Saturday, February 12, 2022

Saturday and Eating Lunch Out

I slept pretty well last night. I did get cold toward morning and got up to turn up the heat to77 degrees. I was up at my usual 5:00AM, made my bed and dressed and got myself ready for the day. I am having my breakfast now. I am planning to go up to Copan at noon and have their small chef salad for my lunch. Sometime this morning I will clean the dining room and vacuum that rug and dust the apartment.

I got some much needed exercise yesterday when I raked the back yard, mulched the flowerbed and bagged up the leaves in the yard. The weather was nice enough that I didn't even need a jacket. It won't last, I know. We still have the rest of February and March until March 20th, which is the first day of Spring.

According to the desktop computer, it is 24 degrees out there and clear. It is 6:14AM and I guess I will go turn on the TV and watch "the weather on the 8's" and see if there are any cold cats out there for their breakfast.

At first just Scruff was out there but after she ate awhile, Blondie joined her. Twice they both left and I was ready to put the food away but Blondie kept coming back and eating some more. So I left it out there for awhile longer.

 More later...

I  have been watching the CBS Saturday morning news.....boring. I will turn off the news and read awhile. And I will get get back to this later.  

I read until 11:30AM and then went to Copan Truck Stop and had my usual small chef salad. As always, it was very good. The waitress even gave me a chocolate covered strawberry extra.  I'd like to have a butter pecan flurry but if I eat too many of those, I will gain weight so I'd better forgo the flurry today.

The sun is shining now. It wasn't earlier. It's 12:30PM now and 29 degrees according to the desktop computer. My phone says it's 19 degrees and sunny.

I will go back to my book now, I guess.

I have read until 2:00PM and am tired of reading. According to my phone it's 32 degrees outside. It's too cold to do anything outside even though it's sunny.

I know! I will vacuum the dining room. I almost forgot about that. And I also have the dusting to do. That will keep me busy for awhile.

More even later... 

I got the vacuuming done and washed the bare floor around the rug in the dining room. I have been reading most of the afternoon. I may wait until tomorrow to dust although it's just 4:25PM and I could get it done this evening.

I will at least start. Also, I did a load of washing but forgot to put it in the dryer so I need to do that too. 

I got the clothes dried, folded and put away. Then I read awhile again. I don't think I like this book. I may not finish it. It's 6:08PM right now and I will take my bath at 7:00PM and put my pajamas on. I plan to go to bed at 9:00PM or thereabouts.  

I watched what they had on facebook for church. I logged onto Zoom but the man on there did not know how to do the church service on Zoom so I watched what I could see of it on the South Central States Mission Center on Facebook.

I was watching the super bowl game and at halftime they had hip hop.They call it music I despise hip hop.To me it is not music. It's noise and stupidity! ! So I am blogging during the half time festivities.

Friday, February 11, 2022

Friday and Finish Vacuuming

I went to bed at my usual 9:00 PM last night and was awakened at 3:00AM by a friend texting me her concerns about her son's marriage. I texted her back that it was 3:00AM and there was nothing to be done until morning and they would need marriage counseling even then.  The woman and their baby have already moved back in with her parents. I appreciate that marriage can be difficult sometimes especially with a baby but unless young people are willing to work at it, it can often be impossible..No one can quick "fix" it for them unless the young people themselves are willing to work at it. My friend did the same thing last week except it was 10:30PM instead of 3:00AM. I was married 57 years to my Bob and we had our problems off and on as most married people do but were determined to stay together and work it out....and we did.

I finally just got up at 4:00AM. Sleep was impossible by then. I just hoped she didn't have a group text and hadn't awakened the entire congregation at 3:00AM. 

It's 5:20AM now and I have just finished my breakfast. The desktop computer says it is 41 degrees and clear. I am glad to see the snow is nearly gone.

More later...

It's 6:00AM now and I will go turn on the TV and watch "the weather on the 8's". and later at 6:30AM I will check to see if the cats are out there for their breakfast.  

Only Scruff came for her breakfast this morning.After she ate and  left I put away the cat food dish in the garage. Then I read until noon. I went up to Independence and went to their Walmart store to see if they had any more Chai Latte. They had two boxes and I bought both of them. 

Coffeyville's Walmart store didn't have any more. I checked when I was there  on Wednesday. While I was in Independence I went to their Dairy Queen and bought a small blizzard. That was my lunch today.

It's 1:10PM now. I see the desktop computer has the temperature at 42 degrees and clear. It was beginning to rain in Independence as I was leaving. The sun is shining here in Caney.

As I pulled into the driveway, a young man who looked familiar to me came over to speak to me. It was Pablo, the young man who lived in the other side of the duplex before Brandon moved in. He and his girlfriend had their baby and he showed me pictures on his phone of the little boy. He was as cute as he could be. He looked a lot like Pablo. Pablo was obviously crazy about the boy. The boy is just a little over a year old now. I think he was born in February last year. 

Well, I will get back to my book now. 

More later... I never did finish my vacuuming. I will do that after I read awhile.

I was reading up on the care of mums and it said to cut them back three to four inches after a couple of hard freezes and then mulch them to protect them during the winter. So I cut them back and when I get rested up, I will put some more mulch on them. I have some in the garage.I hope they come back in the spring. They were lovely this fall.

I will read some more and rest from all that cutting back of the mums. When I get rested up I will go back out and mulch them.

Then eventually, I will finish my vacuuming. 

I got my flowerbed mulched and hopefully that will protect my mums so they will bloom next fall. I got as many leaves out of the flowerbed as possible too. When the weather is nicer, I will rake again the back yard and clean them up from around the bottom of the fence in the back yard. I gave my hands a good scrubbing after I finished with that flowerbed.

 May be an image of outdoors


More later..I will read some more and then after I rest up, I will vacuum. 

 May be an image of outdoors 

I got part of the backyard raked and bagged. Next time it's nice out I will do more.

 May be an image of outdoors and brick wall 

The part next to the house is what I got raked and bagged. The next nice day I will do more.

May be an image of grass 

I ended up getting the entire back yard done and it looks pretty good too. And I got some good exercise!!

Now it's time for the CBS evening news so I will get back to this later....

I finished vacuuming the living room. I will do the dining room rug tomorrow morning.

It's 6:40PM now and in about 20 minutes I will take my bath and read until bedtime at 9:00PM. I notice the desktop computer days it's 49 degrees and clear. That's pretty good for February! I wonder how long it will last.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Thursday and Vacuuming

I slept pretty well last night and was up at 5:30AM as usual. I made my bed, dressed and got myself ready for the day, I will vacuum the bed room and hall and den this morning and then clean up the vacuum sweeper and then probably read. I downloaded another book last evening. I didn't charge the Kindle overnight so I may not be able to read all morning.

As usual I am having my breakfast here in the den while I blog. I will be so glad when Coffeyville's senior center starts having Bunco again and game day. I miss the fellowship and since Suzanne sold the duplex, I see very little of her any more and what time she does have she usually spends with her sister in Bartlesville and of course Nancy is now in assisted living in Bartlesville.  I have pretty much outlived everyone I knew in Caney between 1969 and 1981 or they have moved away. Both dentists I worked for here are gone now and Blackledge Furniture Store has been closed for years too. Getting old is not for sissies but it's better then  the alternative.

Thank goodness for church!! 

I guess I will go watch "the weather on the 8's" and check to see if the cats are out there.It is 6:30AM now and if they come for their breakfast it is usually about this time.

It's 38 degrees and mostly clear this morning.

So cats. 

And at 8:16AM..still no cats... I'd better start my vacuuming.

I got the bedroom, hall and den vacuumed. Tomorrow I will do the living room and dining room. I also mopped. I cleaned up the sweeper and put it away until tomorrow. Pushing that sweeper on that plush carpet wears me out.

I guess I will read now until I have to charge the Kindle. It is 9:00AM, 40 degrees and sunny !  

It's 11:18AM and 40 degrees still and again..sunny. I went out back and filled the birdbath with water for the birds. It's mostly been ice lately.

I want to wait to do lunch until the mail comes ...usually between 11:30AM and 12:00AM. I haven't decided where to eat yet but I'd like to sit down in a booth to eat.

I went to eat lunch at Eggbert's and had a hamburger and french fries and iced tea. 

Then I read all afternoon until 5:30PM. I will watch the CBS news now and plan to take my bath at 7:00PM as usual. I downloaded two more books from Amazon and plugged in the Kindle to charge it for awhile. If it is charged enough by More even later..7:30PM or so, I will start a new book before I go to bed at 9:00PM.

Scruff came for supper and so far I haven't seen Blondie. She is eating now. He may join her later.

More even later.


Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Wednesday and Hairdo Day

I went to sleep about 9:00PM last night. I slept fairly well with a few interruptions.  

Last night I was concerned about the kitchen cabinet door which had come loose at the top hinge just like that one in the bathroom had done a couple of months ago. I looked at the other kitchen cabinet doors this morning and found two more in the same shape. I will have my landlord look at those too and see if he can screw them back in.

It's 6:35AM and I have finished my breakfast now and am working on my coffee. Soon I will go check out "the weather on the 8's"and see if the cats are out there for their breakfast.

I see it is 32 degrees out there and clear.  

Both Scruff and Blondie came for breakfast. At first it was just Scruff but soon Blondie joined her and they are still eating out there.

I went out to Leslie's yesterday afternoon so she could record my Sunday evening sermon. Afterward we went out to see the puppies. They are so cute!! They are almost three weeks old now. I believe they will be three weeks old on Saturday..maybe Sunday. Kiki is such a good mother! And these puppies are registered Corgis.

How about that! My landlord texted me that he could come put those hinges back together right away. It seems he reads my blog too. That worked out well. He came right over and screwed them all in. They were all loose from over time.

I will be leaving at 8:30AM for Coffeyville to get my hair done. My appointment is at 9:30AM but if I get there early, she will take me in early. 

I texted Karan to see if there were any games at the senior center today. She said they were open again. Janet must have completed her quarantine since her dad had Covid. 

More later...

The desktop computer froze this morning and I had to give it a cold reboot to get it working again. It took awhile. I think I will run  Glary utilities and see if that will take care of it.

Strange..Glary Utilities was no longer on the desktop computer so I downloaded the latest free program and am running it now. I see they have found some problems and are working on fixing them. It seems to be taking a lot of time on "disk repair" so that might have been the biggest problem. But it's moving right along now. O.K. once it got through disk repair, it didn't take long to finish. I have used Glary Utilities since the late 90's when I was taking PC World magazine and they highly recommended it. It's free and takes care of many PC problems...including the one I had this morning with the desktop computer.

More's nearly time for me to leave for Coffeyville and my appointment.

After I got my hair done, I went out to Walmart and bought some things I can't get at our grocery store...grape flavored water, Walmart brand oatmeal in a variety of flavors, and bubble bath. 

Then I came on home.

I will heat up the rest of my dinner left from yesterday for my lunch today. There should be plenty for that. That was a huge serving. Neither Nancy or I could eat it all. We both took half of it home.

More later...I read for a couple of hours and then charged the Kindle again.

At noon, I heated up the lasagna and had that for my lunch along with a bowl of ice cream for dessert.

I backed the car out of the garage and swept out the garage. I put some kitty litter on an oil spot I noticed where the car had been setting. The garage really needs hosing out but I won't do that right now. I really need to go into the garage and throw away a dozen or two boxes I have saved over the years. Then I could hose out the garage and clean it up well. After Spring is here and it warms up, I will do that. I don't need all those boxes anyhow. I seldom send anything through the mail.

More later... 

Scruff came for her supper but Blondie was probably in the house of his owner ...who knows. He just didn't show up for his supper.

Anyhow, I ate a banana and took my bath at 7:00PM and put my pajamas on and then read until 8:30PM. It's 8:38PM now and I plan to go to bed at 9:00PM.

So good night!

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Tuesday and A Visit With Nancy

I slept pretty well last night and was up at 5:00AM, as usual. I made my bed and got myself ready for the day. I will go to Bartlesville this morning to visit Nancy at 10:00 AM and take her out to lunch at noon. We may go to that Italian restaurant that Leslie and I ate at last month. 

Then I will come back home and go out to Leslie's and she will record and video my Sunday evening talk for the Mission Center.

Right now I am having my breakfast. In a little bit I will turn on the TV and watch "the weather on the 8's" and will check to see if Scruff is out there waiting for her breakfast too. I haven't seen Blondie lately either but he does have a home. I imagine they have been keeping him in during this cold weather. It's 33 degrees and clear this morning according to my desktop computer. It's only 6:00AM now.

Scruff came to eat about 6:30AM  and while she was eating, Blondie came too. He had not been here even as much as Scruff had. I fed them both and when they were finished, I put the bowl back in the garage.

I have been watching the CBS morning news. According to my desktop computer, it's still 33  degrees and clear, I assume that's correct. It's supposed to get up to 66 degrees today some time.

It's 9:15AM now and  am leaving to go visit Nancy. I will also take her out to lunch. When I get back home, I will go out to Leslie's to get that Sunday evening talk videoed.

 More even later...

I got Nancy visited and then we went to lunch at Luigi's Italian Restaurant in their new location at 1407  SE Washington Blvd. It's a beautiful location in their new building. It was very good. We had Lasagna and it was very good. I brought half of mine home for tomorrow. So did Nancy. It was a lot of food and served with hot rolls and salad!   I had iced tea to drink and Nancy (as usual) had coffee. We took a long drive afterward to get her out out of assisted living. She really enjoyed it.  Next week I will bring her back to Caney so she can see what they have done with the Blackledge building.

On the way back home, my cruise control went out. After I went out to Leslie's and she recorded my Sunday evening talk and we went to see the puppies, I stopped by Main Street Repair and had Matt give me an estimate on the repair. If it turns out to be connected with the brake light fuse, it will be $67.00  to have it fixed. If it is in the cruise control switch itself, it will be almost $200. But I really need cruise control so if it can be fixed I will bite the bullet and have it done. It's a 2008 Honda Civic and I have to expect repairs from time to time/

It is 5:25PM now and I will see what the evening CBS news has to say.

I will also check to see if any cats are out there for their supper.  

More even later....

I watched the CBS evening news but there was nothing I was interested in so I took my bath and put my pajamas on and read some more until I finished the book.

I opened the kitchen cabinet door to get a cup out and that door did the same thing the one in the bathroom did..the top hinge came right out of the cabinet...wood and all. I was shocked and knew I couldn't get it screwed back in. It was too high to reach even with the step stool. I will ask Stephen to come screw it in the next time he is here. John screwed the screw back in the hinge and the cabinet that day the one in the bathroom did the same thing but he was determined to believe that I had pulled it out. I just opened the door and it came out..just like the one in the kitchen did tonight.  So I will wait until the weekend when he and his wife might come back here and ask him to fix it.

I will read on another book until 9:00PM when I will go to bed.

Monday, February 7, 2022

Monday and Laundry

I got up later then usual and hadn't had breakfast yet since I was doing laundry, changing sheets and getting myself ready for the day. I got a text from Kelly and he wants to meet me for breakfast this morning at Eggbert's at 7:30AM so I am going to do that and will be back after I visit with him and eat breakfast there.

Kelly and I visited until 10:00AM and then he left and so did I and I came on back home to finish folding out my laundry. We had quite a breakfast. I had an omelet and he had oatmeal. He told me his stories about his new job and about his various experiences with Gene.  We had a nice visit and we will do it again some time.

I got my laundry folded out and put away. 

I will need to go to the Dollar General Store this morning to buy floss. I have gone through the ones Ginger gave me at Thanksgiving. I had come away to their house without my dental floss and she had several so she gave me several.  It has taken me all this time to use it up.

Before I left to meet Kelly, I saw Scruff outside my front door. I don't know what she had been eating the past week or even where. She looked a lot thinner and I brought her food out and laid it out by the front door as usual and she dug in like she hadn't eaten in a week....and maybe she hadn't. The plastic water dish has been gone for several days. I have no idea where it is but I will find another one and give her some water to drink. Of course, she has probably been drinking water from the snow.

It's a little after noon now and I have one more serving of chili to eat for lunch. I guess I will have it. I tried to reach this site a little while ago and even though I had a signal, it wouldn't connect to this site The laptop still won't....for some strange reason. It connects but offers no option  to update.  This computer had the same problem but it does show the update option now. 

Weird!! If I had to guess I 'd say it is Cox. It's strange this one can connect and offer options but the laptop no longer can. I will run Glary Utilities on it and see if they can fix it. Other wise, I will have to call Cox.

Glary Utilities evidently fixed the problem on the laptop. It now has the same options as the desktop  computer.  

That's good. I usually use it. I don't know why. It has Windows 7 on it and the desktop computer has Windows 10.

I finally went out to Dollar General and got a birthday card for Cheyenne and toothpaste and floss. That's all I needed but I really needed it. I used the last of the toothpaste this morning and the floss is nearly gone too.

I worked on my talk for next Sunday evening and also the one for the first Sunday in March...the 6th, I think it is. I got them both roughed out. I will go out to Leslie's tomorrow afternoon after I get back from Bartlesville to take Nancy to lunch and visit her... and Leslie will record my next Sunday evening's talk and send it on to Lori to use for next Sunday evening's worship and communion service.

 More even later...

I read until about 7:00PM and then I took my bath and put my pajamas on. I will read some more until 9:00PM when I intend to go to bed.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Sunday and Church in Our Building.

I slept pretty well until 4:00AM  and then I started thinking and could not seem to turn off my mind. Finally close to 5:00AM, I just got up and dressed. I am ready for church now. I don't know how many will be there.The pandemic is still going on and many are fearful of that and then there's the remainder of the snow. We had 4 to 5 inches of it...maybe more.  It is a lot melted after two days of sunshine but there is still snow out there and some are fearful of driving in even a little. Not me. I am just careful and drive carefully. Someone needs to shovel the church walk too. I hope Kelly or John can get that done. If not, I will do it. I did my own yesterday. Since Kelly has a maintenance job now, I am not sure he will remember it's a part of his responsibility.

We haven't had church in our building since the middle of January.

I am having my breakfast now. It is 5:45AM and chilly in here. I sleep better in a cool room and I haven't turned up the furnace yet.

I will leave for church at 10:00AM since I have a ways to drive. I want to be there early enough to be sure the building is clean and neat regardless of how many make the effort to come.

I am still wearing sweaters to stay warm. And I am also wearing a jacket everywhere I go.

I will go check out "the weather on the 8's" and sometime after that I will check to see if either cat has braved the temperature for their breakfast. I doubt it. It's 28 degrees and clear out there today.

It's 8:01AM and I have been reading again. Three times I have checked to see if the cats are out there waiting for their breakfast ...but they haven't been there. I have a bad feeling they are, I don't know, but it's been a few days and unless someone else is feeding them (and I doubt that) they are gone.

 It's still 28 degrees and clear here. It''s supposed to get up to 47 degrees later today.

 More even later...

I got to the church in time to clean and scrape the snow off the walk but Leslie had already done the cleaning and John had scraped the snow. I had plenty of time so I decided to go in town and to the bank. I drove in to the bank but the outdoor debit card place was frozen solid and would not accept my card. Another car pulled in after I left and it wouldn't accept his card either. I didn't have time to go to the other two locations since they were on the other side of town. So I just drove back out to the church. Two thirds of the congregation were there for church. I was so glad. 

We went Independence afterward and ate at their El Peublito, Then I came on back home. I read part of the afternoon but then decided to work on next Sunday's talk for the Mission Center. I did that most of the afternoon.

Then I checked to see if either of the cats were out there for their  supper...neither were....again

It's almost 5:30PM now and the temperature is 43 degrees and sunny.  If the weather clears up I will get my car washed this week.It is filthy from the snow and ice. It's nearly time for the Mission Center service at 6:00PM now.

It's almost 7:00PM now. I am recording Sixty Minutes this evening. At 7:15PM I will take my bath and get ready for bed and watch Sixty Minutes afterward.

More later...

It's 7:45PM now and I will go watch 60 Minutes and then read until my bedtime at 9:00PM. I see it's  35 degrees now and clear.