The appraiser called about the dining room floor. He went through the entire case with me and settled on about $1600 for our settlement. That doesn't even include the hall which was not affected. He gave us quite a bit for doing our own cleanup. Anyhow, we are delighted with the settlement even though we realize that the premium will go up on probably the car as well as the house insurance. At least we got enough for both the room and the car repair.
Now we are waiting for Brown's to come up with our three boxes of planks and the transition piece. It should have been here this week.
Richard came a couple of days ago and began relaying the undamaged pieces. Then Bob put copper tubing in the place of the plastic tubing for the water filter and water in the door in the refrigerator. I am still paranoid about leaks there and touch the floor every time I go by there.