I slept like a log last night even though I was up twice in the night to go to the bathroom...all that water I drank while mowing. If you read this blog yesterday, you know the little girls who mow for me didn't show up and I finished the west side mowing myself. Their mother never answered my texts. I don't know what the deal was. They were having a family problem of some sort on Thursday and that's why they changed the mowing day from Thursday to Friday this week. I may have to mow myself if I can't find someone dependable. August would be a bad month to have to do that.
I can't lift the bag full of clippings into the trash container and I wondered what to do about that. I thought about asking my neighbor to the south, Ryan, to do it for me but I hate to impose. This morning I thought about turning the trash container on it's side and sliding the plastic bag into it that way then setting it back up if I can. I will try that later this morning after it gets light. It's not quite 6:00AM yet. I want to sweep all those leaves again out at the curb before they blow onto my yard again and get them into a trash bag.
I will need to water the plants today since we didn't get the rain they forecast. I did water them once yesterday but I don't know if that's enough and won't know until the sun comes up and I can check it out.
I have had my breakfast and am drinking my coffee now. I need to go turn on the TV and see what the "weather on the 8's" is and see what the forecast for today is.
I'll get back to this later....
Both yellow cats were out there wanting their breakfast...both Scruff and Blondie. I fed them and they are eating like they haven't had a meal in a month.
I didn't have to impose on anyone about lifting the clippings bag. I pulled the trash container over on it's side, drug the bag over to it and pushed it in and then set the trash container back up. It worked! No big deal at all!.
Now as soon as the news is over, I will rake up those leaves and get them in the new bag. I will wear gloves to do that.
It's 7:30AM now.
It's 8:12AM now and I just finished raking up all those leaves and put them in a black yard bag. I wore plastic gloves. That was my last black yard bag so sometime in the next week, I will have to buy another box.
Leslie just called and they are going out to Cessna for a tour and it starts at 9:00AM. She wanted to know if I want to go too and it will be something interesting to do with a Saturday morning so I will meet them there. I didn't have another plan for the day.
I had better water the flowers.. .now
I watered the flowers and then I took off for Cessna. It was a very interesting morning. We walked through the plants and looked at the partly built planes and some cars for a car show connected with the Cessna tour. About 11:00AM, there was a stunt show with two planes. It was very entertaining. We signed up for several drawings but none of us won anything. We were given plenty of water and a brunch too about 9:30AM.Then we walked through areas of the hangers were were allowed in. We moved some of their chairs to the west side of the hanger for the stunt show. It was very good! Lots of exciting stunts!!
Then they asked me to go to Maria's with them for lunch. I did that but was unable to eat all of my dinner so I brought part of it home for tomorrow. I enjoyed the morning and got back home about 1:50PM.
More even later...
I downloaded some more free books to read on Kindle this afternoon. I read most of the afternoon although I did water the plants again.
I took my bath after I went out in the back yard and picked up more leaves from my south neighbor's tree. I took my bath at 7:00PM, read until 8:30PM and brought the solar kitty in the den. I don't leave it out overnight.
I will go to bed as soon as I finish this.....at about 9:00PM, I imagine.