I slept pretty well last night. I did get cold toward morning and got up to turn up the heat to77 degrees. I was up at my usual 5:00AM, made my bed and dressed and got myself ready for the day. I am having my breakfast now. I am planning to go up to Copan at noon and have their small chef salad for my lunch. Sometime this morning I will clean the dining room and vacuum that rug and dust the apartment.
I got some much needed exercise yesterday when I raked the back yard, mulched the flowerbed and bagged up the leaves in the yard. The weather was nice enough that I didn't even need a jacket. It won't last, I know. We still have the rest of February and March until March 20th, which is the first day of Spring.
According to the desktop computer, it is 24 degrees out there and clear. It is 6:14AM and I guess I will go turn on the TV and watch "the weather on the 8's" and see if there are any cold cats out there for their breakfast.
At first just Scruff was out there but after she ate awhile, Blondie joined her. Twice they both left and I was ready to put the food away but Blondie kept coming back and eating some more. So I left it out there for awhile longer.
More later...
I have been watching the CBS Saturday morning news.....boring. I will turn off the news and read awhile. And I will get get back to this later.
I read until 11:30AM and then went to Copan Truck Stop and had my usual small chef salad. As always, it was very good. The waitress even gave me a chocolate covered strawberry extra. I'd like to have a butter pecan flurry but if I eat too many of those, I will gain weight so I'd better forgo the flurry today.
The sun is shining now. It wasn't earlier. It's 12:30PM now and 29 degrees according to the desktop computer. My phone says it's 19 degrees and sunny.
I will go back to my book now, I guess.
I have read until 2:00PM and am tired of reading. According to my phone it's 32 degrees outside. It's too cold to do anything outside even though it's sunny.
I know! I will vacuum the dining room. I almost forgot about that. And I also have the dusting to do. That will keep me busy for awhile.
More even later...
I got the vacuuming done and washed the bare floor around the rug in the dining room. I have been reading most of the afternoon. I may wait until tomorrow to dust although it's just 4:25PM and I could get it done this evening.
I will at least start. Also, I did a load of washing but forgot to put it in the dryer so I need to do that too.
I got the clothes dried, folded and put away. Then I read awhile again. I don't think I like this book. I may not finish it. It's 6:08PM right now and I will take my bath at 7:00PM and put my pajamas on. I plan to go to bed at 9:00PM or thereabouts.
I watched what they had on facebook for church. I logged onto Zoom but the man on there did not know how to do the church service on Zoom so I watched what I could see of it on the South Central States Mission Center on Facebook.
I was watching the super bowl game and at halftime they had hip hop.They call it music I despise hip hop.To me it is not music. It's noise and stupidity! ! So I am blogging during the half time festivities.