for lunch. Yum!
We stopped by Pecks on our way back but they were closed until 12:30 for lunch and it was only 11:45 and we did not want to stay around for 45 minutes to pick up some beef patties so we just came on back home. He dropped me off at my apartment and went on home to take a nap. We will get beef patties next time we go to Bartlesville. I need to ask Leslie to give me some of their ground beef. I have only one pound now.
I will go over to Country Mart and get my banana nut bread mix now. So more later....
I bought a few groceries at Country Mart. Now we have a roast or two for future lunches. I got my banana nut bread mix and some bananas and will serve that Sunday evening with the eggnog. I have a few peanut clusters left too and will put them out.
In the morning I will make chili for tomorrow's lunch. We will have corn chips and crackers and cheese with that. Hopefully, Bob will bring his cheese. After exercises tomorrow, we may go to Utopia for cinnamon rolls and Utopiachinos.
Betty is sending Emmitt to fix my leaking sprayer on my sink in the morning. I hope she will ask him to come in the afternoon. I wanted to go to exercise class and Utopia afterward. I texted her to ask her to ask him to come in the afternoon but I haven't heard anything back from her.
I watched some TV earlier this evening but there really isn't anything I care anything about on TV anymore. I looked over the Amazon Prime things but much of it is Christmas right now.
I have watched what I am interested in watching. I took my bath after Bob left and laid down with Missy on the sofa and watched and searched through the Amazon stuff.
It's after 8:00 now and I will try to stay up until 9:00 and then Missy and I will go to bed.
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Wednesday and Exercises and Bunco at Asbury Village
I slept pretty well last night. I did wake up once but got back to sleep just fine once I had gone to the bathroom. I also cleaned out Missy's litter box...and yes, she had missed the box and wet on the little bathmat. I put the other larger one under the litter box and put the small one in the washer. When she does the larger one, I will wash them both. Old cat! She's as bad as I am except I don't miss my stool!
I have made the trundle bed up and put it away. I have also fed Missy and myself and finished the crossword puzzle from last evening's Reporter.
I will drive this morning and pick up Bob. After lunch, I will go out to Asbury Village for the Bunco party. I missed Bingo last Wednesday. I just had too much to do. We will have tuna cakes and friend potatoes and corn at lunch today. Bob will bring his salad.
I want to get a banana nut bread mix for Sunday evening when I have the kids here for the gift exchange. I will also get some Brahms eggnog. It won't be anywhere near as good as Leslie's but it will be the best commercial eggnog around here. I will have the banana nut bread and eggnog and the remainder of the peanut clusters. I gave away my cookies to the neighbors and unless I find time to bake more, we will not have cookies.
My hands have hurt some lately. It's probably the change in the weather. I don't take anything for it. It isn't that bad.
Strange...since I cancelled my cable, now my internet is $28.99....down from $34.99. I wonder what that's all about? Also, I am supposed to be paying $10.00 a month extra for the service I get every Tuesday when Cox checks out my computer for errors. That was not on the bill either. I'm not complaining! I'm just making an observation. I had them add my new little notebook to the service. They will handle 4 different computers for that $10.00 a month. I had them take that broken ruined Dell off the account. The post office ruined it when Keith sent it back to me. It was packed in bubble wrap and bubbles and should have been fine.
More later...
I picked up Bob and attended exercise class and then we came on back home. I am very tired for some reason. I will start dinner in about 45 minutes and then go to Bunco at 2:00.
I located my Chase account and arranged to pay that bill too. I want to keep my bills caught up as soon as I can.
I want to get the makings for my banana nut bread sometime before Sunday and get that made up Sunday morning and get my eggnog too. If I can find time, I will bake cookies again too.
I am washing the bathmats now. When I got home I put them and the other small stuff like Missy's afghans in the washer. I hope to get it all dry before lunch.
More later...
Dinner was fine. Bob is going to see Dr. Eslicker in Bartlesville and I am going along too. Afterward we will go to the new strip mall and look it over. Then we will eat at McCallister's. It's been awhile since we've done that.
I had to put the bathmats back in the dryer. They didn't get dry before lunch. They are too heavy.
In about 45 minutes I will leave for Asbury Village and Bunco.
Miss Kitty is napping behind me on the daybed.
More later....
I went to Asbury Village and played Bunco and then came home and took it easy. About 4:45 Bob came over and we had ice cream. The ice cream made him start coughing again so I made up a cup of hot tea. That stopped the coughing.
He left shortly after 6:00 and I took my bath and lay down with Missy on the sofa and watched a movie on Amazon.
At 8:45, Missy and I went to bed. I was very tired.
I have made the trundle bed up and put it away. I have also fed Missy and myself and finished the crossword puzzle from last evening's Reporter.
I will drive this morning and pick up Bob. After lunch, I will go out to Asbury Village for the Bunco party. I missed Bingo last Wednesday. I just had too much to do. We will have tuna cakes and friend potatoes and corn at lunch today. Bob will bring his salad.
I want to get a banana nut bread mix for Sunday evening when I have the kids here for the gift exchange. I will also get some Brahms eggnog. It won't be anywhere near as good as Leslie's but it will be the best commercial eggnog around here. I will have the banana nut bread and eggnog and the remainder of the peanut clusters. I gave away my cookies to the neighbors and unless I find time to bake more, we will not have cookies.
My hands have hurt some lately. It's probably the change in the weather. I don't take anything for it. It isn't that bad.
Strange...since I cancelled my cable, now my internet is $28.99....down from $34.99. I wonder what that's all about? Also, I am supposed to be paying $10.00 a month extra for the service I get every Tuesday when Cox checks out my computer for errors. That was not on the bill either. I'm not complaining! I'm just making an observation. I had them add my new little notebook to the service. They will handle 4 different computers for that $10.00 a month. I had them take that broken ruined Dell off the account. The post office ruined it when Keith sent it back to me. It was packed in bubble wrap and bubbles and should have been fine.
More later...
I picked up Bob and attended exercise class and then we came on back home. I am very tired for some reason. I will start dinner in about 45 minutes and then go to Bunco at 2:00.
I located my Chase account and arranged to pay that bill too. I want to keep my bills caught up as soon as I can.
I want to get the makings for my banana nut bread sometime before Sunday and get that made up Sunday morning and get my eggnog too. If I can find time, I will bake cookies again too.
I am washing the bathmats now. When I got home I put them and the other small stuff like Missy's afghans in the washer. I hope to get it all dry before lunch.
More later...
Dinner was fine. Bob is going to see Dr. Eslicker in Bartlesville and I am going along too. Afterward we will go to the new strip mall and look it over. Then we will eat at McCallister's. It's been awhile since we've done that.
I had to put the bathmats back in the dryer. They didn't get dry before lunch. They are too heavy.
In about 45 minutes I will leave for Asbury Village and Bunco.
Miss Kitty is napping behind me on the daybed.
More later....
I went to Asbury Village and played Bunco and then came home and took it easy. About 4:45 Bob came over and we had ice cream. The ice cream made him start coughing again so I made up a cup of hot tea. That stopped the coughing.
He left shortly after 6:00 and I took my bath and lay down with Missy on the sofa and watched a movie on Amazon.
At 8:45, Missy and I went to bed. I was very tired.
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Tuesday and A Hair Day
I slept pretty well last night. I woke up twice but managed to get back to sleep by counting my breaths "one two, one two". Sometimes that works. I am still sleeping on the daybed trundle. It has a comfortable mattress. My mattress on my bed is no longer comfortable for me. And Missy can no longer jump up on the footstool at the foot of the bed to get up on the bed.
I got up at my usual 5:00 AM and started a load of laundry after I fed myself and Missy. Missy is feeling somewhat better. She has begun eating more again and got quite snippy at me when I lifted her up on the daybed to watch me blog. She wanted up there but does not like to be lifted. It seems to hurt her...even though I am very careful. She is lying quietly behind me now watching me type.
I will get my hair done this morning. Also I want to finish my shopping. I want to get three small boxes at Dollar General to put some cookies and peanut clusters in for my neighbors.
We will eat at Great China today in Independence.
After I got my hair done, we went to Sayers Ace hardware to look at all their wonderful Christmas stuff. Neither of us bought anything. I had already bought all my gifts and wrapped them and they are under the tree. Then we went to Walmart and bought the coffee for the church and some more small paper cups. Then we stopped at the other hardware store to check out their Christmas stuff and then Goodys. Mostly we were just killing time until Great China opened.
Tomorrow we will have tuna cakes and fried potatoes with a veggie, probably corn, for our lunch. Bob will bring his salad.
I am looking for my coffees from Keurig. I ordered them last week and am almost completely out. Bob gave me two pods last night. He got Diana's Christmas gift of coffee and was delighted when he opened it because he was completely out. Probably Christmas is slowing down our order.

I notice John and Leslie moved the puppies and their mama to the garden house last evening. They have a small radiator out there to keep the chill down.
More later...
The coffee arrived! Bob came over and got his and paid me for it. He did a small load of white clothing in my washer while he was here.
I spent the afternoon making more peanut clusters...some for Scott. He asked me for some when I was in Florida. I filled the small box I was able to find and then took it to the post office and got it in the mail. I then made up boxes for my neighbors here in the fourplex. They all seemed pleased.
Bob came back later and we watched the news. After he left I took my bath and laid down with Missy on the sofa and watched a movie on Amazon. After it finished, I went on to bed at 9:00. I was very tired. It had been a big day.
I got up at my usual 5:00 AM and started a load of laundry after I fed myself and Missy. Missy is feeling somewhat better. She has begun eating more again and got quite snippy at me when I lifted her up on the daybed to watch me blog. She wanted up there but does not like to be lifted. It seems to hurt her...even though I am very careful. She is lying quietly behind me now watching me type.
I will get my hair done this morning. Also I want to finish my shopping. I want to get three small boxes at Dollar General to put some cookies and peanut clusters in for my neighbors.
We will eat at Great China today in Independence.
After I got my hair done, we went to Sayers Ace hardware to look at all their wonderful Christmas stuff. Neither of us bought anything. I had already bought all my gifts and wrapped them and they are under the tree. Then we went to Walmart and bought the coffee for the church and some more small paper cups. Then we stopped at the other hardware store to check out their Christmas stuff and then Goodys. Mostly we were just killing time until Great China opened.
Tomorrow we will have tuna cakes and fried potatoes with a veggie, probably corn, for our lunch. Bob will bring his salad.
I am looking for my coffees from Keurig. I ordered them last week and am almost completely out. Bob gave me two pods last night. He got Diana's Christmas gift of coffee and was delighted when he opened it because he was completely out. Probably Christmas is slowing down our order.

I notice John and Leslie moved the puppies and their mama to the garden house last evening. They have a small radiator out there to keep the chill down.
More later...
The coffee arrived! Bob came over and got his and paid me for it. He did a small load of white clothing in my washer while he was here.
I spent the afternoon making more peanut clusters...some for Scott. He asked me for some when I was in Florida. I filled the small box I was able to find and then took it to the post office and got it in the mail. I then made up boxes for my neighbors here in the fourplex. They all seemed pleased.
Bob came back later and we watched the news. After he left I took my bath and laid down with Missy on the sofa and watched a movie on Amazon. After it finished, I went on to bed at 9:00. I was very tired. It had been a big day.
Monday, December 18, 2017
Monday and Exercise Class
Today I will go to exercise class. I missed Friday because I went to Chanute to meet Gay and her friends for lunch.
I slept pretty well last night. I woke up once to go to the bathroom and got back to sleep until almost 5:00 AM.
This is a photo Leslie took at church of her granddaughter and Levi at prayer before taking up the offering. Karan is presiding and doing the prayer.

I uploaded some photos from yesterday's cookie party at John and Leslie's. I will post them here.
This is John's sister, Alberta. She attended the cookie party yesterday.
This is John and Leslie holding their dogs. Leslie is holding Mini and John is holding his new puppy. I asked Leslie the name of that puppy and it's Octativa and she is a blue heeler. They have a huge Christmas tree in their living room. They are standing in front of it. Leslie decorates the entire house.
I finally got to see the puppies. They are adorable. There are nine of them. I would post some photos of them but they are on my phone and I have not learned how to post photos from my phone.
Here is one I took from Leslie's facebook page. There are nine of them and so the photo is rather full.

Aren't they cute? There are three multi colored ones. They are more valuable. And five of these are now sold when the time comes that they can leave their mother. They are registered Corgis. Leslie is holding their mama, Mini, in the above photo.
This is Jeff, He is the husband of Leslie's best friend, Cyndi. Cyndi came later and I did not get her photo or most of the others either.
This is John and Leslie's new leather couch. That was their Christmas gift to one another. That is John R. sitting there. He is a friend from church. Notice the cup lights and the lights under the chairs. They also have nice trays that fit on each armrest. Very classy!
I tasted two or three cookies and also some of Leslie's special eggnog. She makes it up herself and it has "nog" in it. It is delicious!
We left about 4:30. I did not want to run onto deer on my way home. We made it safely though.
Today I may go to exercise class since I missed on Friday. Then I plan to have chicken for lunch with potatoes and a veggie. Bob will bring a salad. I have all those cookies for dessert...if we need any dessert.
More later....I just noticed my Christmas cactus is in full bloom.
Here it is. How about that!
We've had our lunch and I have the dishes in the dishwasher. Bob went to get a pedicure. If and when he gets finished, I will go in to get mine done too.
More later...
I got my pedicure after Bob finished his. It looks so much better. If I could grow some nails, I would occasionally blow myself to a manicure too. Leslie had one yesterday and that looked so nice.
There is no paper today so I am just playing solitaire and when I picked up the mail, there was a Christmas card from Keith and Esther. I also got one from the Attorney General of Kansas and the new Governor. Whoopie!
Bob will be over later to watch the CBS news.
So more later....
Bob did come over to watch the news and after that was over he left. I took my bath and watched a little TV but there was really nothing on I was interested in watching. About 8:00 I became very sleepy and thought about going on to bed but realized I would be up in the middle of the night if I did that so I will try to make it until 9:00.
Maybe I can read for awhile.
I read until nearly 9:00 and then Missy and I went on to bed.
Sunday, December 17, 2017
Sunday and a Busy Day
I didn't sleep all that well last night. I woke up twice and had a hard time getting back to sleep. I finally just got up about 4:45 and dressed and got myself ready for church. I fed myself and Missy and then baked my coffeecake for the Sunday School classes. They ate all but one piece.
Church was well planned. We had a small congregation. Several were doing their holiday thing. But afterward four of us drove up to Cherryvale and had a good lunch at "Just Us". Kay is fixing Christmas dinner there and Bob and I reserved a place for that on Christmas Day. Leslie is on call Christmas weekend and I will have them over for treats and a gift exchange on Christmas Eve.
I came home and did my church newsletters and afterward picked up Karan and Phyllis for the holiday open house and cookie exchange at John and Leslie's house. We left about 4:30 because I really didn't want to drive after dark. She had a smaller group then usual. But there was a wide variety of cookies. I took my peanut clusters. I brought back a variety of cookies and left most of my peanut clusters there for the exchange.They went over well. The deer are thick around there after dusk. I sure didn't want to hit one.
I heard Rick and Carmen come back this evening. They were out of town this weekend and not at church. They said they would be there next weekend though. They are such good kids!
It's 9:00 bedtime. More tomorrow. Tomorrow I will post some photos I took at John and Leslie's party.
Church was well planned. We had a small congregation. Several were doing their holiday thing. But afterward four of us drove up to Cherryvale and had a good lunch at "Just Us". Kay is fixing Christmas dinner there and Bob and I reserved a place for that on Christmas Day. Leslie is on call Christmas weekend and I will have them over for treats and a gift exchange on Christmas Eve.
I came home and did my church newsletters and afterward picked up Karan and Phyllis for the holiday open house and cookie exchange at John and Leslie's house. We left about 4:30 because I really didn't want to drive after dark. She had a smaller group then usual. But there was a wide variety of cookies. I took my peanut clusters. I brought back a variety of cookies and left most of my peanut clusters there for the exchange.They went over well. The deer are thick around there after dusk. I sure didn't want to hit one.
I heard Rick and Carmen come back this evening. They were out of town this weekend and not at church. They said they would be there next weekend though. They are such good kids!
It's 9:00 bedtime. More tomorrow. Tomorrow I will post some photos I took at John and Leslie's party.
Saturday, December 16, 2017
Saturday and A Slow Day
I slept very well last night and got up and got around early to go to the market. I got the ingredients for my peanut clusters and decided to take those to my daughter's cookie party tomorrow afternoon. I thought they would be something different from cookies. I asked Leslie and she thought that was fine!
I got them finished and in containers and in the frig to finish setting up. Then I began on my Classmate's newsletters. This will be year 20 for me. There have been three others who have had this responsibility over the years but I believe I have had it the longest.
I also wrote some personal letters to my children to express my appreciation for all they do for me. As we get older, it's a good idea to express these things. We never know when we may suddenly be gone.
I got most of my personal letters and Christmas cards done this morning...unless I have forgotten someone as my cards come in. I have some extras.
It's nearly 11:00 now. I have worked on one thing and another all morning.
I think I will warm up some of that soup for my lunch.
By the way, my Christmas Cactus is about to bloom. This was given me by Leslie, my daughter years ago.
Here's another view of it. It is even better today. I took these two photos a couple of days ago.
I got them finished and in containers and in the frig to finish setting up. Then I began on my Classmate's newsletters. This will be year 20 for me. There have been three others who have had this responsibility over the years but I believe I have had it the longest.
I also wrote some personal letters to my children to express my appreciation for all they do for me. As we get older, it's a good idea to express these things. We never know when we may suddenly be gone.
I got most of my personal letters and Christmas cards done this morning...unless I have forgotten someone as my cards come in. I have some extras.
It's nearly 11:00 now. I have worked on one thing and another all morning.
I think I will warm up some of that soup for my lunch.
By the way, my Christmas Cactus is about to bloom. This was given me by Leslie, my daughter years ago.
Here's another view of it. It is even better today. I took these two photos a couple of days ago.
I got most of my Christmas cards out today along with an enclosed letter in each one. Bob has a bad cold and is staying away so I got an awful lot done while he has been home. I had a bowl of that soup for my lunch. I sent some home with him on Thursday because I was going to be gone Friday to Chanute.
I am waiting for the mail now. Hopefully some of my classmates will be sending their Christmas cards with their news and I can put some more of that in the letter. Right now I am on page three and it is usually seven pages. Of course, we've lost a lot of classmates over the years.
More later....
I spent the rest of the afternoon working on that class newsletter. I called Bob A. about 4:30 and asked him if he would like to go to Kansas Buffet for dinner. I don't usually eat dinner but I had such a small breakfast and lunch that I was hungry. Neither of us were very impressed with the new buffet.
I came home and watched a movie on Amazon. Afterward I took my bath and Missy and I went to bed at 9:30..
Friday, December 15, 2017
Friday and Another Trip Out of Town
I slept very well last night...only woke up once and got right back to sleep.
I was going to pick up Bob A. for exercise class but he contacted me that he had been sick so he would not be going. Then I started a couple of loads of laundry and after I finished that and remade my bed I decided to go on up to Chanute early to meet Gay and her friends for lunch.
We had a good lunch and a good visit too. I got back home about 2:30. The woman on the right is my friend, Gay. Her sister, Adele is in the red at the end of the table but is in the sunshine and we can't see her well.
This is the other side of the table but still Adele is sitting too near the window and the sun is shining on her face.
That's Gay again.
Then I began my class newsletter. This is my 20th year to do the newsletter and be the class locator. I have only had three Christmas cards from classmates so far but it is early yet so I will get an early start. I began having some problems with the Word program. It would take messages from the left column and put them in the right column. I would have to cut and paste them back in the text where they belong. Luckily I am beginning early.
I also worked on my personal Christmas cards and newsletters. I have most of the ones I am going to send out finished. I believe I have four more to do.
I was going to watch some TV but when I went to Amazon with the Tivo to choose a movie, the screen went blank and I was unable to get the "go back" button or the "guide" button to work. I just had a grey screen.
I contacted Esther and she returned my call after they finished dinner. Keith and she walked me through rebooting the Tivo and I finally got everything back. I started to watch a Christmas movie but got sidetracked with working on the class newsletter again.
John W. called me this afternoon to tell me about Nora Jean's death. He is the present class treasurer. I had seen it in the paper so already had her and Chad on the "deceased classmates" list. He said he felt we had plenty of money in the account for this year's newsletter. That's good to know. We will need three rolls of stamps, and two ink cartridges to print off the letters for those not online. Those online get theirs attached to e-mail.
I need to get my bath done and my PJs on and get ready for bed. It's nearly 8:30 and I am fully dressed. I don't know if Bob A. will be up to breakfast out in the morning or not. We will just play it by ear, I guess.
I was going to pick up Bob A. for exercise class but he contacted me that he had been sick so he would not be going. Then I started a couple of loads of laundry and after I finished that and remade my bed I decided to go on up to Chanute early to meet Gay and her friends for lunch.
We had a good lunch and a good visit too. I got back home about 2:30. The woman on the right is my friend, Gay. Her sister, Adele is in the red at the end of the table but is in the sunshine and we can't see her well.
That's Gay again.
Then I began my class newsletter. This is my 20th year to do the newsletter and be the class locator. I have only had three Christmas cards from classmates so far but it is early yet so I will get an early start. I began having some problems with the Word program. It would take messages from the left column and put them in the right column. I would have to cut and paste them back in the text where they belong. Luckily I am beginning early.
I also worked on my personal Christmas cards and newsletters. I have most of the ones I am going to send out finished. I believe I have four more to do.
I was going to watch some TV but when I went to Amazon with the Tivo to choose a movie, the screen went blank and I was unable to get the "go back" button or the "guide" button to work. I just had a grey screen.
I contacted Esther and she returned my call after they finished dinner. Keith and she walked me through rebooting the Tivo and I finally got everything back. I started to watch a Christmas movie but got sidetracked with working on the class newsletter again.
John W. called me this afternoon to tell me about Nora Jean's death. He is the present class treasurer. I had seen it in the paper so already had her and Chad on the "deceased classmates" list. He said he felt we had plenty of money in the account for this year's newsletter. That's good to know. We will need three rolls of stamps, and two ink cartridges to print off the letters for those not online. Those online get theirs attached to e-mail.
I need to get my bath done and my PJs on and get ready for bed. It's nearly 8:30 and I am fully dressed. I don't know if Bob A. will be up to breakfast out in the morning or not. We will just play it by ear, I guess.
Thursday, December 14, 2017
Thursday and Another Trip to Independence
I slept really well last night.Yesterday had been a very busy day. I awoke at 1:00 and went to the bathroom and got right back to sleep until almost 5:00.
I will dress shortly and get ready for the day. I will go back to Independence and work on trying to get the form filled out for Juanita's replacement car title. She left the original in the glove box and it was gone when she began looking for it. I would never leave a title in the glove box. It should be kept with important papers. Anyhow, she is nearly blind and cannot read the VIN number on the windshield or fill out the form so I will do that and also fill out the form and take it to the driver's license bureau. I hope to be able to get in there promptly. There's always a long line there.
I had an e-mail from Gay inviting me to lunch in Chanute at Opie's. I want to go. I may just give Bob some of the soup I made yesterday. I gave him the pizza I brought home Tuesday for today's lunch. I have no idea how long I will be in Independence today. And tomorrow I want to see Gay again and see how she is doing now.
I'd better get dressed and get my breakfast and Missy's and get ready for the day. It should be a big one.
More later....
I am now ready to go to Independence but need to wait until 9:00 to leave. It is only 8:40 now. She has drops she has to put in her eyes every morning and night. I have no idea when I will be back home today since I will probably have to wait a long time in the driver's license bureau. Just as I was ready to go, Bob A. came and wee visited shortly and I gave him some of that vegetable soup for his lunch tomorrow. I will be going to Chanute to meet Gay and her sister, Adele for lunch at Opie's.
So more later...
I got to Independence at 9:40 and immediately started working on Juanita's application for a new title for her car. I looked in the glove box myself just to be sure it wasn't there. It wasn't. So I filled out the application and had her sign it the best she could under the circumstances and then called the County Treasurer to see if it actually went to the Driver's License Bureau. I was told to use the envelope that came with the application and send it to her office and they would take care of it. I intended to take it to the post office after I left and mail it. But Juanita wanted me to stay and help her go through the metal box that had all her important papers in it. I got it from the closet and we began to work through it making two piles....anything that could be shredded and anything we needed to keep...including one large yellow envelope we labeled "important documents". After looking through about half the contents of the large metal box, I found her car title. So we opened the envelope and labeled it "important" and put it back in the medal box. I tore up her check.
Then she wanted to buy my lunch. I went to Big Cheese and bought us two ham and cheese sandwiches. They were $5.79 each. They came with pickles and lettuce and chips. She poured me a glass of milk to drink with mine.
Then I came home. I got home about 2:30 and began shredding her old documents. By 2:45, I had that finished and sat down to work on this blog. I need to go get some Christmas cards next and begin getting them addressed.
So more later....
I will dress shortly and get ready for the day. I will go back to Independence and work on trying to get the form filled out for Juanita's replacement car title. She left the original in the glove box and it was gone when she began looking for it. I would never leave a title in the glove box. It should be kept with important papers. Anyhow, she is nearly blind and cannot read the VIN number on the windshield or fill out the form so I will do that and also fill out the form and take it to the driver's license bureau. I hope to be able to get in there promptly. There's always a long line there.
I had an e-mail from Gay inviting me to lunch in Chanute at Opie's. I want to go. I may just give Bob some of the soup I made yesterday. I gave him the pizza I brought home Tuesday for today's lunch. I have no idea how long I will be in Independence today. And tomorrow I want to see Gay again and see how she is doing now.
I'd better get dressed and get my breakfast and Missy's and get ready for the day. It should be a big one.
More later....
I am now ready to go to Independence but need to wait until 9:00 to leave. It is only 8:40 now. She has drops she has to put in her eyes every morning and night. I have no idea when I will be back home today since I will probably have to wait a long time in the driver's license bureau. Just as I was ready to go, Bob A. came and wee visited shortly and I gave him some of that vegetable soup for his lunch tomorrow. I will be going to Chanute to meet Gay and her sister, Adele for lunch at Opie's.
So more later...
I got to Independence at 9:40 and immediately started working on Juanita's application for a new title for her car. I looked in the glove box myself just to be sure it wasn't there. It wasn't. So I filled out the application and had her sign it the best she could under the circumstances and then called the County Treasurer to see if it actually went to the Driver's License Bureau. I was told to use the envelope that came with the application and send it to her office and they would take care of it. I intended to take it to the post office after I left and mail it. But Juanita wanted me to stay and help her go through the metal box that had all her important papers in it. I got it from the closet and we began to work through it making two piles....anything that could be shredded and anything we needed to keep...including one large yellow envelope we labeled "important documents". After looking through about half the contents of the large metal box, I found her car title. So we opened the envelope and labeled it "important" and put it back in the medal box. I tore up her check.
Then she wanted to buy my lunch. I went to Big Cheese and bought us two ham and cheese sandwiches. They were $5.79 each. They came with pickles and lettuce and chips. She poured me a glass of milk to drink with mine.
Then I came home. I got home about 2:30 and began shredding her old documents. By 2:45, I had that finished and sat down to work on this blog. I need to go get some Christmas cards next and begin getting them addressed.
So more later....
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Wednesday and Exercise Class
I slept pretty well last night. I woke up at 1:00 and went to the bathroom and it took me awhile to get back to sleep. I slept until 4:20 and then just got up.
I will go to exercise class this morning but first I will put on the vegetable soup I intend to make. I need to go over to Country Mart and get a snack of some sort for the holiday event following the exercises. I forgot all about that after getting so much done yesterday.
Right now I'd better get myself and Missy ready for the day. It's almost 5:00 AM.
More later...
There's a better photo of my Christmas tree. I finally found a way to turn it vertical.
We have been fed and I have the soup on in the slow cooker.
More later...
Missy and I have both been fed and I have watched the news. Now I am ready for exercise class. Bob is going to drive today. He will be by at 8:45 this morning to pick me up.
I have the soup on for lunch. It's plain vegetable meat. It should be good though. I have also done a little more decorating.
More later...I went to exercise class and afterward we had a little party. That spoiled our appetites and I put the soup in a corning ware bowl and put it in the frig. We may have it Friday.
I went out to Walmart and bought a new tree skirt for my Christmas tree and also had another centerpiece made at the florist. It had a cardinal on it so I didn't put it on my coffee table after all. I was afraid Missy would attack it since she always loved to eat cardinals when we lived over on Catalina. I have no idea what happened to the one I had the past few years.
My decorating is finished now.
Juanita called me this morning on my way to exercises. She wants me to come up tomorrow and help her with the paperwork to get a replacement title. She left her title in her car in the glove box and now it is gone. She has the paperwork to do to get a new title but since she's nearly completely blind, she can't fill it out to get a new one. She wants me to do that for her tomorrow. I will take it up to the driver's license bureau and hope they will let me get it done for her.
It's nearly 3:00 and my mail came very early today. Usually it comes around 2:30. But it was here at 1:00 today.
More later...
I puttered around and visited my neighbor, Marilyn, in the afternoon and finally settled down to finish my magazine. I went over to Braums to get my yogurt and found they had some Butter Brickle ice cream and bought both. We love Butter Brickle ice cream. Later Bob came over. He did not want any ice cream but we did open the popcorn and each had a bowl of that while we watched the news and the CBS news. After he left I took my bath and lay down with Missy on the soft to watch Dateline. I missed the entire show and woke up at 9:00 and went to bed. Missy soon joined me.
I will go to exercise class this morning but first I will put on the vegetable soup I intend to make. I need to go over to Country Mart and get a snack of some sort for the holiday event following the exercises. I forgot all about that after getting so much done yesterday.
Right now I'd better get myself and Missy ready for the day. It's almost 5:00 AM.
More later...
There's a better photo of my Christmas tree. I finally found a way to turn it vertical.
We have been fed and I have the soup on in the slow cooker.
More later...
Missy and I have both been fed and I have watched the news. Now I am ready for exercise class. Bob is going to drive today. He will be by at 8:45 this morning to pick me up.
I have the soup on for lunch. It's plain vegetable meat. It should be good though. I have also done a little more decorating.
More later...I went to exercise class and afterward we had a little party. That spoiled our appetites and I put the soup in a corning ware bowl and put it in the frig. We may have it Friday.
I went out to Walmart and bought a new tree skirt for my Christmas tree and also had another centerpiece made at the florist. It had a cardinal on it so I didn't put it on my coffee table after all. I was afraid Missy would attack it since she always loved to eat cardinals when we lived over on Catalina. I have no idea what happened to the one I had the past few years.
My decorating is finished now.
Juanita called me this morning on my way to exercises. She wants me to come up tomorrow and help her with the paperwork to get a replacement title. She left her title in her car in the glove box and now it is gone. She has the paperwork to do to get a new title but since she's nearly completely blind, she can't fill it out to get a new one. She wants me to do that for her tomorrow. I will take it up to the driver's license bureau and hope they will let me get it done for her.
It's nearly 3:00 and my mail came very early today. Usually it comes around 2:30. But it was here at 1:00 today.
More later...
I puttered around and visited my neighbor, Marilyn, in the afternoon and finally settled down to finish my magazine. I went over to Braums to get my yogurt and found they had some Butter Brickle ice cream and bought both. We love Butter Brickle ice cream. Later Bob came over. He did not want any ice cream but we did open the popcorn and each had a bowl of that while we watched the news and the CBS news. After he left I took my bath and lay down with Missy on the soft to watch Dateline. I missed the entire show and woke up at 9:00 and went to bed. Missy soon joined me.
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