I had breakfast with my brother-in-law this morning and then afterward I went by the hardware store and bought some green spray paint for my little patio table. I spray painted it and later put it out on the patio. The patio looks pretty nice now. I'll be glad when I can pressure wash it and paint it with cream colored cement paint later on this spring. I'll do my front walk too.
He then came by at noon and we went out to the church with his hedge trimmer and yard cart. He trimmed the hedge and I picked up the trimmings and carted them back to the draw in the back of the church and emptied them there. It only took us an hour and it looks so much better.
After I rest awhile, I want to go out to Wal Mart and look at their flowers and hanging pots. If they have any in good shape, I may buy some. I want three to go out on the patio and three in the front of my house. Then I have a flowerbed that I always put geraniums and asparagus in and I want some perennials out by the curb. I also buy some small plants to put next to my driveway. I always like the house to look colorful! If Wal Mart doesn't have some nice ones, I'll go to Hanes Nursery.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
Big Busy Friday

I then went to pick up Bob A. to go to Cherryvale to meet Gay for lunch. We had a good visit and a fine meal.
When I got home I spray painted the round table top of the table I set between my two patio chairs. They all look pretty good now. The cushion could use cleaning and that's my next project. If I can figure out how to work my pressure sprayer, I can clean my front walk and patio and then paint them. Then everything will look nice. I put the one cushion I did have in the yard swing.
I'll post some pictures. The top photo is my peony bed. The peonies are all budded up and it's only the last of March. They usually don't bloom until May.
The next picture is the weeping willow tree we planted seven years ago. It has really grown.
Next is the yard swing with the new cushion in it.
Next is the patio table between the two older chairs. I want to clean those cushions. Missy sleeps in them and they get her hair on them.
Last are my canvass sling chairs with the small glass topped table between them.
I feel like I got a lot done today. After I get the cushions cleaned and the metal table spray painted and that patio power washed, it will be a great place to sit in the mornings before work and drink my coffee.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Thursday At Last
At last it's Thursday. I will work today and then tonight I will stay home. Tomorrow I will get my hair done, clean house, and then meet my friend, Gay, for lunch at Cherryvale. I always have so much to do on Fridays. If I have any opportunity to have lunch with friends, it's on Friday.
I met Gay when I was 17 and she was 14. She walked home downtown at lunchtime and I worked after school downtown afternoons and Saturdays. We walked together and soon became friends. She dropped out of school before graduation and got married. I had gotten married and moved away. When Bob and I moved back to Bartlesville when Bob went to work at Phillips there, she and her husband moved there too and we got reacquainted. We both had small children by that time. Her first two were a year younger then my first two and her third was a year older then my younger son. We spent a lot of time together. We sunbathed together and went to the swimming pool together with our six kids. They were very well behaved kids so that worked out beautifully. They even went camping with us when we bought a camper. We had tent camped for a few years and when we bought a pop up camper we put the kids in the tent and we slept in the camper. We had a great time together.
We have managed to stay in touch all these years. We have lost one another for years at a time but we always manage to reconnect. Good friends are great support in the bad times and great fun in the best times.
Today at work was exhausting! Yet when I got home I mowed the yard and trimmed the bushes. I raked the remaining leaves and bagged them. I worked until 7:30 and then came in and took my bath. I am very tired but being tired never killed anyone. In fact, it helps me sleep.
So I'm going to go see what there is on channel 11 and if it's nothing, I will read awhile.
I met Gay when I was 17 and she was 14. She walked home downtown at lunchtime and I worked after school downtown afternoons and Saturdays. We walked together and soon became friends. She dropped out of school before graduation and got married. I had gotten married and moved away. When Bob and I moved back to Bartlesville when Bob went to work at Phillips there, she and her husband moved there too and we got reacquainted. We both had small children by that time. Her first two were a year younger then my first two and her third was a year older then my younger son. We spent a lot of time together. We sunbathed together and went to the swimming pool together with our six kids. They were very well behaved kids so that worked out beautifully. They even went camping with us when we bought a camper. We had tent camped for a few years and when we bought a pop up camper we put the kids in the tent and we slept in the camper. We had a great time together.
We have managed to stay in touch all these years. We have lost one another for years at a time but we always manage to reconnect. Good friends are great support in the bad times and great fun in the best times.
Today at work was exhausting! Yet when I got home I mowed the yard and trimmed the bushes. I raked the remaining leaves and bagged them. I worked until 7:30 and then came in and took my bath. I am very tired but being tired never killed anyone. In fact, it helps me sleep.
So I'm going to go see what there is on channel 11 and if it's nothing, I will read awhile.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Wednesday Luncheon
This is the last of the Lenten Luncheons today. I will work until 11:30 and then leave early to pick up Bob A. for the luncheon.
I wanted to watch Frontline last night but simply could not stay awake for it.
Juanita called last night to say her son from Chicago is on his way and he is bringing the younger twins with him. He wants to take Juanita to the hospital on Thursday for her procedure. That's fine. She's uncomfortable with that (too many people in the house) but he didn't ask. In fact, he did ask earlier but she said she's rather he didn't come. He drinks too much and she doesn't need the drama at this time. But he's coming anyhow. I hope all goes well.
I will call later on Thursday to see how things went.
I wanted to watch Frontline last night but simply could not stay awake for it.
Juanita called last night to say her son from Chicago is on his way and he is bringing the younger twins with him. He wants to take Juanita to the hospital on Thursday for her procedure. That's fine. She's uncomfortable with that (too many people in the house) but he didn't ask. In fact, he did ask earlier but she said she's rather he didn't come. He drinks too much and she doesn't need the drama at this time. But he's coming anyhow. I hope all goes well.
I will call later on Thursday to see how things went.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Another Work Day
Today I will work here in Coffeyville. Then tonight I am scheduled to give the invocation at our city commission meeting. They need all the help they can get. They are all good citizens and try to make decisions that are fair and show equity for all but one man's equity s another man's unfairness. Their worst critic is a former commission member who resigned when he was unable to get his fellow commissioners to accept his point of view on all decisions that came before the commission. The problem was his attitude. He tended to be extremely critical of everything they did. He wanted to be mayor but the mayor is chosen by fellow city commissioners and they saw his attitude was bad from the first. His ideas were not all that bad but the way he went about expressing himself was through extreme hostility. So he resigned.
Then he convinced the local editor of our bi-weekly newspaper to let him write a column. In the column, his hostility continues. What a pity.
Then he convinced the local editor of our bi-weekly newspaper to let him write a column. In the column, his hostility continues. What a pity.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Another Monday
Today I only work half a day. I will go to Independence this afternoon and pick up Juanita, my 90 year old friend, and take her to Bartlesville to see a cardiologist. She has had an episode of atrial fibrillation a week ago. They have not changed her medicine to regulate her heart and that is puzzling. I hope we will know more when we see this doctor.
I will make up my lost time at work on Friday morning.
Tomorrow I will go back to Independence to work. I will have to review my scanning skills. I only scanned documents once several months ago. I have scanned traffic tickets but that's a different procedure.
I hear on the news that Cheney has had a heart transplant. It is rare for someone 71 years old to even be eligible for one. The chances of his living very long after this procedure are microscopic. He has had way too many heart procedures already. It will be interesting to see if he can make it.
More later...
What a day. I left work at noon and went to pick up Juanita at 2:15. We got to the doctor's office at 3:15. Then we sat...and sat...and sat...and we got into a room at 4:00...and sat...and sat...and sat. We saw the doctor at 6:00. Then we finally went to a restaurant and had a salad. I got her home at 8:00 and got home myself by 8:30.
Juanita not only has atrial fibrillation but also has arrhythmia. She will go into the hospital on Thursday at 8:00 and have an IV with the medicine to regulate her heart and then they will put her to sleep, put a tube down her throat and shock her heart to get it beating with proper rhythm again. Her granddaughter works two jobs and cannot take off to take her down to Bartlesville so I will do that. I will ask off tomorrow and I will stay with her while the procedure is being done. She is scared to death. She says having me there gives her courage. I don't know about that but she definitely needs someone with her. After all, she is 90 years old.
I will make up my lost time at work on Friday morning.
Tomorrow I will go back to Independence to work. I will have to review my scanning skills. I only scanned documents once several months ago. I have scanned traffic tickets but that's a different procedure.
I hear on the news that Cheney has had a heart transplant. It is rare for someone 71 years old to even be eligible for one. The chances of his living very long after this procedure are microscopic. He has had way too many heart procedures already. It will be interesting to see if he can make it.
More later...
What a day. I left work at noon and went to pick up Juanita at 2:15. We got to the doctor's office at 3:15. Then we sat...and sat...and sat...and we got into a room at 4:00...and sat...and sat...and sat. We saw the doctor at 6:00. Then we finally went to a restaurant and had a salad. I got her home at 8:00 and got home myself by 8:30.
Juanita not only has atrial fibrillation but also has arrhythmia. She will go into the hospital on Thursday at 8:00 and have an IV with the medicine to regulate her heart and then they will put her to sleep, put a tube down her throat and shock her heart to get it beating with proper rhythm again. Her granddaughter works two jobs and cannot take off to take her down to Bartlesville so I will do that. I will ask off tomorrow and I will stay with her while the procedure is being done. She is scared to death. She says having me there gives her courage. I don't know about that but she definitely needs someone with her. After all, she is 90 years old.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Sunday Morning
I am up and dressed and ready for church this morning. After church some of us will eat out together. My daughter may not be at church this morning. She was on call last evening. I called her last night at 9:00 and she was "out". When my daughter doesn't come, my son-in-law seldom comes.
I will do my letters this afternoon. Tonight my favorite TV show is on: Harry's Law. I will watch it and then read my book. I have been reading "The Underground Church" and I am nearly finished with this very interesting book.
I heard from my son in Germany this morning. He seemed to be in better spirits today.
I have been posting on my church's website. Our church is very diverse. You will find very fundamental folks there as well as more "progressive" or liberal folks. We subscribe to no creeds so all persons are accepted regardless of their belief system.
We are having a discussion about the existence of Satan. Some who post there believe there is an actual Satan. Some believe the entire concept of a Satan came out of the captivity. So the discussion is interesting. One man says scripture mentions Satan so he believes in a Satan. Another person says the scripture writers were a product of their culture and their culture at the time the scripture was written believed in a Satan because the scriptures were written after the captivity. It's an interesting discussion.
More later...
We ate at a Bar B Q place and there were ten of us. We had a good visit too.
Later I came home and mowed the yard. Then I worked on my letters. I got everything done. I even washed the storm door windows...front and back. I took my bath after watching Harry's Law, my favorite TV show. Now I am ready for bed but it's only 8:30.
Maybe I can read awhile and finish my book.
I will do my letters this afternoon. Tonight my favorite TV show is on: Harry's Law. I will watch it and then read my book. I have been reading "The Underground Church" and I am nearly finished with this very interesting book.
I heard from my son in Germany this morning. He seemed to be in better spirits today.
I have been posting on my church's website. Our church is very diverse. You will find very fundamental folks there as well as more "progressive" or liberal folks. We subscribe to no creeds so all persons are accepted regardless of their belief system.
We are having a discussion about the existence of Satan. Some who post there believe there is an actual Satan. Some believe the entire concept of a Satan came out of the captivity. So the discussion is interesting. One man says scripture mentions Satan so he believes in a Satan. Another person says the scripture writers were a product of their culture and their culture at the time the scripture was written believed in a Satan because the scriptures were written after the captivity. It's an interesting discussion.
More later...
We ate at a Bar B Q place and there were ten of us. We had a good visit too.
Later I came home and mowed the yard. Then I worked on my letters. I got everything done. I even washed the storm door windows...front and back. I took my bath after watching Harry's Law, my favorite TV show. Now I am ready for bed but it's only 8:30.
Maybe I can read awhile and finish my book.
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