I got a late notice on my Atmos Energy bill this morning. I checked and I had sent them $51.07 on July 24th when I paid Westar too. I tried to call customer service but they were not available on the weekend. So I left a call back notice and maybe Monday I will get to the bottom of that. In the meanwhile, I scheduled them another small payment for the 6th....the first date available. Curses on large utilities! I have no idea what is going on.
I slept well last night and got up about 5:30AM. I dressed and had my oatmeal and watched the weather. I also fed the mama cat and two of her babies. They had emptied the bowl sometime in the night. I refilled it and they came back. That's what they were waiting for. It rained so much yesterday that they were unable to come eat or they would have been soaked.
I never did clean yesterday so I will definitely have to do it today. I have a small laundry in and it needs to be put in the dryer now. I will get back to this after I do that.
I got that done...now back to the news.
I am not sure what Melissa wants us to do about breakfast tomorrow. We are to take what we want to eat for breakfast to church tomorrow if I understand what she wants. I will just take my oatmeal if that is the case. We are to skip the church school class altogether and eat breakfast at 10:00AM. then have our communion service at 11:00AM and after that, pack our backpacks with school supplies. I would just as soon skip breakfast at 10:00AM. I eat much earlier then 10:00AM since I am up at 5:00AM. Very confusing!
More later...
This has been a weird summer. My allergies are wild! I sneeze constantly. I don't take anything for them because I recently read the report from the Alzheimer's Conference and they warn that antihistamines and sleep aids can cause dementia. So I am avoiding all those. Allergy meds really don't do much for my allergies anyhow.
More later...
Nancy called about 9:30AM and wanted to go have breakfast. I agreed if she would let me pay for it this time. She dressed and then let me know she was ready and I picked her up. By then it is 10:00AM so I had brunch and she just had lunch.
Then we visited at her house for awhile and she wanted me to drive buy their church to see if they were working over there. So we did that. No one was there.
We drove around and looked at various homes she knew about and knew who lived there. Then I took her home and came on back home to do my housework, which I had procrastinated doing for two days. I have the bare floors wiped and moped now and will soon vacuum and dust. I may go up to Joyce's after awhile and get a milk shake. It would be 1:30PM or 2:00Pm before I will not be too full from brunch. But it will sound good then! I will see if Nancy is interested then.
More later....I had better vacuum before I lose the incentive again.
Well, I finally got the apartment cleaned. Then I drove up to Independence and got myself a Blizzard at the Dairy Queen....yum!
It's 7:00PM now and time for my bath so more later....
I watched Dateline and then played some solitaire and at 8:55PM, I went on to bed.
Saturday, August 3, 2019
Friday, August 2, 2019
Friday and House Cleaning
Today I must clean the apartment. Instead of my regular cleaning yesterday, I read in my latest book. I am still not finished with the book but I am close. I had to charge the Kindle last night.
I did not sleep all that well last night. Again, I had too much on my mind to turn it off. I awoke at 12:30AM and did not get back to sleep until sometime after 2:30AM. For some strange reason, my feet got cold and even after I covered them up with an afghan, they were still cold. Strange! When I finally did get back to sleep, I did sleep until 6:30AM though.
I have got myself ready for the day, had my oatmeal and coffee and am trying to catch up all the things I didn't get done yesterday. Luckily, before this rain began, I got my backpack and school supplies bought at Walmart at Independence. I don't get my social security until the 14th this month and that will be a long stretch.
It is pouring down rain out there so I have not seen any of the feral cats this morning.
Suzanne came about lunch time and picked up the rent check. They are camping with their grandsons. Part of the guttering in front is coming down and she said she would tell Steve about that. I think the rain must have done that. I don't recall seeing it earlier.
More later....
The rain finally stopped.
Then about 11:30AM I went out to Eggberts to have lunch. I didn't know what to have for lunch and that sounded good! I ran onto Kelly out there and he had me sit with him. We visited until 2:00PM. He had a lot on his mind. When I got home, I ate some of the strawberries Nancy brought me yesterday.
I got home about 2:25PM and as soon as I put my car away, my neighbor drove into my drive. Now my car is trapped. If I want to get out again, I will have to raise my neighbors to ask them to move that car.
Luckily, just as I was about to go ask them to move their car, they moved it without me having to ask them.
Then the mother of my new yard person came and got my phone number and gave me hers. Her name is Krystal. I am to text her when I would like the yard mowed. It will probably be Tuesday evening next week...if the rains clear up. Krystal says her husband will come with the girls and she says he will do the trimming. The girls are not familiar with a trimmer.
It's almost 5:00PM now and I will go watch the news.
I watched the news and then Dateline until 7:00PM when I took my bath and got myself ready for bed. At 9:00PM, I went on to bed. I never did get the house cleaning done.
I did not sleep all that well last night. Again, I had too much on my mind to turn it off. I awoke at 12:30AM and did not get back to sleep until sometime after 2:30AM. For some strange reason, my feet got cold and even after I covered them up with an afghan, they were still cold. Strange! When I finally did get back to sleep, I did sleep until 6:30AM though.
I have got myself ready for the day, had my oatmeal and coffee and am trying to catch up all the things I didn't get done yesterday. Luckily, before this rain began, I got my backpack and school supplies bought at Walmart at Independence. I don't get my social security until the 14th this month and that will be a long stretch.
It is pouring down rain out there so I have not seen any of the feral cats this morning.
Suzanne came about lunch time and picked up the rent check. They are camping with their grandsons. Part of the guttering in front is coming down and she said she would tell Steve about that. I think the rain must have done that. I don't recall seeing it earlier.
More later....
The rain finally stopped.
Then about 11:30AM I went out to Eggberts to have lunch. I didn't know what to have for lunch and that sounded good! I ran onto Kelly out there and he had me sit with him. We visited until 2:00PM. He had a lot on his mind. When I got home, I ate some of the strawberries Nancy brought me yesterday.
I got home about 2:25PM and as soon as I put my car away, my neighbor drove into my drive. Now my car is trapped. If I want to get out again, I will have to raise my neighbors to ask them to move that car.
Luckily, just as I was about to go ask them to move their car, they moved it without me having to ask them.
Then the mother of my new yard person came and got my phone number and gave me hers. Her name is Krystal. I am to text her when I would like the yard mowed. It will probably be Tuesday evening next week...if the rains clear up. Krystal says her husband will come with the girls and she says he will do the trimming. The girls are not familiar with a trimmer.
It's almost 5:00PM now and I will go watch the news.
I watched the news and then Dateline until 7:00PM when I took my bath and got myself ready for bed. At 9:00PM, I went on to bed. I never did get the house cleaning done.
Thursday, August 1, 2019
Thursday and Housework Day
I slept well last night and got up about 6:30AM and dressed and had my oatmeal and coffee and my chai.
The mother cat was eating the cat food when I got into the living room. When she finished, soon after the little yellow kitten I hadn't seen for a couple of weeks came and ate too. They all drink the water I set out. I have not seen any of the gray kittens today.
It appears that Leslie is going to have my yard mowed in August. She evidently thinks I will overheat trying to do it myself. I think I could manage it but I appreciate her concern and help.
I will do housework today. Thursday is my usual day to do that. I don't have anything else on the agenda so will probably go back to reading my latest Kindle book, "A Woman of No Importance". So far it is an interesting piece of unknown history about an American woman who was a very important spy in France during the Second World War.
It evidently rained some last night. Now it is thundering again so maybe it will rain even more.
I was correct. It is pouring down rain now and shortly after 7:40AM .
I will get back to this later.
After it stopped raining, I decided I had better go to Independence and get the school supplies for the Caney Lincoln Elementary School while I could. I got there and could not find any Caney list. The department manager said they did not send it out. He had it on his phone and copied it off for me.
I went by the Dairy Queen there and had a medium blizzard for my lunch. I love those things! I read my Kindle while I ate. The sun is shining now.
Suzanne is coming tomorrow to get the rent. So it was either today or Saturday to get the school supplies.
I will go watch the news now. back later...
I ate some meatloaf for my supper and then read most of the afternoon. The Schwan's man came but I didn't need a thing. I took a catalog over to my neighbor. She didn't answer the door so I left it on her mailbox. It is 5:35PM now I will watch the news then get back to my book.
I will do my housework tomorrow. Maybe I will get my book finished today.I almost finished he new book, The end few chapters were not as interesting as the rest and my Kindle needed charging so I didn't get to finish it before bedtime.
At 7:30PM, I took my bath and at 9:00PM, I went on to bed.
The mother cat was eating the cat food when I got into the living room. When she finished, soon after the little yellow kitten I hadn't seen for a couple of weeks came and ate too. They all drink the water I set out. I have not seen any of the gray kittens today.
It appears that Leslie is going to have my yard mowed in August. She evidently thinks I will overheat trying to do it myself. I think I could manage it but I appreciate her concern and help.
I will do housework today. Thursday is my usual day to do that. I don't have anything else on the agenda so will probably go back to reading my latest Kindle book, "A Woman of No Importance". So far it is an interesting piece of unknown history about an American woman who was a very important spy in France during the Second World War.
It evidently rained some last night. Now it is thundering again so maybe it will rain even more.
I was correct. It is pouring down rain now and shortly after 7:40AM .
I will get back to this later.
After it stopped raining, I decided I had better go to Independence and get the school supplies for the Caney Lincoln Elementary School while I could. I got there and could not find any Caney list. The department manager said they did not send it out. He had it on his phone and copied it off for me.
I went by the Dairy Queen there and had a medium blizzard for my lunch. I love those things! I read my Kindle while I ate. The sun is shining now.
Suzanne is coming tomorrow to get the rent. So it was either today or Saturday to get the school supplies.
I will go watch the news now. back later...
I ate some meatloaf for my supper and then read most of the afternoon. The Schwan's man came but I didn't need a thing. I took a catalog over to my neighbor. She didn't answer the door so I left it on her mailbox. It is 5:35PM now I will watch the news then get back to my book.
I will do my housework tomorrow. Maybe I will get my book finished today.I almost finished he new book, The end few chapters were not as interesting as the rest and my Kindle needed charging so I didn't get to finish it before bedtime.
At 7:30PM, I took my bath and at 9:00PM, I went on to bed.
Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Wednesday and My Hairdo
I got up later then usual...at nearly 6:30AM. I texted Bob A, but didn't hear anything out of him. So I texted him again and still didn't hear anything. I became a little concerned so I called him. It took two calls...but he had slept later too and was in the shower. So I went over to Coffeyville a little early this morning and picked him up and he and I had breakfast at Eggberts.
I had got up at sometime after 6:00AM...late for me. I got there at 7:00AM. and we ate and caught up on news. Then I took him home and went out to Walmart and got what few groceries I couldn't get at Dollar General here.
Then I drove to the shop and was going to sit in the car and read until my appointment but Toni saw me out there and was able to get me in early for my hair appointment so I got back home fairly early.
I watched some news on TV and then read the rest of my book "The Pioneers" and started the new one. These are markdowns on Kindle from Amazon Prime. This one is called "A Woman of No Importance". It is about a woman spy during the second world war and is a true but little known story. It is interesting..so far.
Nancy came by mid morning and we visited for awhile. Then she had some errands she needed to run and left. I was going to trim but then my trimmer battery needed to be charged and that takes awhile. So I have it on the charger now and will still need to do the trimming tomorrow.
Keith called and visited with me awhile. He is getting ready to leave again... first to go to Ft. Dix in New Jersey on August 12th and then to Ethiopia for 15 days from August 30th through September 14th. He loves to travel. I'm glad Esther doesn't mind.
Two little girl's and their mother, one 10 years old and one 15 years old, came by at Leslie's directions this afternoon and checked out my yard for mowing. Leslie thinks I need to have my yard mowed in August. She thinks I might get heat exhaustion if I try to do it myself. Their price is fair enough. They plan to take turns with the mowing. They both want to buy an "I" phone with their earnings.
I fixed some Taquitos for my lunch this afternoon. I wasn't terribly hungry after my big breakfast this morning.
It's 3:30PM now and I will soon get back to my new book. The day has flown by.
My trimmer finished charging and so I got the trimming finished after all. I took my old worn broom out and swept off the patio area.
Now tomorrow is my cleaning day and I hope to get all that finished. It is 4:40PM now and I will go watch the news soon. I watched the news until it was finished and then turned off the TV and read my new book on Kindle.
At 7:00PM, I took my bath and read some more and then at 8:45PM, I went on to bed.
I had got up at sometime after 6:00AM...late for me. I got there at 7:00AM. and we ate and caught up on news. Then I took him home and went out to Walmart and got what few groceries I couldn't get at Dollar General here.
Then I drove to the shop and was going to sit in the car and read until my appointment but Toni saw me out there and was able to get me in early for my hair appointment so I got back home fairly early.
I watched some news on TV and then read the rest of my book "The Pioneers" and started the new one. These are markdowns on Kindle from Amazon Prime. This one is called "A Woman of No Importance". It is about a woman spy during the second world war and is a true but little known story. It is interesting..so far.
Nancy came by mid morning and we visited for awhile. Then she had some errands she needed to run and left. I was going to trim but then my trimmer battery needed to be charged and that takes awhile. So I have it on the charger now and will still need to do the trimming tomorrow.
Keith called and visited with me awhile. He is getting ready to leave again... first to go to Ft. Dix in New Jersey on August 12th and then to Ethiopia for 15 days from August 30th through September 14th. He loves to travel. I'm glad Esther doesn't mind.
Two little girl's and their mother, one 10 years old and one 15 years old, came by at Leslie's directions this afternoon and checked out my yard for mowing. Leslie thinks I need to have my yard mowed in August. She thinks I might get heat exhaustion if I try to do it myself. Their price is fair enough. They plan to take turns with the mowing. They both want to buy an "I" phone with their earnings.
I fixed some Taquitos for my lunch this afternoon. I wasn't terribly hungry after my big breakfast this morning.
It's 3:30PM now and I will soon get back to my new book. The day has flown by.
My trimmer finished charging and so I got the trimming finished after all. I took my old worn broom out and swept off the patio area.
Now tomorrow is my cleaning day and I hope to get all that finished. It is 4:40PM now and I will go watch the news soon. I watched the news until it was finished and then turned off the TV and read my new book on Kindle.
At 7:00PM, I took my bath and read some more and then at 8:45PM, I went on to bed.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Tuesday and a Plan to Mow
I got up at my usual time this morning and dressed and had my oatmeal and coffee and am working on my chai now.
I hope to be able to mow the west side of my yard this morning at or before 8:00AM before it gets too terribly hot.
It's only 6:10AM now. So I have a while. I got some of the trimming done yesterday afternoon. Maybe I can finish it today too. I think the battery in the trimmer may need to be charged.
I don't have any particular plan for today except that mowing and trimming.
So, more later...
I went out about 7:20AM and mowed the west yard. It's 7:45AM now so that didn't take long. It is 69 degrees out there so I didn't even break a sweat. I will still have to finish my trimming but that won't take long. I will do that later after the grass completely dries.

So, more even later...
I watched the news and then played some solitaire and finally fixed myself a microwave lunch and an ice cream bar. Then I put my towels and underwear in the laundry to wash.
I put away the trash can after it was emptied and swept off the walks. Everything looks neat again now. I did some weeding behind the hedge too,.
Then I noticed the desktop computer was slowing down again so I rebooted it and that seemed to help.
I wonder if Keith got the Bloggers Spot blog up and running again so I guess I wall check it out after I fold out my laundry.
Nope! He still hasn't got it up yet! I wonder what the problem is?
I checked again later and he did have it up and running so I caught up the blogging on that site. I will do today after today is over sometime this evening.
I need to go water my flowerbed now. So...more later...
Well, I deadheaded the flowers and watered the flowerbed. I was going to trim out there but it's much too hot right now. I will do it this evening after it cools down a bit. It is 88 degrees right now but feels much hotter then that.
It never did cool off enough to trim. I will have to do it sometime tomorrow.
I read my Kindle until bedtime and finished the book. Then I took my bath and went on to bed at 9:00PM
I hope to be able to mow the west side of my yard this morning at or before 8:00AM before it gets too terribly hot.
It's only 6:10AM now. So I have a while. I got some of the trimming done yesterday afternoon. Maybe I can finish it today too. I think the battery in the trimmer may need to be charged.
I don't have any particular plan for today except that mowing and trimming.
So, more later...
I went out about 7:20AM and mowed the west yard. It's 7:45AM now so that didn't take long. It is 69 degrees out there so I didn't even break a sweat. I will still have to finish my trimming but that won't take long. I will do that later after the grass completely dries.

So, more even later...
I watched the news and then played some solitaire and finally fixed myself a microwave lunch and an ice cream bar. Then I put my towels and underwear in the laundry to wash.
I put away the trash can after it was emptied and swept off the walks. Everything looks neat again now. I did some weeding behind the hedge too,.
Then I noticed the desktop computer was slowing down again so I rebooted it and that seemed to help.
I wonder if Keith got the Bloggers Spot blog up and running again so I guess I wall check it out after I fold out my laundry.
Nope! He still hasn't got it up yet! I wonder what the problem is?
I checked again later and he did have it up and running so I caught up the blogging on that site. I will do today after today is over sometime this evening.
I need to go water my flowerbed now. So...more later...
Well, I deadheaded the flowers and watered the flowerbed. I was going to trim out there but it's much too hot right now. I will do it this evening after it cools down a bit. It is 88 degrees right now but feels much hotter then that.
It never did cool off enough to trim. I will have to do it sometime tomorrow.
I read my Kindle until bedtime and finished the book. Then I took my bath and went on to bed at 9:00PM
Monday, July 29, 2019
Monday and Rain Last Night
I slept well last night. I did wake up once but after going to the bathroom, I got back to sleep until 5:00AM, my regular get up time.
I thought I heard thunder once or twice in the night but until it gets light I really can't tell for sure if it rained. I have dressed and had my breakfast. If it didn't rain, I will want to finish my mowing and trim. It is past 6:00AM now and I just looked out. It doesn't look like it rained. After awhile I will go out and check how wet the grass is...that will tell me for sure.
I don't have another plan for the day. I have watched the weather and had my coffee and am working on my Chai now. I may just read my Kindle.
I am going to have to get some descaler for my Keurig. It is stopping up again. It has been a long while since I descaled it. Using filtered water like I do, I am not sure why that is necessary.
More later....
After it got really light I saw that it had rained. I guess I won't be mowing that west side yard today after all....maybe tomorrow or if it cools down this afternoon..
More later...
I did go out and do "some" trimming but it got too hot to stay out long.
I came back in to watch the CBS news. I saw a story there about a study that shows a relationship between Benadryl and sleep aids and dementia. Every once in awhile I take Benadryl when I can't sleep or when my sinus's are draining,. I won't do that anymore. I have enough memory problems without even taking a chance on making them worse. Over-the-counter allergy meds were also named. Luckily, I don't take any of those.
I went over to Nancy's at about 11:00AM and she was still in her nightgown and hadn't been out of the house for several days. I took her some coffeecake. Then I told her I was going to eat lunch. She asked if I would wait until she got dressed so she could go too and I told her, "of course" I would. While she got herself ready, I read my Kindle. She was ready in no time and we went to Eggberts and had breakfast. The omelet looked better then the lunch I had planned to have so we both had an omelet. She picked up the tab. I had intended to pay but she beat me to the punch!
I took her back home when we finished and her cousin, Dale, was there. She asked him to stay and I left to give them a chance to visit. I waved at Dale.
When I got home I picked up my mail and my new shoe bag had come. It's one of these that hangs over the door. I had bought some newer sandals when some my old ones were donated to the grass mowing duty.
It's 1:35PM now and I will go watch the program that I recorded this morning. So, more later...
Karen Rankin, who used to have Nanny La Rose in Independence came by this afternoon and visited until 6:20. I should have recorded the news but we were visiting and I forgot to do that. I'll see what I can find now. I know I have scheduled one program, "Bull" for this evening, but I will probably watch it live unless it cools off enough for me to mow the west side.
At 7:00PM, I will take my bath and then I plan to go to bed as usual at 9:00PM.
I thought I heard thunder once or twice in the night but until it gets light I really can't tell for sure if it rained. I have dressed and had my breakfast. If it didn't rain, I will want to finish my mowing and trim. It is past 6:00AM now and I just looked out. It doesn't look like it rained. After awhile I will go out and check how wet the grass is...that will tell me for sure.
I don't have another plan for the day. I have watched the weather and had my coffee and am working on my Chai now. I may just read my Kindle.
I am going to have to get some descaler for my Keurig. It is stopping up again. It has been a long while since I descaled it. Using filtered water like I do, I am not sure why that is necessary.
More later....
After it got really light I saw that it had rained. I guess I won't be mowing that west side yard today after all....maybe tomorrow or if it cools down this afternoon..
More later...
I did go out and do "some" trimming but it got too hot to stay out long.
I came back in to watch the CBS news. I saw a story there about a study that shows a relationship between Benadryl and sleep aids and dementia. Every once in awhile I take Benadryl when I can't sleep or when my sinus's are draining,. I won't do that anymore. I have enough memory problems without even taking a chance on making them worse. Over-the-counter allergy meds were also named. Luckily, I don't take any of those.
I went over to Nancy's at about 11:00AM and she was still in her nightgown and hadn't been out of the house for several days. I took her some coffeecake. Then I told her I was going to eat lunch. She asked if I would wait until she got dressed so she could go too and I told her, "of course" I would. While she got herself ready, I read my Kindle. She was ready in no time and we went to Eggberts and had breakfast. The omelet looked better then the lunch I had planned to have so we both had an omelet. She picked up the tab. I had intended to pay but she beat me to the punch!
I took her back home when we finished and her cousin, Dale, was there. She asked him to stay and I left to give them a chance to visit. I waved at Dale.
When I got home I picked up my mail and my new shoe bag had come. It's one of these that hangs over the door. I had bought some newer sandals when some my old ones were donated to the grass mowing duty.
It's 1:35PM now and I will go watch the program that I recorded this morning. So, more later...
Karen Rankin, who used to have Nanny La Rose in Independence came by this afternoon and visited until 6:20. I should have recorded the news but we were visiting and I forgot to do that. I'll see what I can find now. I know I have scheduled one program, "Bull" for this evening, but I will probably watch it live unless it cools off enough for me to mow the west side.
At 7:00PM, I will take my bath and then I plan to go to bed as usual at 9:00PM.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Sunday and Church
I slept well last night. I did get up before 5:00AM though. I dressed and put out extra food for the cats. They were waiting for me to re-fill their bowl. I also gave then fresh water. There are still only two gray kittens and the mama. Maybe someone caught the others.
I have had my coffee and oatmeal and watched the weather. I even have the coffeecake in the oven and it's only 5:55AM. The coffeecake has 20 minutes more to bake. Then I will ice it. I am taking zip lock bags this morning too. I never know how many will show up for church school. I will bag up the leftovers and send them home with church attenders. I will save one for Nancy.
It's about time to get the coffeecake out of the oven so I will get back to this after I check it out. It still has another ten minutes to go. So more later...
O.K. The coffeecake is out and cooling. I will ice it when it is cool. Bob texted me that he would like to go to "Just Us" for lunch. He has six gift certificates that Diana gave him for his birthday. I'm game! It's the end of the month and I imagine he is nearly out of money and just has enough left for his Blue Cross/Blue Shield payment on Monday. He does get his social security on the 3rd of the month though. I don't get mine in August until the 14th...that is the second Wednesday of the month. That's almost halfway through the month.
More later....
I left for church about 8:30AM and took the cups I had bought, the coffeecake and creamer too. I stopped and washed my car first.When I got to church I realized I had forgotten my church key. I texted Bob and asked him to come on out with his and he said he was on his way. I am going to keep mine in my car too like Bob does and that way I won't have to remember to pick it up before I leave. I had three pieces of coffeecake left and I have put them in zip lock bags to keep for Nancy and myself.
The sermon was good. Johnna does a good job.
When I got home I got three newsletters ready and out on the mailbox to be picked up in the morning. Then I watched some weather and Amazon Prime.TV. About 6:00PM, I decided to mow. It may rain tonight and I got the front and back done. If it doesn't rain tonight I will do the west side in the morning. I also need to trim. I will do that tomorrow too.
It's 7:00PM now and I need to take my bath. Luckily, I recorded 60 Minutes. I will watch it after I take my bath.
I have had my coffee and oatmeal and watched the weather. I even have the coffeecake in the oven and it's only 5:55AM. The coffeecake has 20 minutes more to bake. Then I will ice it. I am taking zip lock bags this morning too. I never know how many will show up for church school. I will bag up the leftovers and send them home with church attenders. I will save one for Nancy.
It's about time to get the coffeecake out of the oven so I will get back to this after I check it out. It still has another ten minutes to go. So more later...
O.K. The coffeecake is out and cooling. I will ice it when it is cool. Bob texted me that he would like to go to "Just Us" for lunch. He has six gift certificates that Diana gave him for his birthday. I'm game! It's the end of the month and I imagine he is nearly out of money and just has enough left for his Blue Cross/Blue Shield payment on Monday. He does get his social security on the 3rd of the month though. I don't get mine in August until the 14th...that is the second Wednesday of the month. That's almost halfway through the month.
More later....
I left for church about 8:30AM and took the cups I had bought, the coffeecake and creamer too. I stopped and washed my car first.When I got to church I realized I had forgotten my church key. I texted Bob and asked him to come on out with his and he said he was on his way. I am going to keep mine in my car too like Bob does and that way I won't have to remember to pick it up before I leave. I had three pieces of coffeecake left and I have put them in zip lock bags to keep for Nancy and myself.
The sermon was good. Johnna does a good job.
When I got home I got three newsletters ready and out on the mailbox to be picked up in the morning. Then I watched some weather and Amazon Prime.TV. About 6:00PM, I decided to mow. It may rain tonight and I got the front and back done. If it doesn't rain tonight I will do the west side in the morning. I also need to trim. I will do that tomorrow too.
It's 7:00PM now and I need to take my bath. Luckily, I recorded 60 Minutes. I will watch it after I take my bath.
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