I will go to the library when it opens and take my books back and get some more. When it rains, that's about all I can do....read. I got the apartment cleaned, dusted and the laundry all caught up.
Other then that, I don't know what I will do today. I have quite a little list of needs from Walmart but I am not going in the rain. Maybe it will stop today. I had hoped to go to Bartlesville's or Independence's Walmart. They are larger stores and are closer.
Well until that happens, more later.
After the rain stopped, I did go on to Bartlesville to try to find a spring purse that would not fall apart in the inside like the last two have done. I tried Dillards, TJ Max , Goodys, and Kohls .I even looked at their Walmart store. None of them had anything I liked. I did go by their Walmart to get a few things I needed including some red "bricks" I can set against the fence in the backyard to stop up the hole next to the gate so, if and when, I get Raven to keep while the kids deliver puppies., she will not be able to get out of the back yard.
I came on back home and because it is cold today, I will open and heat up some tomato bisque soup for my lunch. That sounds good.
So, more later....after lunch.
Well, I've had my lunch and now I have my cake in the oven. I will bake it today, ice it later today after it cools and take it to church to put it in the freezer there. Bob will be taking cakes to Independence this next week and he can stop by the church and pick mine up from the freezer.
Tomorrow I will bake my coffeecake and hopefully more of it will be eaten this week. There will be no church the following week since that is the World Conference of the church and several will be going up there that Sunday for the special Sunday service. I am leaving a post taped on the inside of the front door window about that.
Scott and Ginger's new home is coming right along.

They have had a lot of rain so it is slow going at this time of year. More later...
This is my daughter and son-in-laws Corgi, Mini.

This is John's dog, Octavia's, cowboy corgi pups. They're still coming too. So far, only three.

It's 7:00PM and time for my bath so I will get back to this in the morning. I will be going to bed at 9:00PM. I will go watch the news after my bath.