Bob e-mailed me this morning. He has left his phone at Joanne's home. The e-mail was the only way to reach me without just coming over. He didn't want to wake Joanne so he will wait until later to retrieve it.
I am feeling better this morning. I think I must have overdone it yesterday. I didn't do much but I was overtired. After the movie was over, I just read until bedtime.
I may go to Bartlesville today to just get out of town. I may ask Karan if she wants to go.
John and Leslie came by yesterday to bring my washcloth and antibacterial soap to me. I had left it in her car Wednesday. They were on their way to Roaring River for the weekend. They took both Mini and Raven., Mini's daughter. They will be back Monday afternoon late. They both need a break. They are so busy.

More later...
About 9:00, I picked up Karan and we took off for Bartlesville. We walked all over the mall and then ate lunch at McCallisters. We got home about 2:00. Then I checked my e-mail and cleaned Missy's litter box out. She is now taking a nap on my bed.
Judy came over and brought me some pretty flowers from her yard. That was nice of her. We visited awhile and I told her about my good experience with my surgery. It's 3:15 now and I will probably go outside for awhile while it is nice.
So, more later...
I took Missy out for awhile but it was windy so we didn't stay out long.
Missy and I watched a movie before bed. It was Amazon's "Navigating the Heart"...a pretty good movie. After the movie it was 9:00 so we went to bed.