This has been a pretty neat day. Scott came about 5:30 last evening and got up at 4:00 this morning. I got up sometime after five and fixed him breakfast and then Bob got up before 7:00 and I fixed one for him too. Slinky came in and I fixed his food with bacon grease and a strip of bacon. I had a bowl of cereal.
Later in the morning we went up to Independence and had lunch at the new Mexican restaurant. Then we drove around and looked at pretty houses.
We went to Wal Mart and looked at trees and shrubbery.
Then we went out to John and Leslie's and saw the progress on the house.
They are going to lay the flooring in the great room on Monday and the carpet in the three bedrooms on Tuesday.
They are in the process of building the walnut staircase and the fireplace mantle. They have a mirror to frame and also hang in the master bathroom, some more painting on the shelves in the closets, some trim to install after the flooring is down, a towel rack to install in the master bathroom and a tissue holder and towel rack in the upstairs bath. They have a door knob to put on the walk-in clothes closet door and some door stops to install. They need to put the fresh air grills on the fresh air returns.
The largest job is the rest of the lower half of the painting on the outside and the garage taping and painting inside the garage. They have to hang the shutters and install the screens. They also have to pour the front walk and the front and back steps. They have to paint the metal door leading onto the deck from the living room.
The TV installation man will have to come back out and lower the rack for the 50 inch TV he plans to mount over the fireplace. It's high enough now to give one a crick in the neck.
The rest will be the responsibility of our son-in-law and daughter. They will install the garage cabinets and shelving and do the landscaping. My son-in-law will also build the deck on the back of the house.
They believe they have their double wide sold and it will be moved. They have two folks interested in it. If they do sell it, Leslie will buy a new stainless front loading washer and dryer. The ones she has now are at least twenty years old.
Tonight Scott has a date in Bartlesville so Bob and I will have a quiet evening.