Saturday, August 3, 2024

Saturday and a Funeral

 I have been up an hour or so and dressed, made my bed and got myself ready for the day.

I will go out to Leslie's at noon and we will go up to Altoona to a funeral for a friend. I will drive up to Leslie's and leave my car and we will go to the funeral in hers. First we will go up to Uncle Jack's in Independence and have lunch.

When I opened the front door, I found Grey waiting for breakfast and I made some up and took it out to him. He is eating now. I checked after I got the  "weather on the 8's" and Whitey was out there too so I took another bowl out there for him/her.

It's 6:00AM now. Soon there will be more cats out there to feed

More Later... 

I caught "the weather on the 8's" and here it is: Today is to be 96 degrees and mostly sunny, (I hear thunder now. Maybe it will rain today)

Sunday is to be 98 degrees and  sunny, Monday is to be 99 degrees and sunny, Tuesday is to be 101 degrees and sunny, Wednesday is to be 99 degrees and Mostly sunny, and Thursday is to be 96 degrees and  Partly Cloudy and Friday is to be 92 degrees Partly Cloudy. That's the week. So far no rain just lots of Partly Cloudy and sunny.  

Now little Blackey is out there looking for breakfast.

More Even Later...

Friday, August 2, 2024

Friday and A better Sleep

 I got up early and found three cats waiting to be fed. They were Blackie, Blondie and Grey. I made myself some Chai Latte and a breakfast bar and fixed three bowls of cat food for them. They are still eating but I did catch "the weather on the 8's",  

Here it is:Today is to be 96 degrees and sunny, Saturday is to be  96 degrees and sunny, Sunday is to be 98 degrees and sunny, Monday is to be 99 degrees and sunny, Tuesday is to be 102 degrees and mostly sunny, 

Wednesday is to be 101 degrees and mostly sunny, and Thursday is to be 96 degrees and partly cloudy. That's the week! No rain and lots of hot weather!.

More Later, When the Dollar General store opens at 8:00AM, I will go get some more dry cat food. I am out of it. I have wet cat food but they like the variety.

Tuesday I will take my car to Main Street to have rear shocks done on my car.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Thursday and Finally Cooler

 At   3:00AM on Thursday It finally got down to 72 degrees in the apartment. It was still set on 70 degrees but it never got that cool. 

More Later.  Now back to bed.. It is 3:12AM.

I need to get a birthday card for Keith, my oldest son today. His 70th birthday is the 3rd of August.

When Dollar General opens I will do that.

I was up very early as usual. I made my bed, made up my face and got myself ready for the day. I had three cats waiting for me to open the front door. There was Blondie, Whitey and a small black kitten.

I also caught "the weather on the 8's" Here it is. Today is to be 99 degrees and mostly sunny, Tomorrow is to be 97 degrees and sunny, Saturday is to be 96 degrees partly cloudy, Sunday is to be 98 degrees and sunny. Monday is to be 99 degrees and  sunny, Tuesday is to be 101 degrees and sunny, and Wednesday is to be 100 degrees and mostly sunny. That's the week. There was a little rain last night. I heard it on the roof around 3:00AM.

More Later..

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Wednesday and a Hair Appointment

I slept well last night and was up at 4:45AM and made my bed and dressed and got myself ready for the day..When I opened the front door there were four cats out there waiting for their breakfast. There was Blondie, Whitey, Grey and one of the small black kittens. They are eating now and will soon be finished and on their way. It's a nice day. I will leave at 8:00AM for Coffeyville and my hair appointment.

I even caught "the weather on the 8's" and here it is. Today is to be 99 degrees and mostly sunny. Tomorrow is to be 101 degrees and mostly sunny, Friday is to be 97 degrees and sunny. Saturday is to be 97 degrees and mostly sunny, Sunday is to be 99 degrees and sunny Monday is to be 100 degrees and sunny, and Tuesday is to be 101 degrees and mostly sunny. That's the week! No rain in the forecast. Just a lot of hot weather.

More Later.. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Tuesday and a New Oven

I was up early as usual and caught five cats waiting outside the front door. Then I also caught "the weather on the 8's" . I fed them all five both wet cat food and dry cat food. They ate their fill and left. There was Blackie, Blondie,  Grey, Whitey and one small black kitten After they finished their meal,  I took the dishes in and washed them and dried them. I didn't want any ants in the kitchen.

Leslie texted me and asked me to go to Altoona with her on Saturday to Wilma Olson's funeral.  I will drive out to Leslie's, leave my car there and we will go to Independence to Uncle Jack's for lunch first. 

Here is the week's weather forecast: Today is to be 99 degrees and partly cloudy, Tomorrow is to be 99 degrees too and sunny, Thursday is to be 99 degrees and partly cloudy,  Friday is to be 98 degrees and sunny, Saturday is to be 97 degrees and sunny,  Sunday is to be 98 degrees and sunny, and Monday is to be 99 degrees and sunny. Every day is to be in the high 90's.

Stephen, my landlord, came over at 6:00PM last evening and brought me a new oven that matches my frig. It is white. The old one was black. 

More Later....

Monday, July 29, 2024

Monday and More Cats

 I was up at 4:30AM, made my bed, dressed and got myself ready for the day. I caught five cats ready for their breakfasts. I fed them both wet and dry cat food and three are still out there eating. The others have finished an are gone. There was Blondie, Blackie, Grey  and Whitey and one small kitten.

I also caught "the weather on the 8's" and here it is. Today is to be 99 degrees and sunny, Tuesday is to be 100 degrees and sunny, Wednesday is to be  100 degrees and mostly sunny, Thursday is to be 99 degrees and mostly sunny,  Friday is to be 98 degrees mostly sunny, Saturday is to be 97 degrees and sunny  Sunday is to be 98 degrees and sunny. That's the week! No rain. Just lots of hot weather!!

More Later....

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Sunday and Coffeecake at Church

I was up early as usual. I dressed, made my bed and got myself ready for the day. When I opened the front door, four cats were out there looking for their breakfasts. I took four bowls out to them with both wet and dry cat food. They ate and left after awhile.

I have the coffeecake in the oven now baking. It's 6:54AM  now. I did catch "the weather on the 8's" and here it is.

Today is to be 93 degrees and AM showers, Monday is to be 98 degrees and sunny, Tuesday is to be  degrees and sunny, Wednesday is to be 100 degrees mostly sunny, Thursday is to be 100 degrees and partly cloudy, and Friday is to be 99 degrees partly cloudy, and Saturday is to be 97 degrees and mostly sunny. That's the week! and no rain in the forecast!


More Later..