Saturday, May 18, 2024

Saturday and Apartment Cleaning

I slept fairly well last night and was up early to change the sheets on my bed. I have washed them and they are now in the dryer. A little later, I will mop my bare floors and run the vacuum. I like to do that once a week...usually on Saturday.

I also caught "the  weather on the 8's". Today is to be 87 degrees and sunny, Tomorrow is to be 88 degrees and sunny, Monday is to be 89 degrees and mostly sunny, Tuesday is to be 87 degrees and PM thunderstorms and wind, Wednesday is to be 87 degrees and PM Thunderstorms,Thursday is to be 81 degrees and scattered Thunderstorms, and Friday is to be 82 degrees and AM Thunderstorms.

Blondie came for his breakfast early and he may be finished with it now. I will check.

So three days next week with thunderstorms. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

More later...I need to fold the sheets in the dryer. 

I got that done and put them away in a dresser drawer.

Then I mopped the floors and ran the vacuum sweeper. Now it is charging. 

More Even Later.. 

My eldest son and his wife will be here on the 24th and be here until the 29th. They live in Germany and he works for the department of Defense in our embassies all over the word as an IT.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Friday and Fog and Sunshine Today

 As usual, I was up early. I made my bed and dressed and got myself ready for the day.

When I opened the front door I saw Grey waiting for his breakfast and after he left Blondie came.   I had fixed both dry and wet cat food for them. I think Blondie is still out there.

I caught "the weather on the 8's" and here it is. Today is to be 81 degrees and AM fog and AM sun. Tomorrow is to be 86 degrees and sunny, Sunday is to be 88 degrees and mostly sunny, Monday is to be 89 degrees and partly cloudy, Tuesday is to be 88 degrees and PM thunderstorms and wind.Wednesday is to be 79 degree and AM thunderstorms and Thursday is to be 81 degrees and isolated thunderstorms. That's the week! Maybe I can mow either Saturday or Sunday when there is no rain in the forecast. Today is Friday and there no rain in today's forecast either..just fog this morning.

More Later.. 

I see Whitey is out there eating now.  She is eating Blondie's leftover  wet food.

More Even Later ...

I went up to the Copan Truck Stop for lunch. Then I decided to finish my second book and took it up to the library book drop when I finished it.and put it in, Then I decided to mow my west yard. I got that done at 2:55PM and emptied the mower and put it away, That's all three yards now. It didn't  rain today..thank goodness. Now I need to go take my bath. I am wet with sweat.

Maybe More Later..

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Thursday and Rain

 It rained most of the night, I heard thunder off and on all night. Somehow I managed to get some sleep and was up at 5:00AM, made my bed and dressed and got myself ready for the day. I have had my breakfast bar and started on my Chai Latte.

When I opened the front door, Grey was there waiting for his breakfast so I fixed it for him and he ate and left. I brought the dish in the kitchen and will fix it again when and if Blondie and Whitey come to eat. At 8:00AM. when Dollar General opens I will need to get some more wet cat food.

Blondie and Whitey both eventually came for their food and they ate and I took the bowls back in the kitchen.. safe from the neighborhood dogs who tend to walk off with them . I have replaced them three times.

Now I have "the weather on the 8's" and I will post it here.

Today is to be 74 degrees and scattered thunderstorms Tomorrow is to be  81 degrees and mostly cloudy, Saturday is to be 86 degrees and partly cloudy, Sunday is to be 88 degrees and mostly sunny, Monday is to be 89 degrees and mostly sunny, Tuesday is to be 83 degrees and Thunderstorms and Wednesday is to be 80 degrees and sunny. That's the week! Two days of and Tuesday. Maybe I can mow on Sunday afternoon, next Monday or next Wednesday and avoid the rain. 

More Later.. 

The rain has cleared up now.  I have been reading most of the morning. I did go to Independence to the Dairy Queen and had my ice cream and chicken and french fries for dinner. Then I went to their Wal Mart up there and bought three wreathes for the cemetery on Memorial Day on May 27th. That week I will go to Coffeyville to the cemetery an decorate three different graves...the Pitcock graves bought by my great grandfather Pitcock and has the graves of my grandmother, my grandfather, great grandmother, my great grandfather and my Aunt Mildred, My mom and dad's and step father's and my Bob's dad, Jiggs, who was killed in a plane crash in 1955. Their graves are across the road from the Pitcock graves. Bob's mother died when he was two years old and he was raised by Aunt Dolly, who was really not an aunt at all...just considered by her to be his aunt. She took him to raise when she was in her 70's. She did their laundry and ironing. ..A remarkable woman. Jiggs paid her to do that.

I don't want to decorate the graves too early or someone might take the flowers. Some people do those things...unfortunately.   

More Even Later..

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Wednesday and Bunco

 I was up at 4:30AM this morning, made my bed and dressed and got myself ready for the day!

I read a bit after I got myself ready for the day.  Then I opened the front door to find both Blonde and Grey out there waiting for their breakfasts. So I fixed them each a bowl of both wet and dry cat food. They ate it all and left. Then Whitey came for his/her breakfast and nearly finished off both bowls. I brought the bowls in the kitchen so they wouldn't be carried off by someone's dog. That has happened four times.

I did catch "the weather on the 8's" and here it is.

Today is to be 82 degrees and partly cloudy, Thursday is to be 75 degrees and scattered thunderstorms, Friday is to be 81 degrees and   AM showers, Saturday is to be 88 degrees and sunny, Sunday is to be 88 degrees and mostly sunny, Monday is to be 91 degrees and partly cloudy, and Tuesday is to be 88 degrees and partly cloudy.

It looks like two days of rain...Thursday and Friday this week.

More Later..I have my hair appointment at 9:00AM in Coffeyville and later Bunco at the senior center at  1:00PM until 3:30PM. That's always fun. I have the prizes this time for the winners.  It's 7:04AM now. I will leave for Coffeyville at 8:00AM. 

Maybe I can mow the back yard this afternoon if it doesn't rain.

Sure enough! I was able to get the back yard mowed after Bunco. I stopped by Marilyn's and left her the leftover coffee cake I bought at Wal Mart. She will have it for breakfast with her coffee.

When I got home from visiting Marilyn , that's when I mowed. Now I need a bath to get rid of the sweat.

Keith and Esther will be here on the 24th until the 29th, It will be so good to see them. They will be here until the 29th, when they go back to Germany.

I leave for the church  reunion grounds on the 1st of June.

Perhaps More Later...

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Tuesday and Cookies for Church

I was up at 4:00AM again. I slept pretty well but just got my sleep out, I guess,  I made my bed,. dressed and got myself ready for the day. I checked for cats but I guess it was too early for any of them. It's only 5:24AM now.

I did catch "The weather on the 8's" and I will share that here.

Today is to be  77 degrees and partly cloudy, Tomorrow is to be 81 degrees and partly cloudy and Thursday is to be 76 degrees and scattered thunderstorms, Friday is to be 81 degrees and AM Showers, Saturday is to be 87 degrees and sunny, Sunday is to be 86 degrees and mostly sunny and Monday is to be 87 degrees and partly cloudy. That's the week! I may have a day or two to mow..Tuesday, Wednesday, or Saturday or Sunday. The only rainy days are Thursday and Friday unless the forecast changes.

I will be going up to Independence this morning to take cookies to the First Christian Church there for their Tuesday afternoon dinner dessert.

More Later.. 

Blondie, Grey and Whitey all came for their breakfast . First it was Blondie and Grey and then finally Whitey came too and is eating out there now.

I will leave for Independence to the First Christian Church  at 8:30. I will stop at the Grocery store across the street from the church and buy the cookies. The pastor there likes for me to come at 9:00AM with the cookies. So as I drive by his office and honk my horn to let him know I am there at the kitchen door. He then comes round and picks up the cookies.

They will be taking a break over the summer months. He will call me when they are ready to resume the dinners this fall.

I took the cookies up to Independence and while I was there,  I canceled my insurance supplement. It had not paid one dime on any of my medical appointments and yet the premium had gone up from $60.00 a month to $65 dollars a month and now $70.00 a month over the past three years. That was exorbitant! And with no benefit at all. The wellness Medicare does not cover the blood test for my thyroid test. That's what the extra cost for the appointment was.

If they can't get you one way, they'll find another way to get your money. 

More Later...

When I got home I saw Whitey waiting for her/his lunch. So  I put out some wet cat food and also some dry cat food. He/she ate all of it and I brought in the empty dish.

I read awhile this afternoon and then I decided I would mow the front yard. I had some trouble starting the mower because  it had some dried mud under it. I got it started after John gave me some suggested help.  I also checked the oil and added a little to it. Then after all that I was able to mow the front. If it doesn't rain tomorrow afternoon after I get home from Bunco at the senior center, I may mow the back. It's small and fenced in too.

I took my bath at 6:45PM  and I will read until 9:00PM and then go to bed.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Monday and an Early Morning

I woke up around 3:00AM and could not get back to sleep. I finally just got up and went in the living room and turned on the TV to watch the overnight news. Thunder work me up.

I watched the weather channel but "Highway through Hell" was on that channel so I turned to the CBS Overnight News and watched that. It's only 4:29AM now.It's too early to check on the cats. I don't have any wet cat food anyhow...only dry cat food. At 8:00AM I will go over to Dollar General and buy some more cat food...both wet and dry.

I did catch "The Weather on the 8's" and will post that now.

Today will be 73 degrees and thunderstorms. Tuesday will be 78 degrees and partly cloudy, Wednesday is to be 80 degrees and partly cloudy, Thursday is to be 77 degrees and  thunderstorms, Friday is to be 78 degrees and AM showers, Saturday is to be 85 degrees and sunny and Sunday is to be 88 degrees and mostly sunny.

More Later ..

Both Blondie and Grey came for their breakfasts this morning and I split the one wet cat food between them and put the rest of the dry cat food in those bowls. It's 7:58AM  right now and I will go over to Dollar General at 8:00AM and buy both wet and dry cat food and another cat food dish. And breakfast bars for myself, One of those I had out there was taken by another animal...either another cat or a dog. And I haven't seen Whitey yet this morning .

More Even Later ...

I went to Dollar General when it opened and bought several things including dry and wet cat food, breakfast bars for myself and  small plates for the church an also some wet wipes for my swifter. Before Keith and Esther come on May 24th, I want to wash the sheets on my bed. I will be sleeping on the daybed trundle with my quilt. I also may have to get some groceries. I gave the groceries I had in the pantry to the mail man. They collected groceries on Saturday for those folks in need. We put our bags next to the mailbox and he picked them up on Saturday. 

I spent over $30.00 for the stuff I needed today. ..mainly cat food both wet and dry and breakfast bars for myself to have with my Chai Latte. I bought another cat dish too. That's the 5th one I have bought. If I don't bring them in when the cats are finished, some animal, primarily a neighborhood dog, will carry it off.

More Later... 

I went up to Copan Restaurant for my lunch. As usual, it was very good.  I had my usual. A cup of beef vegetable soup and a piece of German Chocolate pie with iced tea.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Sunday and Mother's Day

 I was up fairly early again this morning and made my bed and dressed and got myself ready for the day. First Blondie came for his breakfast and after he ate and left Whitey came for his/her breakfast. I am out of wet cat food again and I believe the Dollar General store is closed today so I can't get more of that and also I am out of the dry food.

I have  my coffeecake baked and cooling now. I have the oleo in the warm oven and when it is melted, I will add the powdered sugar and mix it up for the glaze.

I also caught "the weather of the 8's" and here it is for the next week.

Monday is to be 79 degrees and partly cloudy,  Tuesday is to be 71 degrees and thunderstorms, Wednesday is to be 79 degrees and partly cloudy, Thursday is to be 74 degrees and rain and thunderstorms , Friday is to be 79 degrees and partly cloudy and Saturday is to be 81 degrees and mostly sunny. That's the week! Two days of rain..Monday and Thursday. There are several days dry enough for me to mow next week.  

And I want to wash the sheets on my bed next week too so they will be nice and clean for Keith and Esther..

More Later..