I tried to text Bob as I usually do about 6:30AM and never heard a thing back So I tried to call him and his phone went straight to voice mail. So I called Joanne and woke her up. She couldn't raise him either so she went over to check on him. They had been to a concert in Independence last night and he had turned off his phone. He had forgotten to turn it back on. She told him to call me right away so he did.
I was glad he was o.k.
I don't have plan for today except to dust but I am waiting for the CBS news to finish first.
I have fed the cats and kittens this morning and that big Tom came over to chase the others away. They are his kittens.When he attacked the smaller yellow one, I took my broom and chased him away. There is plenty of food for all of them. I am not going to let him bully the others. After awhile one of the smaller gray ones came back to eat and big yellow came back to eat too. But he didn't bother the smaller kitten this time.
Suzanne is coming over Sunday afternoon to put three light bulbs in the sockets where the three burned out ones are. I don't feel secure about climbing on my step stool to try to change them myself. I can usually get the globe off and the light bulb screwed in but the I can't get the globe back on. The last time this happened, I got that far but had to have Steve come to put the globe back on. For one thing, my step stool is not tall enough to reach the ceiling fixture to unscrew the globe easily.
More later...

The "keeping room" at Ginger and Scott's new home.

View from kitchen to second living room and breakfast nook.... pool/hot tub being put in tonight.

Living room at new home.

Keeping room (Scott's man cave) and breakfast nook.

Looking into living room from entry.

From living room into entryway, dining room and kitchen .
More later...I want to watch the Ohio State football game at 11:00AM
I watched the Ohio State Wisconsin football game this afternoon and then finished reading my Kindle book. I haven't eaten anything but a package of nuts all afternoon....and that during the game.
I did go out to Dollar General this afternoon and buy some more dry and also wet swifter cloths. I was out of the wet ones and nearly out of the dry ones.
It's 5:15PM now and I am thinking of just having some yogurt for supper.
I will watch the news and then CBS news and then watch "Murder She Wrote" again before bath at 7:00PM and bedtime at 9:00PM.
Nancy called this evening and David didn't come after all. She was expecting his wife and him on Wednesday but he didn't show. She wanted to know what I had been doing too. I feel so sorry for her. David seldom calls and when he does and plans to come then he doesn't show up..He is her only child too.