I slept very well last night and woke up well after 6:00AM. I made my bed and got myself ready for the day. I have even had my breakfast and a breakfast bar. I have had my coffee and am working on my Chai.
When I opened the door there were four hungry cats/kittens there waiting for their breakfast. The only one not there is Scruffie. I have fed them now.
I am doing some laundry this morning..mostly towels and underwear. Tomorrow morning I will strip the bed and change the sheets for Dean. I will sleep in on the trundle Tuesday and Wednesday night so the bed will be fresh for him. He will be here Thursday for a couple of days. If I can raise Nancy, we will go up to Sam's for lunch one of those days. If there are still puppies we may run by the kids.... to show those to Dean.
Speaking of the kids' one or both of mine are coming today to mow for me. John texted me last evening that I should have asked for help. I hate to ask the kids to mow for me when I thought I could do it myself if I took it in stages. By late afternoon and evening, I was just too tired.
I am running short of money this month again and that always happens when the second Wednesday of the month falls on the 14th of the month. Luckily all my utilities fall after the middle of the month. So it will come in this Wednesday,
Tomorrow morning I will pick up the cakes at Bob's at 8:30AM and take them to Independence to the First Christian Church there. Then I will come right back home after that. I will have sheets to dry and make up my bed.
I will need to roll up that rug in the den and drag it into the living room. Sometime tomorrow afternoon I will move the chairs from the dining room into the living room and also the decorative accessories that sit on the floor in there and the TV trays. All that needs to be in the living room for Wednesday so the flooring people can lay the flooring and then they will move it back in there after they put that rug down in there. Suzanne wants me to stay away from home as long as they are working here. She will text me when they are finished. I hope I can raise Nancy so I can visit with her until they finish the job. I will be so glad when that is finished.
I will see if Bob wants to have breakfast with me on Wednesday and then after I take him home, I will go get gas again and get my hair done after that. I may get my car washed too. I want to go by the Coffeyville Walmart and get my Chai and some more breakfast bars and cinnamon roll oatmeal...things I couldn't get at the Independence Wal Mart store. I will do that before coming back to Caney. I also need to get some more Omeprazole. I am down to two pills. That is a generic not a prescription.
More later...I need to get the laundry in the dryer.
O.K. the laundry is in the dryer now. I want to get the broom and sweep the front walk off. This time of year there are always leaves out there on the walk. The cats/kittens are mostly finished with their breakfast now.
Back later....
I have the laundry dried and put away now. I swept off the walk and put the fall flag on my outside hook. I guess nearly everything I can do is done....at least for awhile. I need to add the Clean and Clear to my grocery list. I am nearly out of that too. I use that to wash off my makeup when I take my bath.
More even later...
I gave the yard a hard look after I put that little flag out there. The yard really doesn't need mowing. I was just trying to clean up the leaves and in the fall that is a lost cause until all the leaves have fallen. There's no sense in those kids of mine coming over here to mow now. It's been cool enough that the grass has not grown much.
I just had a text from John that they are coming anyhow...about 10:00AM. They planned their time around that.
I watered the flower bed and the potted plant..or what's left of it out back. The flowerbed is really wild.
Next year I am going to be more careful what I plant.
The kids came and mowed for me shortly after 10:00AM and by 10:45AM they were finished and gone. There were four bags of clippings and leaves and I raked leaves too and got some good exercise picking up leaves and putting them in the bag. It looks so nice now and will for a little while. I will see if I can get a photo before the leaves start covering the yard again.
Leslie and John mowed the west side yard.
John mowed the front and helped with the west side. Below is the front.
Leslie mowed the back yard and helped with the west side yard.

I raked leaves and we got the yard looking very neat. I so appreciate my daughter and her husband.
More later...
This afternoon, I watched a couple of episodes of Dateline and then went back outside and worked on the leaves again for awhile. It will be a never ending job but it is good exercise...all that bending to scoop up the leaves. I can do that while I can't mow anymore. I certainly need exercise..as much as I sit around during this pandemic.
More later...I think I will go out and do some trimming..especially in the back.
I got the back done and will wait awhile before getting to the front and the west side. It is pretty hot out there right now and I am pretty tired..
Suzanne dropped by and brought the newspapers. She was telling me she had messed up her outside mirrors too and Scout had fooled with them and finally got them working again. I had tapped mine on the rider's side of the car just getting my car in the garage some time back and they no longer worked. After she said that, I worked with mine for awhile and finally they started working again. I am so glad. I figured it would cost an arm and a leg to get the Honda agency or even Gary or Brandon, my mechanics in Coffeyville, to fix them. So now I can adjust them again.
I fed the four cats/kittens their supper. Starting the mower sure ran them off though. Hopefully they will find their way back to their food.
I need to finish the trimming on the front and west side. I will get back to this later.
I got the trimming finished and swept up and then I took the mower around to the State street area and ran it up along the curb. That gave me another half a bag of leaves but it looks even better. I noticed when I was trimming that you kids do a great job of getting right up to the side of the house with the mower. That sure makes the trimming easier.
It 5:10PM now and I will watch the CBS news at 5:30PM. and then at 7:00PM I will take my bath. I intend to go to bed at 9:00PM as usual. I wil be up early in the morning to go get the cakes. Bob has all three of them so I won't have but one stop before I get to the church.