I have had my breakfast and am ready for the day.
I slept well last night but had a strange thing happen as I was getting ready for bed last night The last thing I do before I go to bed is take my contacts out. I got the right one out just fine but could not find the left one. The left one is just a very strong contact Roger used to start my lazy eye 40 years ago. The right one is a bifocal. I pinched in my left eye trying to find that contact and get it out but it appeared to be gone. Once, years ago, I had one move around behind my eye and I had to have Roger, my optometrist, get it out. I guessed that was what had happened this time too.
Either that or when I took my bath and washed my face, I might have caught it with my washcloth. But it was almost 10:00PM and there was no one to do that this time so I put some drops in that eye and went on to bed. The drops soothed the eye and I was able to sleep. This morning I put the right contact in and started to put away the case and there on the pad in the cabinet, was the contact for the left eye. It was crisp by that time so I put some contact drops in the case and put the contact in there to re-hydrate. Later today I will be able to put it in the left eye. That was strange event number one.
Then I had a phone call last night from one of those adjustable bed companies saying I had won one of those adjustable beds and the woman asked me if I wanted one with the headboard that raised or one with the footboard that raised. I told her I really didn't want one at all. I told her my daughter had bought me a new box springs and mattress just before I moved into this apartment. She then said they would deliver me one of those really good pillows as a consolation prize. They had my address and wanted to know if I wanted it to be delivered at 9:00AM or 1:00PM today. I told her that 1:00PM would best.
When I hung up I thought how stupid that was of me. Then the phone rang again and a different woman wanted to confirm my delivery time as 1:00PM. I will be very careful not to open the door to anyone without some kind of documentation this afternoon...if the delivery comes at all. That was strange event number two.
If Nancy is feeling well today we are going to eat lunch out....probably at Eggberts here. She was sick half a day yesterday or she would have gone with me for lunch with Gay and Adele at Ane Mae's in Independence. I went by her house after I got back home and took her my half sandwich that I had had boxed up yesterday afternoon. It was a turkey sandwich and was very good but it was huge, and since they had cut it in half, I had it boxed up for Nancy.
More later...
Here's Octavia and her litter of five Cowboy Corgis. She sure looks tired. It had been a rough night for her.

That's the number she ended up with. Aren't they cute little critters!!
I was able to put my left contact in after it re- hydrated. That worked out.
Nancy hasn't called yet so I don't know whether she is up to lunch or not. I don't want to call her since I may wake her up.
More later..
I tried to call Nancy about 10:00AM but I was unable to reach her. The phone rang 6 times and then went to voice mail. So I tried again in about an hour and this time I reached her. She does want to eat out so we will go to Eggberts here. I have that appointment at 1:00PM so I don't want to get too far away. I will pick her up at noon. Then we can be back by 1:00PM just in case that woman comes.
Then at 2:00PM or so, Krystal and her daughter will come to mow. We are forecast for rain this afternoon and I hope to get the yard done before rain starts...if we get it. They have hard time forecasting southeast Kansas weather.
More later....
Nancy and I did go to Eggberts for lunch. Then I took her home. I had Krystal coming to mow and after that, a woman came to try to sell me a Easy Rest Adjustable Bed. Of course I wasn't about to spend $3,000 on a "sleep System" but for listening to her sales pitch they will send me one of their foam pillows. It will take 90 days to get it but what the heck!
Krystal mowed and when it is cooler I will trim.
I did get my book today. It is "Donald Trump and his Assault on Truth". It was written by the Washington Post Fact Checker Committee. I barely started it before Diane, the sales woman came. She was here 2 1/2 hours and certainly earned her salary. Of course, I was not going to spend $3,000 for an Easy Rest adjustable bed. Leslie bought me a new box spring and mattress just before I moved over here. It's what they call a "flat bed" but it's a great set. I am sure not going into debt for an adjustable bed.
I got my cake baked for the First Christian Church in Independence before she came and even got it iced. They are starting their free dinners on Tuesday. I will run it over to the church tomorrow and put it into the frig freezer over there. I will see if Nancy wants to go too just for the ride.
I watched what was left of the CBS news after all that. I will go back to reading my book after the news. Then I will take my bath at 7:00PM.
Four or five cats came for supper. Scruffy, both her kittens and Big Yellow Tom and the yellow adolescent cat came to eat and drink the clean water I put out there.
I plan to go to bed at 9:00PM or so. It's been a busy day.
Tomorrow I will trim the yard. Then I will watch the Toronto Canada church service at 11:00AM