I slept well again on the trundle bed. I was up at my usual 5:00AM, crept into the bathroom and made up my face and since I had brought today's clothes in the den on hangers, I dressed there and got myself ready for the day. I have put away the trundle and taken my two meds and am drinking my coffee now. They will not be leaving until after lunch. We will have ham sandwiches for lunch today. I bought some shaved ham and a half a loaf of bread this last week. I am drinking some coffee now. I will wait to have my oatmeal until Keith is up. I will eat with him. Esther eats a couple of slices of toast for breakfast and coffee.
We have had a great visit and I will be sorry to see them go. But I know they have to get back to Phoenix since Keith will be leaving for Rome next week. Esther may go with him. They would have to pay for her flight but Keith's is always paid for by the department of defense.
I am so happy to have my laptop computer working again. It took Keith less then an hour to get it working fine again. It still doesn't use the printer but anything I want to print, I can use the desktop computer. He set it on "share" but it still doesn't print.
I have not had the weather channel on yet this morning. It's only a little after 6:00AM. So I haven't checked on the cats either. Scruff came for supper last night.
Both cats were there so I fed them. I will put away their food when I finish here. I did catch the weather and we are to have 86 degrees and thunderstorms today, 89 degrees and partly cloudy and windy and tomorrow, Monday, will be 84 degrees and partly cloudy and windy, Tuesday 83 degrees and thunderstorms, Wednesday 74 degrees and scattered thunderstorms, Thursday 73 degrees and AM showers, Friday 76 degrees and partly cloudy. That's the weather forecast for the next week.
More even later...
Keith got up and he and I had our oatmeal. Esther slept awhile longer. When she finally got up, she had some toast.
Then we went down town to look around and check out the people Keith might know. He did find several people he knew and had nice visits with them. Esther and I went by the place where she bought a ring yesterday and bought another one slightly smaller. It had her and Keith's names on it. We walked up looking at the cars in the car show.Then I stayed with Keith while Esther went back to the ring place and picked up her new ring after it was engraved. They had engraved it "Keith" and "Esther". It was very nice. She also bought a purse.
Then we walked back to the car and came back to my home for lunch. They ate their leftover Mexican food and I had a ham sandwich.
We visited awhile and then at 1:30PM, they left for Tulsa.
I was cleaning up after our dinner and I put some green beans down the garbage disposal and when I started it up, a terrible noise came from it. I turned it off and reached down into it to see what was causing that terrible noise and one of the blades was broken off. I took it out and fished out the green beans and threw them in the garbage. I didn't even know it was broken. I can't even remember the last time I used it. I seldom cook so I seldom use it.
I texted Stephen about it. He needed to know.
It's 4:12PM now so more even later...
I read until 7:15PM and then took my bath. I will read until bedtime now. I plan to go to bed at 9:00PM or so.